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Secular India is a myth

True Face of Hindu Secularism

By: Subhash Gatade

Nanded is a town dear to the heart of every Sikh, particularly so as the community celebrates the 300th Guru’ta Gaddi Diwas. It is time the Sikhs, as also all the right thinking people, pay attention to the activities of Hindutva’s terror agents in this town, and stay beware of their intentions. Nanded, in Maharashtra, is a town with a significant population of different faiths - Hindu, Muslim, Sikh and Buddhist. Nanded could well have become a new metaphor for secularism as practiced in the Subcontinent,

but this was not to be. Instead, Nanded has come to represent the emergent danger of a violent new brand of Hindu militancy, with due support from a section of the state machinery. A place that was once witness to the final days of Guru Gobind Singh, Sikhism's Tenth Guru, has today metamorphosed into an epicentre of violent Hindutva. Indeed, Nanded represents the build-up of the violent fundamentalist Hinduism of the past half-century. The town has been witness to a new spate of acts that can be inarguably dubbed 'terrorism'.

The inner workings of this new form of Hindutva were on show recently in two, evidently accidental, explosions in Nanded within a span of nine months, in April 2006 and February 2007. These blasts, which killed four people, took place at the houses of activists from the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), Bajrang Dal and Shiv Sena. The arrival of Nanded on India's 'terror' map was followed by media investigations into similar previous incidents, which also showed the involvement of Hindu youth in terrorist actions.

The new element here is the increasing similarity between Hindu militancy and 'terrorism' of other hues. While various enquiry commissions have looked into riots in post-Independence India and corroborated the proactive role played by the RSS in instigating riots, the irony of the situation is that the organisation is still able to maintain its 'missionary' image. Part of this is because the group has long maintained a strict division of labour within its ranks, delegating much of the 'dirty work' to fringe workers.

The Nanded blasts proved to be an exception to this pattern, as the RSS links were obvious. This is why, in the immediate aftermath of the explosions, the Sangh Parivar leadership went to great lengths to suppress the news. Indeed, activist friends of this writer in Maharashtra were themselves unaware that any such incident had taken place.
One set of blasts took place in a house belonging to Laxman Rajkondwar, an old RSS activist, and killed two youths belonging to the Bajrang Dal and RSS, while injuring three others. The explosives that were being made were to be used during the entry into Maharashtra of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader L K Advani's Bharat Suraksha Yatra, the idea being to warn of the grave security situation existing in the country.
Later investigations found that the plan had been to instigate communal riots in Nanded that could have spread to adjoining areas. Such a situation, it was hoped, would boost the sagging morale of both the BJP and its ageing stalwart, Advani.

The aim was clearly to instigate a communal conflict. A police raid on one of the deceased's houses found maps of nearby mosques, as well as clothes and caps usually worn by Muslims in the area, which the activists were going to wear to sneak into and attack the mosques and gurudwaras. The only thing still needed was explosives. The making of bombs in a house owned by an old RSS activist - one who supposedly also dealt in firecrackers, at that - seemed like the perfect plan.

Of course, the story neither begins nor ends in Nanded. Since 2003, at least five, and perhaps six, Hindutva-related explosions have taken place in central Maharashtra alone, in Parbhani, Purna, Jalna and Nanded. Malegaon also witnessed a bomb blast last year, killing 40 people, with strong indications of a Hindutva hand behind it. Beyond the geographical similarities, the details of the attacks were uncanny: each took place between 1:45 and 2:00 in the afternoon, just after Friday prayers, at the most prominent mosque in town. (The bomb that went off in Nanded in 2006 exploded on 6 April, a Thursday, but was apparently meant to be set off at an Aurangabad masjid the following day.)

