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Selling F-16 Jets To Pakistan Won’t Help Combat Terrorism: Manohar Parrikar

pakistan is very very important ally for both china and usa, as these nations can negotiate with India with a pakistani card, pakistan acts as a strong chip always in any one2one meetings between India-china or India-usa, both of these nations will not let pakistan totally fail or actually will help pakistan in reality to stand up on its feet, they will keep it in life support as long as pakistan military is doing its bid to contain India.

forget about these F-16s, mark my word usa will be willing to export F-35s to pakistan in future ;)
Oh one of the biggest arms importer of the region or even in the world is going to sell "very advanced" weapons to Vietnam, Malaysia and Philippines if China sells weapons to Pakistan. :D

Yes. The Indian export goal for 2020 is $1B.

Huge advances are being made in soldier upgrade programs, not to mention, robotics, AI, networks, nanotechnology, biotechnology etc.

There's also been a policy change. The government is making a massive switch towards indigenization, both Indian and foreign technologies. Indian designed and manufactured tech will get higher priority. For foreign technologies, the message is, "Make in India and sell to our armed forces and for export. If you can't export, then don't bother showing up."

Another major goal is to increase the aerospace industry to over 200,000 people over the next 10 years from the few thousands today.

Even if you don't think that, the Chinese do.
China think tank warns of India's new arms potential under PM Narendra Modi - timesofindia-economictimes
Yes. The Indian export goal for 2020 is $1B.

Huge advances are being made in soldier upgrade programs, not to mention, robotics, AI, networks, nanotechnology, biotechnology etc.

There's also been a policy change. The government is making a massive switch towards indigenization, both Indian and foreign technologies. Indian designed and manufactured tech will get higher priority. For foreign technologies, the message is, "Make in India and sell to our armed forces and for export. If you can't export, then don't bother showing up."

Another major goal is to increase the aerospace industry to over 200,000 people over the next 10 years from the few thousands today.

Well those are nice goals. But guess what? China doesn't care about your goals. Why? Because it has many goals of its own. So I don't think you strategy of selling some supposed "advance" weapons to Malaysia, Vietnam and Philippines is going to work. Looks more like delusions of a fan boy. May be smelling the coffee and less delusions can help to make you look lesser of a fool. :rolleyes:
Well those are nice goals. But guess what? China doesn't care about your goals. Why? Because it has many goals of its own. So I don't think you strategy of selling some supposed "advance" weapons to Malaysia, Vietnam and Philippines is going to work. Looks more like delusions of a fan boy. May be smelling the coffee and less delusions can help to make you look lesser of a fool. :rolleyes:

You are stuck in a well, oblivious to your surroundings.
Yes. The Indian export goal for 2020 is $1B.

Huge advances are being made in soldier upgrade programs, not to mention, robotics, AI, networks, nanotechnology, biotechnology etc.

There's also been a policy change. The government is making a massive switch towards indigenization, both Indian and foreign technologies. Indian designed and manufactured tech will get higher priority. For foreign technologies, the message is, "Make in India and sell to our armed forces and for export. If you can't export, then don't bother showing up."

Another major goal is to increase the aerospace industry to over 200,000 people over the next 10 years from the few thousands today.

Even if you don't think that, the Chinese do.
China think tank warns of India's new arms potential under PM Narendra Modi - timesofindia-economictimes
i just love it when INDIAN members post INDIAN newspapers link for chest thumping looks cute :P

And @Areesh don't respond i had a long debate with this fellow before he is an typical INDIAN who has alot of knowledge about INDIA's super secret HIGHLY STEALTHY programs of which even the INDIAN army or the government doesn't know which will make it a SUPER DUPER POWER by 2025
Parrikar still crying? Nothing new there then carry on.

Is f-16 a big thing when pakistan has nukes ? Dont fool yourself , this is about India & US not pakistan.

This is just power play between India & US, both are sizing up to see who has more control/influence over other and who can armtwist whom. India will obviously payback by remaining silent on chinese shenanigans in SCS.
In the long run americans will be the loosers once china comes out on top.
Is f-16 a big thing when pakistan has nukes ? Dont fool yourself , this is about India & US not pakistan.

This is just power play between India & US, both are sizing up to see who has more control/influence over other and who can armtwist whom. India will obviously payback by remaining silent on chinese shenanigans in SCS.
In the long run americans will be the loosers once china comes out on top.

