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Secretary Pompeo to IK "you were welcomed like a Rock Star".

Or may be USA does not care how much support there is as long as the people it chooses to interact with can deliver on their required roles in the pursuit of its national interests. After all, this is the country that went from calling the mujahideen the "moral equivalent of the founding fathers" to "terrorists" in a few years. Please never forget that. :D
exactly, the american right now need Pakistan's help to get out from the mess they created in Afghanistan.....
I see two things logic and lack of hope separately.
Who would have thought what Europe could be before renaissance, who could have thought what the future holds during US Civil war.
Yes I agree that Pakistanis should not become a victim of their own optimism.
Maybe you are telling something which all should listen.
I am of same opinion but what I saw that Trump and Imran had mutual respect. If Pakistan delivers it opens up chances for further respectable cooperation.
As long as it is mutually beneficial.

International geopolitics works best when it is mutually beneficial. USA can work with PMIK, and PMIK can get Pakistan good benefits as a result. Win-win, as they say.

and see what happen from a saviour they are now defeated superpower.

Defeated they may be, but at least PMIK saw the wisdom in still working with them for gaining mutual benefits. That is wise indeed.

Revolution doesn't requires funding

Yes, but dharnas and election campaigns do.

That is the most realistic and truthful statement.

And I am already paying the price for being truthful as a target of petty vindictiveness.

But Americans do have a weakness ........ they like to remain lawful and try avoiding any bad publicity. I hope IK knows how to talk to them and speak to them. Receptions and welcomes are mere cosmetics, what counts is reaching the common American and winning them. Don't undersell and lock them in a situation where they cannot dispose you or dump you ....... taking their Ambassador with you on air travels is a failed strategy ....... making them face backlash from common Americans is the successful strategy, and keep reminding them of the legal implications, they have this habit of lending an ear to proper fully backed reasons.

I am sure PMIK will do a far better job of dealing with the Americans than his predecessor. But then again, that is not a difficult target to exceed, given the previous moron who held that post.

1) Step 1 take a glass
2) Step 2 Fill it with cold water
3) Step 3 Drink that water
4) Step 4 Take a midday nap :-)

1. Done.
2. Done.
3. Done.
4. Was working, may be today.

See, I do listen to good advice! :D

exactly, the american right now need Pakistan's help to get out from the mess they created in Afghanistan.....

Absolutely correct. And Pakistan needs American help to come out of its economic crisis. That is exactly why both sides are going to find mutually beneficial common grounds to help each other out. International Geopolitics 101.
What PMIK can actually deliver still remains to be seen over the course of the remainder of his term in office.

wow what a statement. so whatever changes big and small he is trying to bring about do not count as a deliverable? You are an intellectual my friend
wow what a statement. so whatever changes big and small he is trying to bring about do not count as a deliverable? You are an intellectual my friend

"Trying to bring about" is NOT the same as "has brought about". Result matter more than claims and attempts.
They don't need to observe that to know who he is. They knew who he is before he even entered politics. And they knew how and why he got elected as PM and what kind of support he enjoys at home.
They keep an eye on everything in the world, and one does not need to do a jalsa in DC to show them anything.
We are not talking about his support at home, improve ur comprehension issues.
The US Government has treated PM Khan like some Gorbachev, a child and sent him back empty handed with a shabaash and his minions think he's somehow achieved something.
The US Government has treated PM Khan like some Gorbachev, a child and sent him back empty handed with a shabaash and his minions think he's somehow achieved something.

Let us be fair here. PMIK agreed to do everything to support a US solution for Afghanistan, and in return he will certainly get benefits for Pakistan. That is an achievement of sorts, any way one looks at it.
Let us be fair here. PMIK agreed to do everything to support a US solution for Afghanistan, and in return he will certainly get benefits for Pakistan. That is an achievement of sorts, any way one looks at it.

No doubt. Probably a Kashkol full of temporary goodies ... in return for a few drone strikes to scare the Iranians into submission like previously.
No doubt. Probably a Kashkol full of temporary goodies ... and a few drone strikes to scare the Iranians into submission like previously.

There is nothing permanent in international geopolitics. If PMIK can get some goodies for Pakistan at this point in its history, calling the vessel by any name does not matter. His ego or your bias will do nothing to change the fact that what he is doing is serving national interests as he understands them. That is his primary job.
There is nothing permanent in international geopolitics. If PMIK can get some goodies for Pakistan at this point in its history, calling the vessel by any name does not matter. His ego or your bias will do nothing to change the fact that what he is doing is serving national interests as he understands them. That is his primary job.

He cursed the previous PMs for taking loans as beggars. When they tried to devalue the Rupee to increase exports, they were labelled as corrupt and when they attempted to improve relations with India, they labelled them as traitors.

Now look at these revolutionaries.

What he and his minions said about their predecessers are now themselves indulging into but trying to portay it as something new but better, a change for good, and all in the name of national interest.
He cursed the previous PMs for taking loans as beggars. When they tried to devalue the Rupee to increase exports, they were labelled as corrupt and when they attempted to improve relations with India, they labelled them as traitors.

Now look at these revolutionaries.

What he and his minions said about their predecessers are now themselves indulging into but trying to portay it as something new but better, a change for good, and all in the name of national interest.

So what is new in that? That is the way electioneering and politics have been done in Pakistan for a long time. And I have caught much flack on PDF for saying that naya Pakistan will be just like purana Pakistan, but it remains my assessment.
So what is new in that? That is the way electioneering and politics have been done in Pakistan for a long time. And I have caught much flack on PDF for saying that naya Pakistan will be just like purana Pakistan, but it remains my assessment.

I agree with you. I just don't agree with the burger boys of PTI who are promoting a policy of lies and deceit to the Pakistani people.
I agree with you. I just don't agree with the burger boys of PTI who are promoting a policy of lies and deceit to the Pakistani people.

The previous government was perhaps even worse in lies and deceit, so it is just a matter of which bias any particular fan prefers, in my view.

The policies comes from the same script, so why get upset at a periodic change of facades?
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