At the same time, this cannot be dubbed a Maharashtra-centric phenomenon. Madhya Pradesh's former chief minister, Digvijay Singh, has publicly admitted to the involvement of various groups and individuals affiliated with the RSS in similar acts in his state. As for the rest of the country, no systematic study of saffron 'terror' has yet been undertaken. One reason for this could be the thin line that separates the different anushangik (affiliated) organisations of the RSS, thereby making it possible to move from the 'legal' to the 'illegal' without great effort. Indeed, there is every possibility that funds collected from the Hindu Diaspora for philanthropic work might also have been channeled to further 'terrorist' activities.
Nonetheless, culturally integrated practices are being utilised to arm certain sections of the Hindu community. Back in 2001, Rajasthan's then-Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot revealed that up to four million trishuls - six to eight inches long and sharp enough to kill - had been distributed by the Bajrang Dal to Hindu households across the country. Meanwhile, in 2002, a group in Orissa, under the district Shiv Sena unit, formed the first-ever Hindu suicide squad, aimed at countering Muslim 'extremism' in Jammu & Kashmir and elsewhere. More than 100 youths, including some women, are said to have joined the group.
Hindutva collusion
Nanded's population is made up of around 500,000 Hindus, 200,000 Muslims and 100,000 Sikhs. The town has seen a significant amount of communal tension in the past, which spiked following the demolition of the Babri Masjid in December 1992. In more recent years, this tension seems to have also spilled over into surrounding towns such as Parbhani, where, in November 2003, motorcycle-borne attackers hurled bombs into the midst of a large congregation of Muslims assembled for Friday papers. Although the identities of the Parbhani bomb-throwers were never traced, forensic tests following the Nanded blasts revealed that the accused were part of the same group of Hindu militants that had executed the attack in Parbhani.
Following the April 2006 blasts in Nanded, an odd silence ensued - in the local and national media, as well as in the local and national governments. There was also a disturbing lack of sincerity on the part of the investigating agencies in pursuing the case, despite appearing to have gathered significant evidence of the involvement of district and state leaders of the RSS and Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP). As investigations by the People's Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) and other rights organisations have made clear, the district administration even saw to it that news of the blasts did not receive wide coverage.
Local police made contradictory statements, and failed to make arrests in the initial stages. Despite the sensitive nature of the Nanded case, the CBI expressed its "inability" to conduct the subsequent investigation.
In response to a case filed by some social organisations against the tardiness of the investigations, the CBI filed a suo moto affidavit explaining that it was "overburdened" and had "limited hands to deal with such cases". The cumulative effect of the half-hearted - or wholly obstructionist - initiatives, at both the state and central level, was to show the kid-glove treatment being meted out to India's new breed of Hindutva militants. Secular activists questioned whether the reaction would have been similar had the explosions taken place in a minority-dominated area, and the involvement of some 'fanatic' Islamic group been detected.
The cavalier manner in which the probes of the Nanded blasts were undertaken may have prepared the ground for a stepping-up of similar activities in the area.
On 10 February 2007, at little after midnight, biscuit boxes being hauled by 28-year-old Pandurang Ameelkanthwar in another area in Nanded exploded, killing him instantly. His cousin, Dnaneshwar Manikwar, sustained massive burns and died six days later. Ameelkanthwar had been a former shakha pramukh (branch head) of the Shiv Sena, and was also associated with the Bajrang Dal. He hailed from an area in Nanded called Rangargalli, a known hotbed of rightwing Hindu outfits.
A mere 'fire-related accident' was how state officials subsequently reported the incident. But preliminary findings of a civil-society inquiry suggest that Ameelkanthwar and Manikwar died due to handled planted explosives. Neighbours near the explosion also told the team that there had been a third person present at the time, who had also been injured but has been unaccounted for in subsequent reports.
These eyewitnesses also said that a police officer, who went on to be part of the official investigation, supervised the seizing and spiriting away of critical evidence from the spot. In their report, the civil-society investigators state that the Maharashtra police, particularly the superintendent and inspector-general, appeared to be in "undue haste to close all possibilities of a possible liquid-substance-driven explosion, preferring to quote oral findings of forensic experts from Aurangabad who are reported to have told them that it was a petrol-ignited fire". Among other evidence, this conclusion is brought under serious suspicion by the fact the explosion threw the iron shutter of a nearby godown a distance of 40 feet - an extremely long way for a fire set off by burning gasoline.
The civil society team also refers to a "nexus between some police officials and the rightwing Hindu outfits". According to the probe's findings, Nanded Police Inspector Ramesh Bhurewar, who was leading the investigation of the 2006 Nanded blast, was also in charge of the investigation into the Parbhani blasts in November 2003. During the course of the long investigation, he had not made a single arrest. A First Information Report was only registered after a legislator raised a question in the state assembly.
But following the Nanded blasts in April 2006, the accused admitted to having placed the bombs at Parbhani. As such, the civil-society report concludes:
"The Nanded and state police are hence guilty of underplaying crimes wherein members of the minority community are the victims, causing a loss of face for the state police."
In their conclusion, the fact-finding team demanded that the central government keep a close watch over the increasing incidence of Hindutva 'terror' activities. They also asked for independent investigations under a team of neutral officers; and impartial, public inquiries into the Nanded, Malegaon, Parbhani and Purna incidents, in order to ascertain whether state intelligence and police agencies are indeed professional and neutral enough to investigate instances of politically driven Hindutva violence.