So when are you going to realise that the US simply does not give a hoot what you say? You're not in any position to "pay back" a superpower, no one is, bar maybe China, and even that is limited. The Americans are certainly not going to lose anytime soon.
And @Areesh don't respond i had a long debate with this fellow before he is an typical INDIAN who has alot of knowledge about INDIA's super secret HIGHLY STEALTHY programs of which even the INDIAN army or the government doesn't know which will make it a SUPER DUPER POWER by 2025

Looks like India is going to take out a stealth aircraft out of its pocket one day and we all are going to be dead. :lol:
So when are you going to realise that the US simply does not give a hoot what you say? You're not in any position to "pay back" a superpower, no one is, bar maybe China, and even that is limited. The Americans are certainly not going to lose anytime soon.

Americans will not care about any body so does India. One does it openly bcos it can and other bcos it cannot. This is a risky game, India neither wants to become another pakistan nor wants china to win.

India wants US to put lid on pakistan if it wants to take on china. But US is in no mood to relent, they want to have the cake and eat it too. As usual India is playing waiting game, waiting for others to make mistakes. In short it is a waiting game , everybody is waiting for the other to become bakra.:-)

Time will tell who will win and who got paid back in dollar or yuan.:what:
Looks like India is going to take out a stealth aircraft out of its pocket one day and we all are going to be dead. :lol:

It will be like that quite literally. The development time is 4 years. The Israelis will be the first export customers.

i just love it when INDIAN members post INDIAN newspapers link for chest thumping looks cute :P

And @Areesh don't respond i had a long debate with this fellow before he is an typical INDIAN who has alot of knowledge about INDIA's super secret HIGHLY STEALTHY programs of which even the INDIAN army or the government doesn't know which will make it a SUPER DUPER POWER by 2025

Defence News, India to make the most modern fighter plane in the country :: Parrikar

Note the word 'develop' in the article.
Fri, 11 Mar 2016-07:27pm , New Delhi , PTI
"India does not agree with the US rationale that such arms transfers help to combat terrorism," Parrikar said.

Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar on Friday said India does not "agree" with the US' rationale that sale of F-16 combat jets to Pakistan will help combat terrorism. In a written reply in Lok Sabha, Parrikar said India has expressed disappointment at the decision of the United States to notify the sale of F-16 aircrafts to Pakistan.

"India does not agree with the US rationale that such arms transfers help to combat terrorism," he said. Reacting strongly, India had last month summoned US Ambassador to India Richard Verma to convey its "displeasure and disappointment" over Obama administration's decision to sell the fighter jets to Pakistan.

Foreign Secretary S Jaishankar had summoned Verma to the South Block and during the 45-minute meeting conveyed to him India's concerns over the US military aid to Pakistan which New Delhi believes used for into anti-India activities.
Manohar Parrikar says selling F16 jets to Pakistan won't help combat terrorism | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis

India has expressed disappointment over the US decision to supply F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan. Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar on Friday told the Lok Sabha that the US ambassador was summoned by the External Affairs Ministry to convey India’s displeasure.

“India has expressed disappointment at the decision of the US Government to notify the sale of F-16 aircrafts to Pakistan. India does not agree with the US rationale that such arms transfers help to combat terrorism. The US ambassador was summoned by the Ministry of External Affairs to convey India’s displeasure,” Parrikar said in a written reply in Parliament.

On Thursday, senior IAF officials had cited that the sale would not significantly affect the balance in the region. The officials had however cited that the sale of eight F- 16s to Pakistan makes IAF’s job difficult.

‘Contracts with foreign defence vendors to be reduced’

The government plans to reduce contracts with foreign defence equipment vendors to 30 per cent of the total procurement over the next two years, Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar said on Friday.

He told the Lok Sabha that this reduction would bring down India’s dependence on dollar and imported material.

“Foreign vendors’ contracts have been declining from 52.47 per cent in the year 2013-14 to 38.11 per cent in the year 2014-15. We intend to bring this down in the next two years to 30 per cent,” Parrikar said during Question Hour.

In 2014-15, the expenditure on defence capital acquisition stood at Rs 65,682.34 crore an d out of the total amount 38.11 per cent pertained to orders placed with foreign vendors.

Meanwhile, he said the government has worked out a new arrangement with the US whereby the overall fund position in the foreign military sales is taken into consideration. With PTI inputs

- See more at: India conveys disappoinment over US sale of F-16s to Pakistan | The Indian Express
Please Mr Manohar more bad news is coming for you because Pakistan has decided to buy 10 more F-16 after we get these 8.
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