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Selling F-16 Jets To Pakistan Won’t Help Combat Terrorism: Manohar Parrikar

So? That goes without saying. Everything you buy from Russia, France etc has potential to be used against Pakistan. All the billions in remittances you get from Arab countries (one of India's largest net income) will feed into Indian defence budget. That also has potential to be used against Pakistan.

It does, but Pakistan reserves the right to protest to Arab countries about remittances, or to russia about changing strategic equation. You are a free country.

US still support Talibans WOW now thats new where did you get those info from ????
yes as legit as US declaring the talibans the biggest enemy of the world while few years back supporting them with the money of the west :)
The crux of the problem is that IF Pakistan wants something, it gets it free or heavily discounted. Whereas some people have to pay through their nose!!:cheers:

One of the plus points of being the first and as of yet only Islamic nuclear weapons state with and increasing an advancing arsenal.
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It does, but Pakistan reserves the right to protest to Arab countries about remittances, or to russia about changing strategic equation. You are a free country.

So now US support taliban that Pakistan is fighting, but supplying F16 to fight the same taliban to Pakistan, this just got weird @Bratva
would you read your own post again which i qouted you said US still supports Talibans while giving weapons to Pakistan to kill em :hitwall::hitwall:

and about protest why should we we are mature country and recognize the need of a nation to protect itself unlike our immature neighbours who always act like cry babies or an insecure wife or girlfriend :coffee:
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Guy's I got to say F-16 is eye candy. If only I could fly .... ! The Jf-Thunder does not even come close to it in either beauty or potency. That's why your getting the neighbours in contorted bends.



Two PAF F-16s supping much needed liquid nourishment from USAF milch cow KC tanker.

What can a F-16 do in the realm of delivering precsion strike that a Super Tucano can't do? The only thing one could argue is the speed (ie a reduction in time to target) but in that case, why does Pakistan need Blk.52s when an early F-16 would do the job just as well?

And I'm sure those AMRAAMs and Sidewinders that are coming as part of this package are to deal with the TTP's F-22s?
I would dis agree to this part, you can take down prop planes with ack ack, not so easy with the F16's.
Rather than commenting on neighbours Tandoori Chicken, one should pay attention on their own Daal.
MP would be better off using his curry hole towards lifting the Tejas off the trailer.

You shouldn't worry about the LCA, we may buy over 200 of them.

What you should be worried about is the new stealth program within the IAF. No, it's not FGFA, AURA or AMCA.
You shouldn't worry about the LCA, we may buy over 200 of them.

What you should be worried about is the new stealth program within the IAF. No, it's not FGFA, AURA or AMCA.
200 first induct 20 of them with FOC while convincin IAF that it is a formidible platform and by the time you induct 200 of them which will be if inducted around 2030 we'll change our whole airforce of 300 jets with JFT's block 2 and 3's and around 60 J31's so no worries

Nah i don't think we should worry about that either its not going live before 2030 or atleast the prototype will come out by 2026-28 which will further take 10 years to mature and than further 10 more years to convince IAF to induct it like LCA :)
would dis agree to this part, you can take down prop planes with ack ack, not so easy with the F16's.

And don't forget simple economics. Fact is F-16 Blk-52 can hit TTP and keep IAF on their toes. So it just more effective use of your Yank CSF dollars. It would be crime to waste tax payers dollars. The number crunchers have to be satisfied that that you get max bangs for your bucks. F-16 Blk-52 does that nicely. Looks good on tarmac. Looks even prettier on fly by on deefence day. Looks real good while homing in on TTP targets. And looks awesome patrolling the Radcliffe Line.

Now you tell me a Tucano or even the older F-16s can tick all those boxes? I don't think so.

new stealth program
PAF must be quivering in their boots. Who do you call? The friends with epicanthic folds. Sure they will be way ahead of India in stealth technology
And when Indian military machine armed themselves. Is it to fight Mahabharata against Srilanka,Mepal,Bhutan and Mayanmar ? or is it to wage war against Pakistan ?

It's weird how people forget one country and name irrelevant countries instead.
Realistically in your opinion what incremental increase in difficulty would iaf have to face with 18 extra fighters fully loaded with c5s?

By whining about the already contracted for F-16s today, India is guaranteeing the prevention of future sales to Pakistan from the US. And that's not restricted to the F-16s alone.

If that curtails American-Pak defence relations, it will also stop the European-Pak relations to a significant extent. You can purchase as many Chinese jets as you want. If that happens, we will sell weapons to Vietnam, Malaysia and Philippines to counter their sale to Pak. The more sophisticated weapons the Chinese sell to Pak, we will replicate that with even more advanced weapons to Vietnam. The idea is to box Pakistan in.

We have also managed to get a huge negotiations advantage over the US because of the F-16 issue.
By whining about the already contracted for F-16s today, India is guaranteeing the prevention of future sales to Pakistan from the US. And that's not restricted to the F-16s alone.

If that curtails American-Pak defence relations, it will also stop the European-Pak relations to a significant extent. You can purchase as many Chinese jets as you want. If that happens, we will sell weapons to Vietnam, Malaysia and Philippines to counter their sale to Pak. The more sophisticated weapons the Chinese sell to Pak, we will replicate that with even more advanced weapons to Vietnam. The idea is to box Pakistan in.

We have also managed to get a huge negotiations advantage over the US because of the F-16 issue.

Oh one of the biggest arms importer of the region or even in the world is going to sell "very advanced" weapons to Vietnam, Malaysia and Philippines if China sells weapons to Pakistan. :D

What next? You are going to export Tejas to Russia if USA gives more weapons to Pakistan?? :lol:
PAF must be quivering in their boots. Who do you call? The friends with epicanthic folds. Sure they will be way ahead of India in stealth technology

Don't bet on it. We just might surprise you... and your friends.
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