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why not you try the ever-class ever-stylish "cravat"... i wear cravat every time i go out.. i must be the only chap in bangalore who wears cravats... :D in fact, i didn't know this, in the western world, there has been a recent revival of the cravat... though the man should carry the cravat, else will be a disaster...

one old hollywood hero, clark gable... class look...

carlos ( the jackal )... no one can carry the cravat better than this revolutionary...

i recommend you try the cravat... maybe all proper gents on pdf can wear cravats... believe me, it does get attention... ;) but one should be confident in carrying the cravat... one's life and manner should the cravat... if you decide to go for it, never use the silly velcro-strap "pre-tied" type... always use a scarf, either silk with cotton backing ( to make it heavy ) or silk/wool mix... i wear cravat on the open shirt ( without a suit ), looks much better that way.


you know, there is a difference between being voluntarily poor and being poor because of circumstance... a real man is poor because of the latter... :-)

ladies can really force males not to use f-words, either by giving dirty looks or actually saying so.

motorcycles look silly and are unsafe... and of course, noisy.

what do you think of the cravat??
I will try it. looks cool.
most males in the world presently don't know how to dress, groom and speak... my tips to be a gentleman...

- t-shirts should never be worn on the outside... t-shirts ( like jockey ) should always be worn under the shirt.
- grow hair and comb neatly.
- never talk fast... you will be perceived as cunning.
- never use f-words... you will not be seen as gentlemanly.
- never ride a motorcycle ( especially in india )... you will always remain in middle class poverty.
- money is facility, not necessity... those who save money will remain poor.
- never be constantly on the cell phone... you will look ordinary and silly.
- arrange gatherings for discussions and talk for hours over tea... you and your friends will improve your social standing.
- be flirty with the ladies... but never talk like a college boy... be like a real man... mature.
- never play video games... if you like fighting, join a socialist group... or go to syria and fight alongside the syrian military.
- never talk like a goon, especially when in a group.
- never wear flashy clothes or flashy watches... never wear pants which are orange or green or red... looks stupid...
- never keep twenty credit cards... keep one atm card and some cash.
- never be seen in cafes which are frequented by college boys... go drink tea in mature places, even if they are expensive.
- don't be brain-washed by mainstream media... socialism is good, become a socialist.
- never be in jobs... resign from job and start business.
- be confident in starting conversation with strangers... and smile.

//edit start
- if you must be in job then take leadership... start an employees union.
- shoes must be dark and polished.
- color-coordinate your clothes.
- be kind and gentleman... never rough.
- be fair... and talk to all economic classes the same gentle way.
- give full attention to those you are talking to.
//edit end


@KingMamba what do you think??

@Indos @levina @Spring Onion @Marshmallow what do you think of my tips above??

I agree with all of these and I actually do follow this nearly to a T but let me add a few things, if you want to meet young women then do go to where college students get their drinks. Also never converse with a woman over text messages or phone unless making plans to meet in person.

Any communication not in person needs to be short and to the point, most women have a short attention span anyway so you want to get to the point you are trying to make as fast as possible before they lose interest. Also if talk to much over the phone or email, text whatever you will have little if anything to talk about in person.

The best conversations are those that happen in person and if you can talk to a stranger face to face you will project yourself as a confident, high value individual. Women notice things like that and love confident men.

:/ ehhhh a description of a shareef man and in my PERSONAL opinion or to be precise i believe a shareef man is a bakri aka goat/sheep .

not my type :P

Actually a shareef man is not any woman's type unless that woman is starting to lose her looks and is looking to settle down. :rofl:

I never got any woman I wanted by being shareef. :lol:

Almost there but I would want to edit a few points...like
-getting FLIRTY with ladies is a strict NO-NO. Guys look and sound better when they talk sense.
- hygiene...uff most guys lack this. From keeping a clean hair cut (I dont mind spiked up hairs or not...geled or not but it should be well kept) to cutting nails, hygiene is a must.
- habit of using perfumes and deos r good but pls use something which is mild.Recently when a guy entered the elevator, I sneezed atleast twice,thanks to his very strong perfume.
- Shoes....guys who wear ugly shoes are just as ugly. I think one should never try to save money while buying a pair of shoes or sandals in a gal's case. Lol.