Its very lengthy...can you make it little short so that we can also understand it........:rolleyes:
:) you mean being secular means only in name then whats the need for calling oneself champion of human rights under secularism.
The very fact that you post this response to my post, makes me sure that you did not even understand what i said. This is not secularism in name. It means that the government does not discriminate, the judiciary does not discriminate. Is this hard for you to understand?

If Government affairs have nothing to do with the discrimination and denying rights to people from other faiths then why Under the governement LAW Cow slaughter is banned in Delhi ????
Because people in Delhi are sensitive to it. It also means that Muslims have a Personal Law Board to govern them. It also means that Muslims are allowed to have more than one wife. Secularism means that the government tries to ensure that no one's rights are taken. Slaughtering cows in Delhi is banned, but anyone can eat it. There is no law prohibiting anyone from eating beef or pork. Its upto individual choice. But if the majority of the citizens of Delhi have a problem with open cow slaughter, then the government heeds their choices. As they do, when the muslims say that they need a separate law board in accordance with the Quran's teachings.

If you deem the ban of cow slaughter in delhi as anti-secular then you also must deem the fact that muslims have right to consult the sharia or muslim personal law board. Or that muslims have the right to divorce by saying 'talaq' 3 times. Because that is not allowed for Hindu's in India. So by giving each religion the freedom to practice and follow their faiths, the government is secular.

I will say this one last time, secularism means that you are allowed freedoms within limits as long as it does not offend a lot of people in that area. Today if we say that we give freedom to cars to drive freely, it does not mean that some one(read: people like You) come and say that there is no freedom because the car drivers want to drive on the pavement which they are not allowed to do.

If brahmin Hinuds dont eat Cow no one is forcing them to eat. If India wants it should impose the ban on eating cow on only Hindus why non-Hindus are subjected to this ban???
Hindu's in general dont eat beef, i dont quite understand the concept of "brahmin Hindus".
I am sorry, you dont even do your research well considering that you are a journalist. Eating beef is not banned, slaughtering them in Delhi is.

What does your constitution under secularism says about freedom to people from other faiths???
I would say this, under the government and judiciary, hindu's and muslims are equal. It doesnt mean that the people are secular, there might be millions who are not secular and discriminate against each other, that does not mean that the governement does the same.

Lastly, i would not expect some one like you to understand the concept of secularism. What i do think is that you look for cheap points to score from nonsensical posts and points.
The very fact that you post this response to my post, makes me sure that you did not even understand what i said. This is not secularism in name. It means that the government does not discriminate, the judiciary does not discriminate. Is this hard for you to understand?

I did understand what you said. Judiciary, government ???

Well dear how many have access to them ??
But still Secularism doesnt mean merely not discriminating people in few offices which even not proved that it is being practiced in all the government offices of India.

Secularism also means that no religious extermist group should be let by India to maim and slaughter the minorities.

Secularism also means that all the faiths will have the freedom to be practiced by their followers which India badly failed to ensure as Hindu extermist groups like RSS, VHP and Bajrang Dal are too strong to be confronted besides they are allies in politics.

Because people in Delhi are sensitive to it.

Well those who are senstive are not forced to slaughter the Cow as they worship it but why to force others not to eat beaf???

