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Secular India is a myth

Ya . . And our most beloved president Dr kalam is still most respected even he is not president now . . . See indian actors . Many many khans here . . And see index of increasing minority population . . Some people may be having different view but not majority think like them . . In my own town . . G k noon is respected so much If u know anythink about him . . And all muslim live happy with other people
I know you are hippo-crate with the above mentioned incident. I am not here to compare India & Pakistan and its society fabric. just wanted to point out that Gujarat riots happened in 2002.

Yes I'm aware, since I was the one who brought it up.

By the way, the word is ''hypocrite'' --if you're going to resort to name calling, at least know how to spell the word!

The point is unless you talk to people here. I am talking about the majority of the minority community they will tell the truth. I/We dont bother about any of your pointing outs as we have moved on.

most of the ''pointing outs'' is done by your people....we know we have faults, we hope they are corrected. You claim everything is honkie-dory and I am reminding you that they sure arent.....its best if both countries work to promote unity and communal harmony.

Yes we do have our fair share of problems and India has always done corrections more faster than any world countries. The same Gujarat is vibrating where muslims are still well to do families and they do support Modi for his governance.

how can Muslims support the man who allowed for many Muslims to be slaughtered?

Gujarat is a shame event for us but we made sure its not being repeated.

it was repeated again 2008 and even after that, albeit on a smaller scale; but anyways...

There is checks and balance in our political system inbuilt that no single party can run its agenda be it BJP or Congress. In-spite of vast political differences we have a strong secular governance and the only common problem which as a country struggling to come to terms with is corruption.

you aren't alone!

I am sure with the recent events taking place even corruption index will go down by the end of next decade.

well, india has no zardari....which for your sake, is a good thing
The Special Protection Group (SPG) in India does not have a SINGLE Muslim or Sikh in it. That goes to show the 'secular' nature of India.

For those who do not know what the SPG is:

Special Protection Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How do you know?

Please give me the names and religion of those who are in SPG.

By the way SPG protects MMS who is a SIkh

Soniya Gandhi a Catholic

VP Hamid Ansari a Muslim

and one more thing " India is not secular" still the world believes otherwise. Lol... what a pity?
The Special Protection Group (SPG) in India does not have a SINGLE Muslim or Sikh in it. That goes to show the 'secular' nature of India.

For those who do not know what the SPG is:

Special Protection Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

India's prime minister is a sikh , Indian army is made of 15 % + sikhs even though they are just around 2 % in India .

Indian defence minister is a christian and so is the leader of the dingle largest and most successful( in terms of victories) indian political party.

Don't need to say anything about abdul kalam and all other muslim acheivers in India.

This shows India's secular nature.

However , i must admit India is not perfect and muslims are yet to enter the mainstream in a major way like other communities but for that they too have to change their attitude towards a lot of things.
she refused to drink tea in my house (I invited her) because it was made of cow's milk!!
Once another family refused to eat kebabs for the same reason (This is all and ever, the honor I had to host Hindus)

Bloody Idiot, lie when you know the truth, no Hindu would say he/she will not drink Cow's milk. Hindus do not want cow's to be slaughtered because they DO DRINK COW's MILK.
Bloody Idiot, lie when you know the truth, no Hindu would say he/she will not drink Cow's milk. Hindus do not want cow's to be slaughtered because they DO DRINK COW's MILK.

Blame it on bad education... the ones saying dont have any idea of what happening around.

Conveniently Ignorant ones...
Bloody Idiot, lie when you know the truth, no Hindu would say he/she will not drink Cow's milk. Hindus do not want cow's to be slaughtered because they DO DRINK COW's MILK.

You got him . Hindus drink cow milk all over India and the world. What a bigoted liar . Can't even lie intelligently.
Spare the trouble guys. As long as Indian Muslims and other minorities continue to do well in India, the insecurities across the border will only rise. :lol:
Four year old thread being resurrected and fought over :hitwall:

This is cyber Wagha border, instead of using thumbs to terrifying effects and stomping feet hard.....here words, pics & articles r used!!! :woot::sick:
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