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See how disturbed our father of BOMB; AQ Khan is


Dec 1, 2015
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I am angry as ****. Blood boils. Man, it hurts :(

Iranians are solely responsible for this....We helped them in nuke tech and MADARCHODS disclosed it in front of whole world DELIBERATELY, forcing Pakistanis to make their hero, a scapegoat rather than taking responsibility as as whole country/nation.

Iranians are bloody ras**ls and they absolutely deserved thoroughly what they are going through now.

Hey, AQ Khan.......Pakistanis will always love you. Yes, we love you and you love us and you know it. :pakistan: Your commitment for Pakistan's nuclear cause will always admire us. You have done your job. Make peace with your heart and forget about all nasty stuff of the past.

Pakistanis, 100 years later, will still be speaking about you and not so much about your enemies within the country or outside ones.

Long Live Khan, Long Live Pakistan.

Down with Iranians. Helping Iran in any capacity is last thing any Pakistanis will ever imagine. They are CURSED. Better to leave them alone with their enemies.

I am angry as ****. Blood boils. Man, it hurts :(

Iranians are solely responsible for this....We helped them in nuke tech and MADARCHODS disclosed it in front of whole world DELIBERATELY, forcing Pakistanis to make their hero, a scapegoat rather than taking responsibility as as whole country/nation.

Iranians are bloody ras**ls and they absolutely deserved thoroughly what they are going through now.

Hey, AQ Khan.......Pakistanis will always love you. Yes, we love you and you love us and you know it. :pakistan: Your commitment for Pakistan's nuclear cause will always admire us. You have done your job. Make peace with your heart and forget about all nasty stuff of the past.

Pakistanis, 100 years later, will still be speaking about you and not so much about your enemies within the country or outside ones.

Long Live Khan, Long Live Pakistan.

Down with Iranians. Helping Iran in any capacity is last thing any Pakistanis will ever imagine. They are CURSED. Better to leave them alone with their enemies.


These iranians are scums---. They sold us to the slaughter house---. I can't tell you how we escaped the butchers axe---.

People talk bad about Gen Musharraf---but there was a method to his madness about Dr AQ Khan---. What he did to DR A Q was deliberate and on purpose to castigate him and humiliate him in pakistan rather be forced to send him to the US---.

Gen Mush knew that after he is done disgracing Dr A Q in public---he will claim it as a punishment enough---rather have him end up in a US prison camp---.

Gen Mush knew that the effects on Dr A Q would be temporary---and the effects would wear of---.

But he never realized that pakistanis were a stupid nation and would not understand and comprehend what he had done for Dr A Q and for pakistan.

Gen Mush kept pakistan together with barely the skin between his teeth and held on strong---.

Benazir was ready to do it---she had already stated it in a public interview at Harvard---that she would give Dr A Q to the US after she got back in power.

I cannot see this interview---if there is another video from another source please post it here---.
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He is NOT the father of our bomb as he self publicized it. He provided key input to the initial enrichment process but since then has been profiteering from his knowledge.

There were many more people with equal or greater contributions to our initial weapon systems.

He is NOT the father of our bomb as he self publicized it. He provided key input to the initial enrichment process but since then has been profiteering from his knowledge.

There were many more people with equal or greater contributions to our initial weapon systems.


So true---. But that kept the attention & lime light on him---while others were doing their job---.
Selling nuclear weapons tech to Iran should have upset Saudi Arabia as well. How did Pakistan manage to convince the Saudi government to ignore this?
Iran caused us many hardships with their cooperation with US and lack of cooperation to create a unified Afghan government post-Soviet withdrawal.

They betrayed our nuclear help and put us on the shopping board. They brought India into Afghanistan and Chahbahar (our Western border) to mastermind terrorism against us. That cost us 75,000 lives.

Now Zanabiyoun and full support of India, and forming a nexus with Oman against us. Even allowing BLA to function with Indians in their territory.

Iranian regime has betrayed us many times, but I would still not want any misfortune to befall innocent Iranians. We should not be a party to any action which hurts them.

We should be cautious and protect our own selves. This is a brutal neighborhood in which we live, full of cutthroats.

These iranians are scums---. They sold us to the slaughter house---. I can't tell you how we escaped the butchers axe---.

Please talk bad about Gen Musharraf---but there was a method to his madness about Dr AQ Khan---. What he did to DR A Q was deliberate and on purpose to castigate him and humiliate him in pakistan rather be forced to send him to the US---.

Gen Mush knew that after he is done disgracing Dr A Q in public---he will claim it as a punishment enough---rather have him end up in a US prison camp---.

Gen Mush knew that the effects on Dr A Q would be temporary---and the effects would wear of---.

But he never realized that pakistanis were a stupid nation and would not understand and comprehend what he had done for Dr A Q and for pakistan.

Gen Mush kept pakistan together with barely the skin between his teeth and held on strong---.

Benazir was ready to do it---she had already stated it in a public interview at Harvard---that she would give Dr A Q to the US after she got back in power.

I cannot see the interview---if there is another video from another source please post it here---.

In a long time since our hostilities begin, I would say I agree with you on this post word for word ..
Everyone involved put their sweat and blood into making atom bomb and what I am proud of is how many many unsung heroes are out there who made it possible for us to be where we are today.