It also means that Muslims have a Personal Law Board to govern them. It also means that Muslims are allowed to have more than one wife. Secularism means that the government tries to ensure that no one's rights are taken. Slaughtering cows in Delhi is banned, but anyone can eat it. There is no law prohibiting anyone from eating beef or pork. Its upto individual choice. But if the majority of the citizens of Delhi have a problem with open cow slaughter, then the government heeds their choices. As they do, when the muslims say that they need a separate law board in accordance with the Quran's teachings.

If you deem the ban of cow slaughter in delhi as anti-secular then you also must deem the fact that muslims have right to consult the sharia or muslim personal law board. Or that muslims have the right to divorce by saying 'talaq' 3 times. Because that is not allowed for Hindu's in India. So by giving each religion the freedom to practice and follow their faiths, the government is secular.

No my dear its not due to Secularism as Secularism is not mean to police you regarding your day to day life.

We are not a secular country even then Hindus/Christians/ Sikhs and people from other faith get marry, get divorced according to their own personal laws, same is the case with almost every country so please do not try to prove that it was only in India and it has anything to do with Secularism.

I will say this one last time, secularism means that you are allowed freedoms within limits as long as it does not offend a lot of people in that area. Today if we say that we give freedom to cars to drive freely, it does not mean that some one(read: people like You) come and say that there is no freedom because the car drivers want to drive on the pavement which they are not allowed to do.

:) Well my dear where non-Hindus are exceeding their limits by sluaghtering Cows ???

Conversion is a personal choice and not illegal even according to Indian constitution then why low cast Hindus were brualy killed for converting to Christianity in India ???
Whete they are exceeding the limits.

My dear Secularism doesnt mean only something limited to be practice in government offices.

Hindu's in general dont eat beef, i dont quite understand the concept of "brahmin Hindus".
I am sorry, you dont even do your research well considering that you are a journalist. Eating beef is not banned, slaughtering them in Delhi is.

And what do you mean general Hindus ???

The low cast Hindus do eat Cow meat go to South India and you will see they do eat Cow meat. But anyway.

As far as Delhi yes indeed slaughtering Cow is banned from where do you think people will eat Cow meat???

Do you think if Cow slaugtering is banned then people can transport Cow meat to Dehli ???

Well many poor Bangladeshis were killed on border by BSF as they transport Cows for Eidul Azha festival while Hindus do not slaughter Cows.

Lastly, i would not expect some one like you to understand the concept of secularism. What i do think is that you look for cheap points to score from nonsensical posts and points.

Ignored again Personal Attacks by You Indians.
I did understand what you said. Judiciary, government ???

Well dear how many have access to them ??

Every Indian has access... do you want that they should get priviledge.. just b'coz they are from minority comm...

But still Secularism doesnt mean merely not discriminating people in few offices which even not proved that it is being practiced in all the government offices of India.

What kind of secularim you are talking about.. do you want reservation for Muslims??... I didn't get your point..

Secularism also means that no religious extermist group should be let by India to maim and slaughter the minorities.

And it also does not mean that Minorities cando whatever they want against Majority..

Secularism also means that all the faiths will have the freedom to be practiced by their followers which India badly failed to ensure as Hindu extermist groups like RSS, VHP and Bajrang Dal are too strong to be confronted besides they are allies in politics.

Secularism also means Muslim and other faith should have common laws...

Well those who are senstive are not forced to slaughter the Cow as they worship it but why to force others not to eat beaf???

Yeah and secularism also means Pig Farm Houses in Muslim Localities.. and pork should served...

And what do you mean general Hindus ???

The low cast Hindus do eat Cow meat go to South India and you will see they do eat Cow meat. But anyway.

Yeah they eat Cow and now happy.. Many Muslims also do eat Pork.. then where is the problem...

As far as Delhi yes indeed slaughtering Cow is banned from where do you think people will eat Cow meat???

Do you think if Cow slaugtering is banned then people can transport Cow meat to Dehli ???

No They can go to Pakistan if they are really so fond of that..

Well many poor Bangladeshis were killed on border by BSF as they transport Cows for Eidul Azha festival while Hindus do not slaughter Cows.

So whats wrong there.. why don't Pakistan donate them millions of cows...

