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Secularism in India is an illusion

I am of the opinion that the Indian constitution is secular. However so far to a great extent the implementation has been a relative failure
Well TBH there is no true "secular" nation in the world is there ? We have the US/UK/CN all of'em favor a certain ethnicity or religious group over others & the only country that I can think of that's moderate in this sense is Japan probably South Korea as well !
Well TBH there is no true "secular" nation in the world is there ? We have the US/UK/CN all of'em favor a certain ethnicity or religious group over others & the only country that I can think of that's moderate in this sense is Japan probably South Korea as well !
What I have heard of Japan is completely different. Apparently, it is probably the only place on earth where a white guy gets discriminated against, along with others:).
True face of Indian democracy

Indian tall claims of democratic norms and social justice can well be imagined by having a close and intimate look at the state of affairs of minorities in India including Muslims, Christians, untouchables and other non- Hindus. India must learn lessons from unrest in the Middle East where the prolonged system of governance is fast collapsing. The current wave of demonstration should serve as the clarion call for democracies like India as well where there is a silent anger of ‘Untouchables’ and Naxalite being piled up as gunpowder that may catch fire against incumbent Congress or BJP rule over their indifference towards corruption, decades old unexplained, non-negotiated, non-debated practices, venom of prejudice and discriminatory attitude of the Brahman ruling class.

Indian democracy is actually a farcical system of oppressive rule in which the poor and non-Hindus are subjugated on the basis of religious beliefs and prejudicial discrimination. Social justice is provided to the elite on higher rates of bribery and caste system decides about the grant of human rights. Political manipulations and state terrorism are aggressively used to keep the social order and maintain political loyalties. Corruption is rampant while poverty is also touching new records. Indian state elite is enjoying perks spending lavishly to make India a strong military power relegating the economic issues related to general masses. Indian democracy simply makes the poor more miserable and allows the rich to be wealthier still. Law protects the powerful while weak are intimidated.

Indian farce of secularism necessitates exposure, since India has been fooling the world far too long with its pretensions. When BJP strongman Advani visited Pakistan and eulogized Jinnah, he was attacked viciously by bigoted Hindus upon his return home. Similarly, former BJP Foreign Minister Jaswant Singh was summarily dismissed from the BJP for praising Jinnah. The real viscera of India is an attitude gridlocked between the desire to be lauded as a secular, liberal society, based on socio-economic justice, and the reality of a society, based on an unjustifiable caste system that stratifies human beings as superiors (Brahmans) and inferiors (Dalits). India thumps its chest, boasting of being numerically the largest democracy but whose political leadership, unfortunately, remains guided by undemocratic whims and intolerant attitudes towards its neighbours and their leaders. India continues to amass weapons of mass destruction, much to the detriment of its own impoverished masses as well as of its immediate neighbours. If Pakistan or China add even a needle to their arsenal, prejudiced Hindu mindset raises hell.

Now that India is set to meet Pakistan in the World Cricket Cup semi final at Mohali, it is a slap on the face of the Indians. India opposed Pakistan’s co-hosting of the mega event tooth and nail, citing cases of terrorist attacks and if some media reports are to be believed, went to the extent of orchestrating the attack on Sri Lanka’s cricket team at Lahore, which convinced the ICC of taking away the opportunity from Pakistan. To add insult to injury, India banned Pakistani cricketers from playing in the Indian Premier League events and has also barred its own teams from visiting Pakistan or hosting Pakistani sportsmen, discouraging them from visiting India. The Daily Mail wishes and hopes that the Pakistani cricketers defeat India in the semifinal, which will be poetic justice to Indian bigotry.

True face of Indian democracy
True face of Indian democracy

Indian tall claims of democratic norms and social justice can well be imagined by having a close and intimate look at the state of affairs of minorities in India including Muslims, Christians, untouchables and other non- Hindus. India must learn lessons from unrest in the Middle East where the prolonged system of governance is fast collapsing. The current wave of demonstration should serve as the clarion call for democracies like India as well where there is a silent anger of ‘Untouchables’ and Naxalite being piled up as gunpowder that may catch fire against incumbent Congress or BJP rule over their indifference towards corruption, decades old unexplained, non-negotiated, non-debated practices, venom of prejudice and discriminatory attitude of the Brahman ruling class.

Indian democracy is actually a farcical system of oppressive rule in which the poor and non-Hindus are subjugated on the basis of religious beliefs and prejudicial discrimination. Social justice is provided to the elite on higher rates of bribery and caste system decides about the grant of human rights. Political manipulations and state terrorism are aggressively used to keep the social order and maintain political loyalties. Corruption is rampant while poverty is also touching new records. Indian state elite is enjoying perks spending lavishly to make India a strong military power relegating the economic issues related to general masses. Indian democracy simply makes the poor more miserable and allows the rich to be wealthier still. Law protects the powerful while weak are intimidated.

Indian farce of secularism necessitates exposure, since India has been fooling the world far too long with its pretensions. When BJP strongman Advani visited Pakistan and eulogized Jinnah, he was attacked viciously by bigoted Hindus upon his return home. Similarly, former BJP Foreign Minister Jaswant Singh was summarily dismissed from the BJP for praising Jinnah. The real viscera of India is an attitude gridlocked between the desire to be lauded as a secular, liberal society, based on socio-economic justice, and the reality of a society, based on an unjustifiable caste system that stratifies human beings as superiors (Brahmans) and inferiors (Dalits). India thumps its chest, boasting of being numerically the largest democracy but whose political leadership, unfortunately, remains guided by undemocratic whims and intolerant attitudes towards its neighbours and their leaders. India continues to amass weapons of mass destruction, much to the detriment of its own impoverished masses as well as of its immediate neighbours. If Pakistan or China add even a needle to their arsenal, prejudiced Hindu mindset raises hell.

Now that India is set to meet Pakistan in the World Cricket Cup semi final at Mohali, it is a slap on the face of the Indians. India opposed Pakistan’s co-hosting of the mega event tooth and nail, citing cases of terrorist attacks and if some media reports are to be believed, went to the extent of orchestrating the attack on Sri Lanka’s cricket team at Lahore, which convinced the ICC of taking away the opportunity from Pakistan. To add insult to injury, India banned Pakistani cricketers from playing in the Indian Premier League events and has also barred its own teams from visiting Pakistan or hosting Pakistani sportsmen, discouraging them from visiting India. The Daily Mail wishes and hopes that the Pakistani cricketers defeat India in the semifinal, which will be poetic justice to Indian bigotry.

True face of Indian democracy

"This news is a source from A Pakisnani news website in other words self satisfaction
Well TBH there is no true "secular" nation in the world is there ? We have the US/UK/CN all of'em favor a certain ethnicity or religious group over others & the only country that I can think of that's moderate in this sense is Japan probably South Korea as well !

I agree there is no absolute measure but I am of the opinion that India is some way from what is accepted as the norm
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