From Dr Abdus Salam to Dr Qadeer .... they all did their part. My dad was a fellow metallurgist and after getting his PhD from Canada they gave it all for their country.

I can proudly say there are people out there who contributed critical knowledge to bomb making without which Pakistan probably wouldn’t exist today.

Dr Qadeer was a metallurgist himself and if one is to believe western stories he “stole” centrifuge designs.

This story is a total BS ... like my dad he had a knowledge and experience working in Dutch research lab which by the way did not work on nuclear devices.

We went through uranium enrichment which is way more difficult than Plutonium that our Chinese friends had access to.

Long story but Alhamdollilah we owe thanks to these heroes .

Gen Mush knew that there were some 'bad facts' against Dr A Q KHan and Pakistan---and what he did with A Q was to run ahead with those bad facts in front of the world nations jury---he played a master stroke that any american criminal lawyer would be proud to do in a US courtroom that Gen Mush did for A Q and for Pakistan---.

Ordinary pakistanis would never comprehend the greatness of the man AKA Gen Musharraf---.
Dr Qadeer was a metallurgist himself and if one is to believe western stories he “stole” centrifuge designs.

This story is a total BS ... like my dad he had a knowledge and experience working in Dutch research lab which by the way did not work on nuclear devices.

We went through uranium enrichment which is way more difficult than Plutonium that our Chinese friends had access to.

Long story but Alhamdollilah we owe thanks to these heroes .
there was a book about this, i remember reading it some years back and i seem to recall that Dutch story, though i forgot who wrote that book
By the way having knowledge is only one part of the story. ..... yet another huge contribution was again by Pakistanis living overseas who contributed to the network of parts and supplies Pakistan needed badly. Machines and equipment was imported through avenues I am not free to disclose. Some even ended up in jail.
Again they are our true heroes...
Well no wonder Russians are skeptical to help Iran militarily. Iran will switch side the moment west throw them good enough bone.


That is the truth---. NO nation in the world trusts Iran in any manner---.

They would deceive you and destroy you in a heart beat if they find they can benefit more from someone else---.
This veneration of Musharaff is sickening. He was a traitor and a puppet of CIA and this AQ Khan episode is another example of that.

Dr AQ Khan did what the people of Pakistan want and what the people of Pakistan want is proliferation of atom bomb to every Muslim country. DR AQ Khan is a hero and he hasn't committed a single crime.

The fact is American slavery made him a criminal.

As Erdoğan said, every country should have atom bomb. Why should only a few countries have it and they dictate the rest of the world.

If Dr AQ is a criminal for spreading it to Iran and other countries, he is a criminal for spreading it to Pakistan too. Don't be hypocrites.

We are too scared of America and they dictate Pakistan policy but Musharaff should be tried also for insulting and humiliating national hero like Dr AQ Khan and putting his life in jeopardy. Poor guy was suffering from prostate disease while being humiliated by Musharaff.

Shame on American puppets. Pakistan should have armed Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria and every damn Islamic country on the planet which want it. This world would have been completely different today and US wouldn't be invading Muslim world. Muslim countries would be dictating their own terms.

America doesn't want other countries armed because then it can't invade them. Simple as that.

It's amazing how the only country in the world that used NOT ONE BUT TWO atom bomb gets to say they shouldn't be having it. And Japan was losing and suffering heavy casualties, not like US was in any dire situation. US is the last country to have it.

As i see it, today, many countries which don't deserve it have atom bombs. Freaking India? Oppressors of Kashmir. Israel? Germany? China? Every damn country has its hands covered with blood. The countries which don't? Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan (Afghanistan was a beautiful country too before Soviets and Americans), Libya, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia. Maybe Saudi Arabia will grow a spine if they have a bomb.

I don't know why Pakistan isn't spreading it. We should be. At the very least, give it to Turkey. Give it to Malaysia. Give it to our allies at least. There should be an atom bomb in every damn country.
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These iranians are scums---. They sold us to the slaughter house---. I can't tell you how we escaped the butchers axe---.

People talk bad about Gen Musharraf---but there was a method to his madness about Dr AQ Khan---. What he did to DR A Q was deliberate and on purpose to castigate him and humiliate him in pakistan rather be forced to send him to the US---.

Gen Mush knew that after he is done disgracing Dr A Q in public---he will claim it as a punishment enough---rather have him end up in a US prison camp---.

Gen Mush knew that the effects on Dr A Q would be temporary---and the effects would wear of---.

But he never realized that pakistanis were a stupid nation and would not understand and comprehend what he had done for Dr A Q and for pakistan.

Gen Mush kept pakistan together with barely the skin between his teeth and held on strong---.

Benazir was ready to do it---she had already stated it in a public interview at Harvard---that she would give Dr A Q to the US after she got back in power.

I cannot see this interview---if there is another video from another source please post it here---.

As usual , you are right .

I don't have another source, sir....

Do you have access to YouTube? Open YouTube, write in its search bar

Dr.Abdul Qadeer Khan | Interview | Aik Din Geo Kay Sath | Sohail Warraich

You will get the video/interview :)
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