So please stop talking about BS... Its really shameful.. use your energy in contructive way..
Jana by reading your post, you seem very aggrevated and annoyed that India is not secular society. But neither is any democratic country. The idea of secularism is to include the minorities in the societies, but keep in mind that majority of any populations will have some control of how far it will go. I am not only talking about India, but here in US the same applies. Like for example there are ten commandments in every city hall and court houses, especially in the rural area. Another example i can give of secularism in US is that in a India community people wanted to change the street name M.Gandhi, but the local gov't refuses it.
Every Indian has access... do you want that they should get priviledge.. just b'coz they are from minority comm...

:what: well dont give them privilage but pleeassssse dont kill them enmass for following their chosen faith.

What kind of secularim you are talking about.. do you want reservation for Muslims??... I didn't get your point..

Not reservasions that is not going to improve condition of any community just stop RSS, VHP and Bajrang Dal from killng them.

Just do away with cast system simple as that.

And it also does not mean that Minorities cando whatever they want against Majority..

:rofl::rofl: ever even heard that minority had done whatever it wanted against majority ?????????????

Secularism also means Muslim and other faith should have common laws...

:) common laws in terms of non-personal affairs not personal ones.

Yeah and secularism also means Pig Farm Houses in Muslim Localities.. and pork should served...

Sure who is stopping you from that. You must. No harm in it as Muslims do not eat pork but we dont impose it on Hindus. Nor we put any ban on you not to sell it or not to slaughter it.

The hotel where i was staying in India was serving pork every morning in breakfast so those who wanted to eat they went for that we Muslims have no problem if you eat pork.

Yeah they eat Cow and now happy.. Many Muslims also do eat Pork.. then where is the problem...

That is the point we do not ban if anyone wants to slaughter a pig or eat pig unlike you guys as beacuse some Hindus do not eat Cow meat hence it is banned to slaughter Cow for anyone.

No They can go to Pakistan if they are really so fond of that..

:) you mean you can lose your citizens just beacuse they want to go for Cow slaughtering .

So whats wrong there.. why don't Pakistan donate them millions of cows...

So please stop talking about BS... Its really shameful.. use your energy in contructive way..

:) Beacuse Bangladeshis want to earn by hard work not to get Cows in donations.

Plus its not BS just go and check the news.
I did understand what you said. Judiciary, government ???

Well dear how many have access to them ??
Allow me to say that the majority have access to them. Indian Judicial system is very solid, though slow because of the sheer number of cases filed.

But still Secularism doesnt mean merely not discriminating people in few offices which even not proved that it is being practiced in all the government offices of India.
It doesnt also mean that it is NOT being practiced in all government offices of India. There is no onus to prove that all government offices are not following this edict. Some government servants might have personal grudges but any such act is not condoned at the official level and this is exactly what secularism means. That at the official level, any discrimination is not entertained whatsoever.

Secularism also means that no religious extermist group should be let by India to maim and slaughter the minorities.
As they are not allowed to. The fact that there is religious violence does not mean that India is not secular. That points to a shortage of law enforcement officers among other things. The fact that there were and are indictments against so many in the Gujarat riots and the Sikh riots means that again-at the official level, such activities are not condoned.

Secularism also means that all the faiths will have the freedom to be practiced by their followers which India badly failed to ensure as Hindu extermist groups like RSS, VHP and Bajrang Dal are too strong to be confronted besides they are allies in politics.
Or so you feel.

Well those who are senstive are not forced to slaughter the Cow as they worship it but why to force others not to eat beaf???
I would like to point out here AGAIN, that you are ridiculously bad in your research considering that you are a journalist. Slaughtering of cows is banned, not eating them. You are free to eat beef in Delhi.

No my dear its not due to Secularism as Secularism is not mean to police you regarding your day to day life.
No, it means defining limits to which you can practice your freedom. Freedom does not give you the right to hurt other communities sensitivities.

We are not a secular country even then Hindus/Christians/ Sikhs and people from other faith get marry, get divorced according to their own personal laws, same is the case with almost every country so please do not try to prove that it was only in India and it has anything to do with Secularism.
Please dont get me started on the amount of freedom enjoyed by minorities in Pakistan.