@jamahir in the future please do not tag women in a male improvement thread. :lol:

@KingMamba so how much of yourself have you improved? :pop:

I missed this but what do you mean?
if you want to meet young women then do go to where college students get their drinks.

actually, it is the silly college boys there that anger or irritate me... the ladies are welcome... :-) besides, if our man's appearance and discussion is mature, the ladies will certainly notice, heh heh...

Also if talk to much over the phone or email, text whatever you will have little if anything to talk about in person.

you are a clever man...

Any communication not in person needs to be short and to the point, most women have a short attention span anyway so you want to get to the point you are trying to make as fast as possible before they lose interest.

that much is true.

and i have seen many females with another irritating habit... saying a bored-sounding "sorry??".

The best conversations are those that happen in person and if you can talk to a stranger face to face you will project yourself as a confident, high value individual.


Women notice things like that and love confident men.

yes, yes... for example, confidently giving directions to people in front of a female audience ( however small )... or directing a truck driver and talking to him with smiling respect... or picking up a wayward rock from a busy road and throwing it to prevent accidents... or talking to elderly people with smiling and joking confidence but with respect...

Actually a shareef man is not any woman's type unless that woman is starting to lose her looks and is looking to settle down. :rofl:

ouch... :partay:

I never got any woman I wanted by being shareef. :lol:

thirty :cheers: with tea...

@jamahir in the future please do not tag women in a male improvement thread. :lol:

i thought, after all, we are also talking about such creatures, so why not ask their opinion?? but yes, spring onion and levina are going about demolishing things, and they have certainly noticed some tricks that we will most certainly employ... :rofl:


four additional things...

1. absolutely minimize using cell phone as a talking device but use it as a pager to alert you of emails... prefer emails, which you will write or read on a proper computer, be that desktop or tablet... not talking on cell phone will make you stand out... make you seem independent...

2. @KingMamba what do you think of the cravat??

3. if possible use internet from your neighbourhood internet cafe... if you dress and behave like all the discussion above, you will get very close attention from the ladies, be they age 15 or 50... very close attention... ;)

4. don't keep constantly checking for messages or emails on cell phone... if you are important enough, you will have people working with you ( or for you )... you pay attention to the present company.
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you know, there is a difference between being voluntarily poor and being poor because of circumstance... a real man is poor because of the latter... :-)

I was also talking about circumstances. those who do not want to progress are not acceptable

ladies can really force males not to use f-words, either by giving dirty looks or actually saying so.

Some males are incorrigible so i actually started using the same for them :P

motorcycles look silly and are unsafe... and of course, noisy.

NO these dont specially when you are in hurry drive on a curved iron overhead bridge meant for pedestrians :P. BUT yes these are unsafe.

what do you think of the cravat??
i suggest males should atleast wear these with light color shirts because it saves collars from getting dirty or atleast its less dirty when you are wearing a cravat.
I was also talking about circumstances. those who do not want to progress are not acceptable

truly... the voluntarily-poor man is "ghareeb" but the poor-by-circumstance man is "mazloom" ( oppressed )... i hate the ghareeb people and fight for the mazloom.

Some males are incorrigible so i actually started using the same for them :P

what... you use rude words... :P

NO these dont specially when you are in hurry drive on a curved iron overhead bridge meant for pedestrians :P. BUT yes these are unsafe.

i didn't understand that.

i suggest males should atleast wear these with light color shirts because it saves collars from getting dirty or atleast its less dirty when you are wearing a cravat.

i hadn't thought of that... so, thank you... i don't think most cravat-wearing men ever thought of that... truly... :-)

by the way, i am not able to edit my previous posts in this thread... can you see the "edit" link for your posts??
men generally fear to approach ladies in public-yet-not-crowded settings ( job interviews, offices, bookshops, etc ) because... (1). they think that the lady ( esp. in south asia ) will be outraged at their approach and will gather others and get them ( our man ) beaten black and blue, (2). they don't know what to say.

