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Second Take on Pakistan-Saudi Loans

Pakistan needs to tread cautiously. Saudi funding is not important, it can be easily substituted by the taller than mountain friend. But millions of Pak workers stay in KSA and friendly Gulf countries (by contrast very few in Iran or PRC). Their remittances keep Pak afloat. If KSA and its allies were to recommend an expulsion of Pak workers and replacement by BD and Indian workers, it could cause a serious disruption to Pak economy.

There are few factors to consider to understand what is happening in the world.
Pakistan is not completely aligning its self with Saudia, the reasons are obvious, both interests do not go in hand in hand each other, Pakistan can not jump into yamen conflict on the wishes of Saudia. Pakistanis were not unanimous on killing Yemen's Muslims so Pakistan desist from joining it. Saudia felt betrayed.
Saudia has its own interests to protect and promote, It is not ready to sacrifices these for the sake of Pakistan who is not blindly supporting it. So Saudia is doing the best it can do to protect its future interests.
Saudia is finding its self in a precarious situation when many influential countries like turkey Malaysia Iran are challenging its hold leadership in the region and in OIC. that is why it desist Pakistan to attend Malaysian conference.
Pakistan and Saudia are finding their respective interests aligning to two different world powers Ameria and china, rival to each other.
Sadia is falling in the American trap, created by well-designed strategies of plots and threats.saudia is presently afraid of Iran, Turkey, and Israel.so fear of losing power is keeping it in the American camp. America has a vital interest in keeping oil supply free of any embargo or restriction.so America has kept hold of every influential country in its camp.
Here comes the problem for Pakistan, America has chosen India as its strategic partner against China, the Main rival of Pakistan, Saudia needs America while Pakistan finds America in Indian camp against him so Pakistan is not ready to accept Indian hegemony in Asia, so what suits Pakistan is naturally China who oppose India and support Pakistan. all this scuffle is about the realignment of interests of respective countries.
Pakistan is not against Saudia nor Saudia is against Pakistan but when both have their respective interest in opposite groups,
The challenge arises is, how to keep mutual relations free from antagonistic feelings and responses? I think the leadership of both countries should show maturity and craftmanship in handling brotherly relations. and Let not ruin these for the sake of American or Chinese interest. will they succeed or fail, only time will tell?
I have seen a lot of threads popping up on this forum, and I feel that they were mostly emotional rather than critical of the reality, only focusing on our view of the whole situation. In different words, to sum up my point, we have failed to realize that the repayment of a loan and the silence on renewing the oil-on-deferred-payments could be a consequence of the deep pile of sh!t that Saudi Arabia is in right now. So, I think it's important to talk about a few things and understand all of this from Saudi Arabia's perspective.

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Domestic Economy
Honestly, their economy is not looking good right now. They have been struggling a bit due to the changing mobility dynamics around the world, and also the recent hit on oil prices and demand for oil due to the pandemic. Here are some factors which indicate that their economy isn't doing as well as they would like.

- The International Monetary Fund warned that the economy of Saudi Arabia could actually shrink by -6.8% in 2020. It already shrank by -1% in the first quarter.
- Saudi Aramco, the backbone of the country, reported very recently that it took a hit this year due to the pandemic, as its profit plunged by 73%. This implies that Saudi Arabia has seriously struggled with oil exports due to the pandemic. We're talking billions of dollars near the mark of $100 billion.
- Saudi Arabia, only a couple years back introduced a domestic VAT of 5%, and now this year, in May, tripled it to 15%.
- Just very recently, Saudi Arabia announced it will consider an asset sale, as well as introducing an income tax on its citizens in the Kingdom.
- Economic indicators show that inflation has been on a slow and steady rise. Petrol is going up prices domestically, and it will probably go higher since UAE also pumped its domestic petrol prices up significantly as well.
- The government had announced austerity measures in April it will take to keep the economy afloat during the crisis.
- This year, Saudi Arabia, so far posted a deficit of about $29 billion. It has been borrowing from the international, as well as the domestic market, in addition to using $13 billion from its reserves.
- Saudi Arabia is considering privatizing sectors 'previously not considered' this year.
- Let's not forget the war they are in, it costs. A lot.

Why is this happening?
Well, mostly because we have to realize that the entire economy of Saudi Arabia floats on the insane export of oil and oil products. This is bad in general, especially when the world is working towards the better use of renewable energy, which is why the new Prince has been trying to diversify their financial dependency on other areas as well, such as tourism. But Saudi Arabia hasn't yet reached such a point where it can 'live' without oil, or rather not even feel the impact if it loses some exports of oil. There's a pandemic going on, so what do we all expect. Of course, the oil exports would take a hit. In fact, at one point the oil prices dipped below zero, and for a country whose economy relies on oil export... well you know how well that fares for them. On top of that, let's not forget that the country has entered a big war which it cannot pull out of, and it's costing them, for the war machinery and American assistance, both.

What does this mean?
With the current situation of their economy, is it really that far fetched to think that they would ask for the reimbursement of a part of their loan, and be silent on the agreement for deferred payments on oil? Also, I want to make a small correction. According to news reports, the agreement was set to be renewed two months ago but the response has only been silence so far (not rejection), which means that this cannot be in reaction to Shah Mehmood Qureshi's comments which were made in his personal capacity only a few days ago.