:) Well my dear where non-Hindus are exceeding their limits by sluaghtering Cows ???
They are if the residents of delhi claim that they are. Depends on city to city or town to town. The majority of people of delhi dont want cows slaughtered here and that is that. It does not stop non hindus from eating beef. Get your facts straight.

Conversion is a personal choice and not illegal even according to Indian constitution then why low cast Hindus were brualy killed for converting to Christianity in India ???
Whete they are exceeding the limits.
Um....i will point out AGAIN, that its the mob violence. The government is not going around killing people because of conversions. This is the difference that you dont understand.

My dear Secularism doesnt mean only something limited to be practice in government offices.
Yes it does. It means that the three arms of the country-government, judiciary and the executive are secular. The people can be secular or non secular. The fact that India is secular does not mean that every person in India is secular. Understand the meaning then come to discuss the issue.

And what do you mean general Hindus ???

The low cast Hindus do eat Cow meat go to South India and you will see they do eat Cow meat. But anyway.
Many Brahmins of South India also eat beef, so? Either its Hindu or its not, you dont say Brahmin Hindu's or Kshatriya Hindu's or whatever.

As far as Delhi yes indeed slaughtering Cow is banned from where do you think people will eat Cow meat???
India is quite a big country, there are cities surrounding Delhi.

Do you think if Cow slaugtering is banned then people can transport Cow meat to Dehli ???
Yes. It is sold in the Old Delhi area as a matter of fact.

Well many poor Bangladeshis were killed on border by BSF as they transport Cows for Eidul Azha festival while Hindus do not slaughter Cows.
If Bangladeshi's are killed at the border by BSF then it is nothing to feel sorry. BSF is doing its job well. Bangladeshi's are creating a nuisance in India with their illegal immigration. Smuggling of any goods is not allowed.

Ignored again Personal Attacks by You Indians.
I speak the truth Jana. EDITED: Avoid personal attacks please.
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Kandhamal: Under Whose Control ?

By Dhirendra Panda

18 September, 2008

The riot among the Hindus and Muslims occurred in Rourkela in 1964-65 had lasted only for three days. But, in Kandhamal it has been continuing since last 20-days. It can be considered as the worst ever communal violence witnessed within Orissa. When the Government claims that the situation is peaceful and under control, but the reality is complete opposite. People are left as completely terror-stricken and nobody from minority community feels safe in villages, prefers to stay back in relief camps.

On 11th September 08 the Orissa government informed the Supreme Court that the law and order situation in Kandhamal had "improved considerably" and was now under control. In this regards, a detailed affidavit was submitted by the Orissa Home Secretary T.K. Mishra on behalf of the government, in response to a writ petition filed by Raphael Cheenath, the Cuttack Achbishop. The State Government's Counsel also informed the Apex Court Bench, comprising Chief Justice K.G. Balakrishnan and Justice P. Sathasivam, that all steps taken by the administration to maintain law had been taken. So far, the government has formed 354 peace committees to help restore harmony. Some 421 criminal cases have been instituted against the rioters and 629 persons involved in the violence have been booked. In the petition, the government also informed the Supreme Court that VHP leader Praveen Togadia's proposed kalash yatra was also barred from entering the district. It is yet to be informed of who the people in the peace committees are and how far they have earned the 'real' confidence of the villagers belonging to the minority community.

The Government and Sangha Parivar are trying to project the entire incident as a reflection of the age-old conflicts in between Adivasis and Dalits and situation under control. This is further palpable from the Chief Secretary's discussion with USA Consul General Ms Beth A Payne on 11th September. The Officer informed to Ms Payne, who has come to meet the Chief Minister Mr Naveen Patnaik and others for some commercial purposes at the Orissa Secretariat, - that it was not a communal violence against Christians, rather group clashes in between adivasis and dalits and now it is under control.

The question arises - what does 'situation is under control' mean, under whose control is it? The information as gathered from the field, it is under the control of the VHP, Bajrang Dal and their hooligans backed by BJP leaders. One civil society fact finding team returned today to Bhubaneswar after visiting the area. As we got from them through informal talks (they will present their official report after 1 or 2 days), they had to take permission from the district authority before entering into villages. The situation is unthinkably scaring and suspicious. Everybody is awfully waiting under uncertainty – as if, it may bring another big trouble next day. Even NGOs and reporters are under constant fear of being threatened.

