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Selfies 're a sin: Muslim cleric

Right, there is no crime against women in Pakistan? It's a sensitive issue and shouldn't be used as a troll bait.

Come on does not this thread look like to you an open invitation to vent out against one particular religion? You are complaining against me to be a troll but what other people have been doing on this thread?

With all due respect, I appreciate your sense of belonging and patriotism, but it should not blind you with what's happening around. I need not say any further, have I been addressing a male counter part I would have replaced suppressed with an "R" word.

You're a Pakistani and what you get to read in your newspapers is not the only reality (I havent denied it), there's another side to it too.
Foreign media also loves to bash India when it comes to women's rights. But thats far from being true.
Its also true that we have not been able to weed out dowry, domestic violence and eve teasing completely from our society.
But the situation isnt as bad as you think and I really can not prove it to you on this forum :)
Come on does not this thread look like to you an open invitation to vent out against one particular religion? You are complaining against me to be a troll but what other people have been doing on this thread?
It is about mentality of few people following a particular religion, not on the whole religion, but you started bymaking it generalize by trolling unnecessary on unnecessary troll topic.
Come on does not this thread look like to you an open invitation to vent out against one particular religion? You are complaining against me to be a troll but what other people have been doing on this thread?
So you think I opened up this thread to sully your religion???
Sullying a religion is not my style.
So that you won't confuse it with religion again. :-)
Dont worry, i am not confused. I still hold the same view I posted. Religion was and is used to suppress women. It was widely used in India by males to overpower women though in religion texts women is shown as power or shakti. But that mentality is fast changing and infact changed a lot. But can you say the same comfortably about every religion? I for myself cannot say so.
You're a Pakistani and what you get to read in your newspapers is not the only reality (I havent denied it), there's another side to it too.
Foreign media also loves to bash India when it women to women's rights. But thats far from being true.
Its also true that we have not been able to weed out dowry, domestic violence and eve teasing completely from our society.
But the situation isnt as bad as you think and I really can not prove it to you on this forum :)

I do not need any proofs and I do not believe everything that is reported in newspapers or media (they are into earning money only), all I asked you, was that I agree with your article but you need to get offended by all things against women, so should I expect a thread next time on social evils against women of India?
certainly, and it is the western governments which created those fool mullahs and the environment they speak fearlessly from... indonesia ( where this one is from ) is presently a puppet of usa government... same is the case with gaza and its mullah/burqa system brought by hamas, and who installed hamas into power is none other than

so western government-approved media and western governments play on both sides in order to demean islam... this are the new crusade... every claimer of muslim-ship must calm down and understand that.

Now dont take that to another extreme of western conspiracy against islam. That would be a negative call for muslim unity. Lets just be pragmatic and not jump to conclusions at face value. Can you see the problem? None of us stands up to say that Indonesian Imam is not right or he is taking the things a little too far. Everyone begins by saying Aye Aye and then lose all rationality.
@levina i have spoken to u and know your thinking but here everything with religion gets out of hand and ends up creating anger... which is why i said these posts should not be made... most people agree this is weird and those who do not will never agree...
Come on does not this thread look like to you an open invitation to vent out against one particular religion? You are complaining against me to be a troll but what other people have been doing on this thread?
This thread is about something silly uttered by a religious leader, go to Indian section it's filled with such thread about Hindu religious leader's retarded statements and Indians mocking them for that. Don't take such threads seriously. And we both Indians and Pakistanis doesn't have a bright record in treating our ladies fairly so taking a shot at their expense is disrespectful to women on either side of the border.
so should I expect a thread next time on social evils against women of India?
Dont expect bud..they are for real...A search on the PDF and you will see lots of them and you are free to post anything there about India/Hindus/Baniyas Bashing...go ahead :) :)
Dont expect bud..they are for real...A search on the PDF and you will see lots of them and you are free to post anything there about India/Hindus/Baniyas Bashing...go ahead :) :)

No I requested presenter of this thread to open a thread and I will contribute positively. On India bashing, I don't do it unless one of your countrymen makes me to :p:

@Imran Rashid @unbiasedopinion stop this debate leads nowhere

Okay agreed.

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