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Seeing Pakistan without old, hostile baggage

It's an exceptional case..

Judging by the comments on PDF, a sane person wouldn't visit Pakistan..

What if someone like Zarvan accuses me of blasphemy in a market, m dead simple..
Moreover a bomb might go off anytime anywhere in Pakistan.

Or worse I might be shot in the airplane itself while approaching the runaway.. One Pakistani women died that way..

India: I might end up getting gang raped, I might get blown away by Maoist Rebels or even worse if I get diarrhoea I would not be able to access any sanitation facelties ..

Mind you I would not even go to India if you cut off my .....
The governments maybe not.. but the people have shown again and again how they are better and more open to peace and viewing Indians as humans.. I cant remember the last time an Indian considered a Pakistani as a human being and not some animal they would enjoy seeing killed.
That is a bit extreme. I have numerous Pakistani friends from college.

I am one of those Pakistani who have proposed LOC=IB; I had even opened a new Topic about it, the day after the Bin Laden Raid...
So LOC=IB with some caveats: Don't change the demographics of Kashmir, repatriate the Pundits with honor, free movements of people between the two sides of Kashmir, maximum internal rights/autonomy to Kashmiris, and respecting Pakistan's water-rights.

The 'peace dividends' are so enormous for both countries that we will laugh at our history till that time would happen.

On topic: Pakistani hospitality is quite known. It is part of the greater Islamic culture.
Yes - any sane person would advocate these. I say - go a step further and let people choose a nationality whose passport they can hold.
Maybe...Hindus are conservative;moreover we think(and rightly so)that Muslims aren't neat and tidy...I don't know about Pakistan but you hardly find any Indian Muslim who baths regularly or who keeps their houses clean.so,when we meet a Pakistani we see him as a Muslim and assume his habits and manners would like Indian muslims.Even if there wasn't any enmity between Ind and pak I don't think Indians would have treated Pakistanis any better.

Neutral people who have visited both countries have noticed that Pakistanis are generarly cleaner and bath regularly, completly opposite for hindus. Plus Indians are also known to smell bad, maybe not taking shower which is religious duty among muslims. So you are obviously making this up, hindu word is synomynos with being dirty and smelly.

One just need to compare Indus and Ganga to see the difference between hindus and muslims.
Neutral people who have visited both countries have noticed that Pakistanis are generarly cleaner and bath regularly, completly opposite for hindus. Plus Indians are also known to smell bad, maybe not taking shower which is religious duty among muslims. So you are obviously making this up, hindu word is synomynos with being dirty and smelly.

One just need to compare Indus and Ganga to see the difference between hindus and muslims.
Why would I make up man...there are thousands of Indians on this forum ;ask anyone and you will get the answer.Actually I think you are making up that Pakistanis bath daily.you were once part of this country and I don't feel you would be anything different from Indian Muslims. You people share same culture and life habits. remember chatting with Pakistani back in 2005 on yahoo chat and he told me Pakistanis don't bath daily.As for cleanliness of ganga,I agree north Indians are so ugly when it comes to keeping their surroundings neat.In south apart from andhra you will not find any area which is abominably dirty.No river here is polluted(I mean big ones)
PS:Kerala and Tamil Muslims maybe the only Muslims in the indian sub continentwho bath daily.
Parsimonious! :coffee:
come on i will call them to grant you visa on fast track service and i if you wish i will make possible your visit as Government Guest:welcome: but when you go back to your country you will have to Answer million of questions by Indian security apparatus....:coffee:
come on i will call them to grant you visa on fast track service and i if you wish i will make possible your visit as Government Guest:welcome: but when you go back to your country you will have to Answer million of questions by Indian security apparatus....:coffee:
Dont try to scare me :coffee:
I will show them pictures of Katasraj and a few selfies, and the RAW guys might just spare me. But I can't say so about ISI who might track my movements while I'm in Pakistan and might follow me to India. 8-)
Dont try to scare me :coffee:
I will show them pictures of Katasraj and a few selfies, and the RAW guys might just spare me.
And they will believe what you say:o:
But I can't say so about ISI who might track my movements while I'm in Pakistan and might follow me to India. 8-)
Thousand of Pilgrims visit each year if they start acting on these lines then really they have very difficult days,thousands of ISI agents just tracking Indian Pilgrims to back home...:taz:
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