The already ravished, terrorized, emotionally broken dalits and adivasis are being converted from Christianity to Hinduism in a well-planned manner. A villager (Christian) from Baliguda block called and informed today that they have been given a ultimatum by VHP people that they have to keep themselves prepared with two cocoanuts, non-boiled rice (arua chaula) and other items for attending re-conversion (sanskar) ceremony on 15th September 2008. In case they failed to do so, what will happen – only time can tell? 'In the meantime more than 1000 families have been reconverted within 15-days' according to a reporter, who does not want to disclose his identity.

A couple of days back, the leaders of VHP and RSS have announced to wipe out Christians from Kandhamal District shortly. This was reiterated by Sangha leaders on 11th September before press. Addressing media persons after his meeting with Sankaracharya, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad Chief, Ashok Singhal said while the crucifixion of Jesus helped in spreading Christianity worldwide, the killing of Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswati would end conversions and cow slaughter. He reiterated his vow to put an end to conversions in the country. Also he told that recently thousands of 'forcefully or deceptively' converted people in Kandhamal are coming back to Hinduism after they realized that the Christianity can not give them security and protection. State VHP leader Mr. Subash Chouhan said that religious functions would also be conducted to reconvert all the converts into the Hindu fold. He also said a month-long campaign from September 23 would be launched in which the holy 'soils' from the 'samadhi' of Swami Lakshmanananda would be taken in a procession to all the villages in the Kandhamal where the Christian missionaries had converted a large number of native tribal population into Christianity.

The 'reconversion programme' has been planned and being carried out very systematically in association with many influential persons and institutions. The VHP Supremo – Mr.Singhal had a closed-door meeting with the Puri Shankaracharya, Swami Neeschalananda Saraswati, at his mutt at Puri for over an hour. Also he had meets with the CM and the leaders of RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal and BJP separately.

When the Government claiming the situation is peaceful and normal in Kandhamal, then why did the District Collector of Kandhamal, Krishan Kumar asked the State Election Commission to postpone the urban local bodies' poll in the area scheduled to be held Sep 19 since the situation had not become completely normal.' The situation is under control but in some areas, it continues to be tense,' he said. 'More than 20,000 people have been living in 18 relief camps and many of them have said they don't want to return home at this moment because they still fear a threat to their lives,' Although the ban order is still in force across the district, thousands of women blocked several roads Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to demand the release of those (VHP people) arrested on rioting charges. This demand was put before the Orissa CM by none other than Mr.Ashok Singhal. These women, mostly tribals, often take to the streets defying prohibitory orders, admitted by Mr.Kumar. Why the administration is not able to stop these and arrest the RSS, VHP, BJP leaders who are mobilizing these women to organize such rallies near relief camps and creating atmosphere of terror and insecurity for the people in camps.

People belonging to minority communities either in relief camps or villages or outside are under constant fear, insecurity. They do not have other choices than to 'reconvert or die'. Now, the freedom, dignity and right of the adivasis and dalits are in the hands of VHP and BJP leaders and their hired hooligans. The Constitutional rights of a section of Indian citizens, who are said to be the original inhabitants (indigenous communities), are under captivity. Not to speak of taking up any actions to ensure their rights, the Government looks helpless before the designs of fundamentalists. The suspicion of the minority communities about the State of siding with communal forces and compromising its constitutional responsibilities as secular and democratic polity is gaining more ground. Of course the Civil Society still hopes 'the Navin government is not a collaborator, but a helpless and mute spectator'.

The Government and BJD-BJP leaders have strongly refused to accept the demand for CBI enquiry into both the murder of Laxmanananda and that of Christians. Actually whatever level of importance is given for the enquiry of Laxmanananda case, is below expectation. Comparing to it, a little has been done to trace out the murderers of innocent Christians during subsequent violence. The affected people are sometimes threatened by the hooligans not to file their FIRs against their leaders and followers and also discouraged by the local Police at some other time. After 15-days many people have not been able to file FIRs.