#1 generally doesn't happen, and won't happen if you negate #2... some of the below tactics is from personal experience... use

for job interviews... you are new to this setting and so is the lady... if you were waiting before the lady entered, you should have been holding a quiet but confident face and posture... look into her eyes, and keeping doing that occasionally ( not too much ) after she has sat... if you entered and she had been waiting, you can find ways to begin a conversation with her... like, with a shy smile, ask how long the interview had been going on... if both of you had been waiting for some time, she would be bored too... that gives you good chance to smile at her and shyly complain about the time... you can also talk about the topics she knows and those you know...

in case she looks arrogant, and doesn't say a word to you or anyone, don't worry... either you will humanly lose interest in her, or if you are still interested, say something... if she responds rudely or doesn't respond... say another thing but with a sad smile... that puts the guilt on her... there will be hope yet... employ the first paragraph.

if there's more than one lady candidates there, shyly look into eyes of all of them, once or twice, but do the previous two paragraphs with one... if you are able to begin talking to one of them, the other ladies will want to talk to you as well...

if there are male candidates, be confident in talking to them... and then invite the ladies to join the conversation... do so with a shy smile... and use the previous three paragraphs.

remember, this is a job interview and you may not see her again, so you must gently but confidently become more known to her... at the end, hopefully, you will get a promise of her meeting you again... or even better, invite her for a cup of tea at a nearby tea-house or tea-stall... and cofidently but gently, carry on the conversation.

for offices... it is a familiar setting, so you may know the lady, however remotely... if you have never spoken to her, at least keep looking at her and make sure she sees you doing that... hold her gaze for as long as possible... and if possible, smile gently and bow... most times, the bowing will make her smile [ this can be employed in many other settings ]... since you are in a office and she is too, she will stay at least for the day ( technically ), but if she is a visitor you must move fast... find things to say to her... like, if she is your height or taller, pass by her once or twice using some excuse, and then say that you thought she was taller than you... say this in a gently-surprised tone... if you are in the lunch room, and she comes in with her female friend, listen to their conversation carefully... and then confidently use their conversation to begin your conversation with them... that will allow you to later talk personally with her... you can also say, in surprised tone, that she looks thinner and has she been unwell... it should be this... thin females are unwell... but she may become happy that you told her she looks thin, or she may retort "nothing like that"... that may begin a conversation right then, or it will set up chance to later talk to her... you can of course get yourself introduced to her through a common aquaintance... another is that you become the leader in the office... a real political leader... talk of starting an employees union... become a socialist, talk of justice... this should be sincere... you should be really talking of justice... don't worry about you being junior in age or number of years there ( tenure )... you have the right to question and suggest... talk with confidence yet listen to others, their worries, their cases... don't be afraid of asking them about their worries... don't be afraid of pointing out solutions... these solutions should be of common sense... no one can legally prevent you from forming a employees union... it is international law... use it... use it for sincere justice... use it to build yourself admiration among the ladies.

for bookshops... you may be new there or a regular... she may be too... spend some time searching the book-racks near her... and use the best thing available there... books... ask her about some book section you are interested in, or ask about specific books... she may point out the computer-based catalog ( database ) available there... such a computer is there in many bookshops... express thanks expressly but gently and with a smile... that is the start to your conversation, which you will use later... there indeed may be unformed employees of the bookshop... adjust your question to her according to the employees' presence... adjust your question to her also according to the space between the book-racks... once you begin the second conversation, continue it confidently but shyly for as long as possible... and then invite her to read your favorite topic of books... please no strange topic like "transcendental meditation" or no silly line of books like "star wars"... she will become scared and use some excuse to escape... one good topic is "politics"... again, "socialism" is a good topic because it shows real passion in you... talk of socialism in practical and scientific and rational manner... listen to her questions and doubts carefully... respect her questions by answering them scientifically... use historical examples or current events... get her involved in your talkings... remember, this is a bookshop and you may not see her again, so you must gently but confidently become more known to her... at the end, hopefully, you will get a promise of her meeting you again... or even better, invite her for a cup of tea at a nearby tea-house or tea-stall... and cofidently but gently, carry on the conversation.

in all three situations, never talk arrogantly or behave arrogantly... be confident, have pride in yourself, be gentle, be really respectful of everyone there.

