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Secretary Pompeo to IK "you were welcomed like a Rock Star".

The previous government was perhaps even worse in lies and deceit, so it is just a matter of which bias any particular fan prefers, in my view.

The policies comes from the same script, so why get upset at a periodic change of facades?

The current Government when in opposition did everything in its power to prevent Pakistan from progressing. They had no right to do that.
wow man he is a rockstar no doubt , look at the support.Thankyou for being PM of Pakistan
The US Government has treated PM Khan like some Gorbachev, a child and sent him back empty handed with a shabaash and his minions think he's somehow achieved something.
but why r u hurt

I agree with you. I just don't agree with the burger boys of PTI who are promoting a policy of lies and deceit to the Pakistani people.
who r u then jahil patwari
khooni libral
The US establishment observes everything very minutely and I think the success of this US visit has a lot to do with that Jalsa in DC. It clearly gave a message to the US that IK is indeed here with the support of his people and not as his opponents were trying to project him, a "selected PM" with no real support.

Yes, just once, get us out of Afghanistan, and we will tell you your auqat in next minute.
The current Government when in opposition did everything in its power to prevent Pakistan from progressing. They had no right to do that.

Thy were following the script they were given and they had no choice but to play their assigned role.
And I am already paying the price for being truthful as a target of petty vindictiveness.

Hmmmmm ........ I think I will chose to remain silent on this one, I have already once mentioned to you, to a common reader your criticism (truth) seems like emanating from personal grievance and may be a grudge.

I am sure PMIK will do a far better job of dealing with the Americans than his predecessor. But then again, that is not a difficult target to exceed, given the previous moron who held that post.

If he is to be judged based on performance and international standing of his predecessor(s), that would be unfair. The benchmark needs to be raised in his case, he already enjoyed fandom and stardom, it may have been very awkward if the first lady of US was some ex wife of US president, strange enough .... I did miss Ivanka's presence by the way.
The current Government when in opposition did everything in its power to prevent Pakistan from progressing. They had no right to do that.
Did you just wrote the highlighted part with a straight face? So according to a patwari the level of progress is this:

1) Pakistan debit from 14.4 trillion during PPP rose to 23.8 trillion, the highest increase recorded in any government’s term since the creation of Pakistan. https://tribune.com.pk/story/1753767/2-govt-debt-grows-highest-pace-pml-ns-term/
2) Pakistani foreign policy non existent. No foreign minister was appointed.
3) Pakistani passport only one place higher than that of Afghanistan.
4) Panama scandal, hazoora wala yeh hain woh zarai, and then suddenly no zarai were ever found.
5) Worst economic policies where dollars were taken on loan to artificially keep rupee value up to launder more and more money.
6) Model town massacre.
7) Inviting Indians without Visa and conspiring against the state.
8) Dawn leaks.
Do you want me to carry on because rest assured the list of progress is very lengthy.
We are not talking about his support at home, improve ur comprehension issues.

Or perhaps you need to use logic more often instead of your ego to disprove things that question your use of logic?
We are bloody talking about Americans knowing who the guy is and what support he can muster regardless of whether he gathered a crowd in US or not.
Or perhaps you need to use logic more often instead of your ego to disprove things that question your use of logic?
We are bloody talking about Americans knowing who the guy is and what support he can muster regardless of whether he gathered a crowd in US or not.
Knowing and seeing are two different things, gathering a crowd of thousands right in the centre of the US sends a direct message to the white house regardless of what the Americans bloody know about him previously and do me a favour stop barking ur opinions in my face, cool off and went ur frustrations where they are due, there are two many of u fckng kids here on pdf who think they knw something....
Hmmmmm ........ I think I will chose to remain silent on this one, I have already once mentioned to you, to a common reader your criticism (truth) seems like emanating from personal grievance and may be a grudge.

That is not my problem. I only post what I feel is a correct reflection on my part.

If he is to be judged based on performance and international standing of his predecessor(s), that would be unfair. The benchmark needs to be raised in his case, he already enjoyed fandom and stardom, it may have been very awkward if the first lady of US was some ex wife of US president, strange enough .... I did miss Ivanka's presence by the way.

PMIK will be best judged by the actual results he is able to deliver for the nation based on his promises, not for his glamour or star power.
PMIK will be best judged by the actual results he is able to deliver for the nation based on his promises, not for his glamour or star power.

You do understand then that he alone cannot without support of other main players. His own team doesn't count much.
You do understand then that he alone cannot without support of other main players. His own team doesn't count much.

Yes, I do understand that. Still, he is the PM and thus the responsible person.
Change in views? You seem quite jubilant and more involved lately :enjoy:

My views are consistent, and I decided not to let DaVulture's petty vindictiveness dampen my spirits. :D

Regardless of what people may like to portray me as the Great Evil, I do wish well for Pakistan. PMIK's recent successful visit will help get Pakistan on track.
My views are consistent, and I decided not to let DaVulture's petty vindictiveness dampen my spirits. :D

Regardless of what people may like to portray me as the Great Evil, I do wish well for Pakistan. PMIK's recent successful visit will help get Pakistan on track.

Letting others understand you is sometimes necessary. People are always on different frequencies and human IQ never remains constant.
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