There is no special arrangement by the administration for filing FIRs by affected ones, security of victims and protection of witness. Even the District authority is not allowing the Civil Society to help in providing legal aids to these hapless people, while the perpetrators of the violence are moving freely and intimidating the poor adivasis and dalits.

In the meantime, the Sangh Parivar prepared a list of about 140 people from Christian community alleging them to be the killers of Laxmanananda without any substantial proof and distributing it among its supporters with a purpose to punish them in case the Government fails to do the same and Mr.Singhal submitted the list to the CM. It has created danger for the lives of these people.

The 'rule of the Sangh Parivar' overpowers the 'rule of law'. Immediately after the killing of Laxmanananda, disregarding the views of the Police DG, CM; they declared the Christian Community as responsible for the crime and also they announced the punishment that the 'Hindus would react severely'. And also they implemented the punishment by killing women-men, lynching disabled persons and children, burning Christian houses, shops, churches.

The Sangh leaders decided not to undertake autopsy of the bodies of Laxmanananda and his disciples, the Administration obeyed it. The Sangh and BJP made the Government not to go for CBI enquiry. The VHP leaders expressed unhappiness over the investigation into the killing of Swami Laxmanananda by the Crime Branch and alleged that the Government was shielding the culprits. Eighteen days after the death of the Swami police are yet to identify the killers, he said. But they did not show slightest interest about the killing of innocent people subsequently and also they do not want it to be given to the CBI for enquiry. Then, what should we expect now from the Constitutional authorities, opposition political parties and civil society??

(The write-up is based on media reports and field information.)

(I am a Human Rights' Activist based in Bhubaneswar working independently.I have 30 years of experiences in working on various social issues in association with differsnt Non-Governmental organisations and political parties based in Orissa.I did my MA in Political Science.I began my social career from Students' Movements in 80s'.)

Kandhamal: Under Whose Control ? By Dhirendra Panda

Kandhamal: Under Whose Control ? By Dhirendra Panda
This article corroborates my point. The rule of law is being violated or overpowered in Orissa. But the rule of law is the law of the land, and it does not condone religious violence.
Hindu scripture order prompts row in Karnataka state​

Opposition parties and minority groups in India's Karnataka state are angry that the Hindu scripture, Bhagvad Gita, must be taught in schools.

The state authorities recently directed schools to teach the Hindu holy book for three hours a week.

Education Minister Visveswara Hegde Kageri said that those who did not want to learn the Gita should leave India.

Opponents of the move say that the state government order violates their constitutional rights.

The state is governed by the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

"Only those who want to promote religious ideologies of foreign countries are protesting the Bhagvad Gita classes," Mr Kageri said recently.

"If they want to promote their ideologies, they have no place in this country. They should leave."

His comments have angered the opposition Congress and Janata Dal (Secular) parties who have petitioned Governor HR Bharadwaj to stop the programme immediately.

The governor, too, has described Mr Kageri's controversial comment as "unwise and unfortunate".

Christian and Muslim leaders have said the government is "trying to cause communal disharmony".

They said the order violated the constitutional rights of educational institutions of minority communities.

The Minorities Instiutions' Federation has also filed a petition in the Karnataka high court challenging the government's order.

The court last week asked the state and federal governments to explain the education department's circular.

In his defence, Mr Kageri said the BJP government in Karnataka neither sponsored nor funded the exercise.

He said the Gita had been taught in schools since 2007 and that some people were trying to create a controversy.

"The government had only asked the education department to extend its co-operation to the programme as it had been doing for other programmes like planting of saplings organised by various organisations," news agency Press Trust of India quoted Mr Kageri as saying.

BBC News - Hindu scripture order prompts row in Karnataka state
Hindu scripture order prompts row in Karnataka state​

BBC News - Hindu scripture order prompts row in Karnataka state

Do not you teach Quran in your country than with what face you talk about this? In your country govt bared minorities to enter their temple as you think their religion is not so important. :tdown: If anyone in Pakistan protest against teaching Quran he/she will be sentenced to death without delay.

In your country blasphemy is law!!!!! Remember that.

look at the date... :what:

it's from today
That is why your revived a three years old thread. You searched for it!! Oh man you are great. :rofl:

Any way this is not related to defence.
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