@KingMamba @Dem!god your opinion on this...
@jamahir cravats are nice but I usually stick to the tie.

with due respect to you, i always found ties to be silly and uncomfortable... they are a long strip of cloth hanging on the front, for some strange reason... they look to me like a hangman's noose, making the neck region quite uncomfortable and the chest/upper-back area hot, which is why when people "unwind", they loosen the tie... tie has no real utility... tie is common... tie doesn't have the oomph.

cravat is quite elegant, stylish and looks sophisticated when worn by a person who suits the cravat, carries it... cravat - silk-cotton or silk-wool - keeps the neck cool when needed, and warm when needed... in the old days, the cravat would hide a steel chain that prevented a soldier's neck from being sliced in a surprise attack... the cravat denotes the wearer to be a gentleman and leader, because wearing one in public needs confidence, and the proper gentleman has capabilities and station in life that is different to that of the ordinary public... again i say, the person must suit the cravat, in manner, speech and life... :-) in today's world, not many males wear cravat, so you will stand out wearing it... but the wearer must be confident and not look uncomfortable and not look bothered by questioning looks given by passers-by.

please do search forums like ( Ask Andy About Clothes | Home | Men's Style & Clothing Advice : Ask Andy About Clothes ) and sites talking about "being a gentleman", for more information about the cravat... believe me the cravat is classic style and not current fashion... i wear it and get admired... i recommend it for pdf males ( the gentlemen, of course )... :-)

by the way, have you or the admins lock the posts from before today?? because i don't see the "edit" link for those posts...
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most males in the world presently don't know how to dress, groom and speak... my tips to be a gentleman...

- t-shirts should never be worn on the outside... t-shirts ( like jockey ) should always be worn under the shirt.
- grow hair and comb neatly.
- never talk fast... you will be perceived as cunning.
- never use f-words... you will not be seen as gentlemanly.
- never ride a motorcycle ( especially in india )... you will always remain in middle class poverty.
- money is facility, not necessity... those who save money will remain poor.
- never be constantly on the cell phone... you will look ordinary and silly.
- arrange gatherings for discussions and talk for hours over tea... you and your friends will improve your social standing.
- be flirty with the ladies... but never talk like a college boy... be like a real man... mature.
- never play video games... if you like fighting, join a socialist group... or go to syria and fight alongside the syrian military.
- never talk like a goon, especially when in a group.
- never wear flashy clothes or flashy watches... never wear pants which are orange or green or red... looks stupid...
- never keep twenty credit cards... keep one atm card and some cash.
- never be seen in cafes which are frequented by college boys... go drink tea in mature places, even if they are expensive.
- don't be brain-washed by mainstream media... socialism is good, become a socialist.
- never be in jobs... resign from job and start business.
- be confident in starting conversation with strangers... and smile.

//edit start
- if you must be in job then take leadership... start an employees union.
- shoes must be dark and polished.
- color-coordinate your clothes.
- be kind and gentleman... never rough.
- be fair... and talk to all economic classes the same gentle way.
- give full attention to those you are talking to.
//edit end


@KingMamba what do you think??

@Indos @levina @Spring Onion @Marshmallow what do you think of my tips above??
Self Improvement thread on PDF:blink:
Self Improvement thread on PDF:blink:

yes, most pdf males sometimes seem hopeless cases but remaining males must try... :D but despite king-mamba's protests and fears, i want you ladies to tell us lads something...

by the way, are you a early riser?? i am now awake because i haven't slept... :D

What I can say is that you make it to complex, just get warm with them is enough for me.

Usually we get them in places that is near us, like our office. It depends on what kind of work we do, some men has a kind of work that make them get near many females. Marketing for instant.
@jamahirWhat I can say is that you make it to complex, just get warm with them is enough for me.

but this thread was created to learn specific techniques... :-)

Usually we get them in places that is near us, like our office. It depends on what kind of work we do, some men has a kind of work that make them get near many females. Marketing for instant.

what about men in other fields... or outside offices... that is why i wrote my previous post... you can add your points... :-)

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