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Senior Russian MP Proposes Iran to Purchase S-400 Missile Defense Shield


Apr 29, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

TEHRAN (FNA)- First Deputy Chairman of the Russian Parliament's Lower House Defense Committee Alexander Sherin proposed Iran to buy Russia's S-400 missile defense system amid reports that a US army drone was shot down by an Iran-made air defense shield over Iranian skies.

Speaking in an interview with the Russian-language Ria Novosti on Thursday, Sherin noted the US deployment of Patriot missiles system in the region, and said, "I imagine that the US measures are nothing but attempts to display their military capabilities and provoke a military tension."

"I believe that Iran is in urgent need of purchasing Russia's S-400 defense system to be protected completely," he added.

Reports said last month that the USS Arlington and a Patriot battery would join the USS Abraham Lincoln carrier strike group and a US Air Force bomber task force, which were deployed earlier in the Persian Gulf.

The Patriot missile system is currently deployed in Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates.

Iran last week rejected media reports claiming that the country had ordered to buy S-400 missile defense system from Russia.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Abbas Mousavi told reporters in a press conference that Iran did not need S-400 missile shield and placed no order for it.

"Iranian experts have devised a system that is nothing short of the S-400 missile system," he said.

After the removal of pre-nuclear-deal sanctions against Iran, Russia delivered S-300 air defense systems to the country under the existing contract.

Iran designed and developed its own version of the S-300 missile shield, named Bavar 373, after the Russians shrugged off delivery of their advanced missile defense system to Iran on the pretext of the UN Security Council sanctions.

The Iranian version has superior features over the original Russian model as it enjoys increased mobility, agility and reduced launch-preparation time.

Iranian commanders had earlier said that Bavar 373 is similar to its original Russian model and traces and intercepts high-altitude targets.

The statements by the Russian parliamentary official came as a US spy drone violating Iranian airspace was shot down by the IRGC close to the Strait of Hormuz early on Thursday.

The IRGC Aerospace Force shot down a hostile “American spying drone” over Iranian airspace at dawn on Thursday. The US Global Hawk drone was brought down near the Kouh-e Mobarak region in the Central district of Jask in Hormozgan Province after the aircraft violated Iran's airspace.

The RQ-4 Global Hawk unmanned aircraft system (UAS) can fly at high altitudes for more than 30 hours, gathering near-real-time, high-resolution imagery of large areas of land in all types of weather.

US officials confirmed the report that one of its drones was shot down by Iranian surface-to-air missile, but said the aircraft was a US Navy MQ-4C Triton high-altitude drone. Both types of aircraft are among highly advanced US-made unmanned planes, but the MQ series is reportedly the state-of-the-art and the best and most equipped drone ever made by the US.

The IRGC Aerospace Force said in a statement that it used the Iran-made short-range and mid-altitude 'Third of Khordad' missile defense shield to bring down the US spy drone over the country's Southern coasts.

Commander of the IRGC Major General Hossein Salami stressed that the move should alert Washington officials to stay away.

The incident sent "a clear message" to the US and other enemies that Iran will show a firm and crushing response to any aggression, Salami stated.

"Borders are our red lines and any enemy which violates them will not go back home and will be annihilated. The only way for enemies is to respect Iran's territorial integrity and national interests," the major general noted.

The incident came just a week after two tankers were attacked in the Gulf of Oman. While it remains unclear what happened to the ships, the United States claimed that Iran had carried out the attacks on the two vessels, but cited no evidence, although it release some footage that it called reliable intel. Iran has stated that Washington’s claim that Tehran carried out the attack is unsurprising, warning that the US has resorted to “Plan B” to sabotage the Islamic Republic’s diplomatic efforts.

The Pentagon has recently approved the deployment of 1,000 additional troops to the Middle East. The Pentagon will also send Patriot missile systems, drones and surveillance planes in the Middle East.

The United States has also been escalating its military presence in the Persian Gulf, recently sending an aircraft carrier group, a squadron of B-52 bombers and additional Patriot air defense systems as a “message” to Iran.

Without Congress approval, the US administration has recently approved $8.1 billion in arms transfers to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Jordan in a bid to "deter Iranian aggression".

In early April, the US administration decided to designate the IRGC as a terrorist organization, while critics called it stupid and dangerous. In a tit-for-tat measure, Tehran labeled the United States Central Command (CENTCOM) in the Middle-East as a terrorist entity.

Iran has stressed that it will not be the initiator of any war, but reserves the right to self defense and will give a crushing response to any act of aggression by the United States.

Since taking office in 2017, President Donald Trump has taken a progressively bellicose posture toward Iran. A year and a half into his term, he unilaterally withdrew Washington from an international nuclear deal with Iran, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), and imposed sanctions against Tehran. He then began pressuring the other cosignatories, including European states, to also abandon the deal.

I think russia should sell s400 to iran as they are not afraid of u.s sanctions and are already facing them and they have proved their ability to properly use airdefenses against u.s drones unlike india who are afraid of u.s sanctions and are not capable of operating airdefemses properly as it is evident from 27feb when they shot down own helicopter and are unable to down any Paf jet so selling s400 to india will damage its repute in market
that would be interesting if Iran gets its Hands on S-400 and it shoot some of American jets .. If that happens Russians will be busy making S-400 for along time for many customers .
now it's official Bavar-373 capabilities are more in line with S-400 than S-300

for the sake of proposal Russia can offer us something we actually need , maybe some heavy jet engine ?

Set your ego aside. S-400 trumps Bavar 373 in every shape and form.

Show some respect, Russia has been making air defense systems (1940’s) since Iran was using horses into battle. Most of the radars Iran uses is based on Russian design.

So yes if Iran can get S-400 it should def do it because it strengths the air defense network. There is a reason China has bought both S-400 and S-500, because Russia is still pretty much number one in air defense technology in the world.
Set your ego aside. S-400 trumps Bavar 373 in every shape and form.

Show some respect, Russia has been making air defense systems (1940’s) since Iran was using horses into battle. Most of the radars Iran uses is based on Russian design.

So yes if Iran can get S-400 it should def do it because it strengths the air defense network. There is a reason China has bought both S-400 and S-500, because Russia is still pretty much number one in air defense technology in the world.
the experience tell us Russia won't sell us any thing unless we can produce comparable system ourselves or get it from somewhere else .
now it's official Bavar-373 capabilities are more in line with S-400 than S-300

for the sake of proposal Russia can offer us something we actually need , maybe some heavy jet engine ?

Then later on, your offer would be more logical Buy the know how for some of the jet engines i.e. SU 30 where Iran is lagging behind and as a token of formality buy these few S400 batteries inside the package deal. But of course this depends on the Russian side to provide critical technology for the jet engines. Hell, I would even buy substantial number of S400 only if the Russians would provide this technology for the jet engines. Form of blackmailing where you would force your customer to buy more stuff from you in order to get something more. This is something that I could digest.
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Then later on, your offer would be more logical Buy the know how for some of the jet engines i.e. SU 30 where Iran is lagging behind and as a token of formality buy these few S400 batteries inside the package deal. But of course this depends on the Russian side to provide critical technology for the jet engines. Hell, I would even buy substantial number of S400 only if the Russians would provide this technology for the jet engines. Form of blackmailing where you would force your customer to buy more stuff from you in order to get something more. This is something that I could digest.

Russia will not turn over engine tech easily.

Only country Russia has done that for is China and even then it was because Russia knew if it didn’t grant license to China, China would just make it themselves.

That being said China is still behind Russia in engine tech.
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