Okay, but what about them not convening the FM meeting on Kashmir via OIC?
You have to understand that India is the 3rd or 4th largest importer of oil from Saudi Arabia. The export of oil from Saudi Arabia to India is worth $16.8 billion. They cannot lose a part of this at a point in time which is so crucial for their economy. I normally say that trade is not a favor, but a necessity; but over here, oil is a commodity that so many other countries export, and at competitive pricing too, India can choose another exporter, so India does have a degree of leverage at this point in time, especially with Iraq slowly stabilizing around the corner.

I want you to genuinely think from their perspective and see if their actions are really that uncalled for.
Secondly, I think it is a deep blunder by Pakistan to keep on approaching Saudi Arabia to convene an OIC meeting on Kashmir, why can't Pakistan call for a meeting on its own or rather approach the impartial persons with high positions in OIC to convene a meeting so that no one country is blamed. It is rather obvious that for Saudi Arabia to call for such a meeting would put the country in an awkward position.
Lastly, Shah Mehmood Qureshi has a calm and sophisticated personality but I think that his recent statements, even in his personal capacity, were absolutely nonsense. Let me explain why. As I said, Pakistan should be approaching the president or secretary-general of OIC, not a country. Also, calling for an FM meeting in OIC won't liberate Kashmir; if this is about narrative then an OIC meeting doesn't help that either because no one cares about OIC including its own member countries, and just like how narrative of Palestine hasn't helped Palestine despite the popularity and mass information available, it won't help Kashmir. So, for absolutely nothing, we are breaking off our relations with a rather important country. By not saying these statements, we had nothing to lose, actually probably something to gain in the future, but by saying these statements, we have everything to lose.

That's my opinion. Data were taken from various finance-based news outlets.

Edit: I want to add that Pakistan financed $1 billion loan by borrowing $1 billion from China. Could this not mean that both countries reached an understanding? After all, it is difficult to arrange a large loan in such a short period of time. Just a speculation, no basis.
Saudi Arabia is angry with the deal of Iran and China and Saudi Arabia believes that this deal has been made throw Pakistan and this tail can never be successful without using Pakistani land. Because if china buy oil from iran and shipment can be stop by USA Navy by sea.if it goes via CEPC no one can object and Saudis wants pakistan to not make iran part of CEPC.reason why china came give 1 billion for payment.ider her koye lande ka danshwar banh howa hain.since iran and china deal details got leak Saudi had stoped oil delivery to PAK. PAK is saying you accept our enemy as yours we will consider your enemy as ours.we will not accept if you do bussiness with india n expect us to make iran our enemy. PAK said give and take.make india your enemy we will make iran our enemy..if you don't accept it then sud de **** of.
We live in a world of "news industry". The industry side takes precedence over news - especially in our country where it's peak time viewing. A lot of it is hype and bluster for the sale of clicks, views and sales. The FM said what he said, he was empassioned in his speech - but it's not the end of the world for anyone.
It is not for saudis very country is facing economic hardship. But it is only a timely phenomenon. Sitting on plus USD 500 billion of reserves it is a rich country. Further, the amount of 3 billion in cash and remaining in deferred payment on oil is minute fraction of they are spending on arms purchases.

Pandora Pai

Next time they come begging us for Nuclear Umbrella we can show the middle finger.

Good idea. ModiGee can extend his nuke umbrella to KSA.


Modi Gee didnt get Nukes in Jahaiz that he will be distributing them to other countries.
As you mentioned differed payment facility has been on hold for past 2-3 months so coupling it with SM qureshi statement is a moronic thing to do. Personally i think this unrevealing of ties has been going on for months now. Saudis probably asked something unthinkable from us which forced us into this mess. At the end of day it is not just loss of Pakistan but also saudis. Next time they come begging us for Nuclear Umbrella we can show the middle finger.
After leaking china iran 400 deal and making them part of CEPC..Saudi knows iran oil pass throw Pakistani land. They betray pak on kasmir as well..They want PAK to not make iran part of CEPC
Why people of Pakistan think SMQ was being emotional? Do you think foreign policies on such important issues are made just on emotion ?

Maybe pakistan is planning to form an alliance with like minded Muslim countries and don't me Saudis to force us back just like kl summit.
Lol soon we will see a delegation as usual like past to visit KSA and apologize or convience them of miscommunication ..like the real men in charge of affairs COAS already met with Saudi envoy as a damage control practice .. SMq outburst is recent while repayment and stoppage of oil facility date 2 months back .. so defiantly Kashmir issue is not the main cause ..there is something else or may be establishment and government creating distraction after failure on Kashmir policy to blame others..
Lol soon we will see a delegation as usual like past to visit KSA and apologize or convience them of miscommunication ..like the real men in charge of affairs COAS already met with Saudi envoy as a damage control practice .. SMq outburst is recent while repayment and stoppage of oil facility date 2 months back .. so defiantly Kashmir issue is not the main cause ..there is something else or may be establishment and government creating distraction after failure on Kashmir policy to blame others..
Irán china deal and Islamic organization parallel of OIC is real issue..pakistani new leadership dont want to be boggiman anymore
Irán china deal and Islamic organization parallel of OIC is real issue..pakistani new leadership dont want to be boggiman anymore
Same leadership didn’t visit KL summit and now meeting Saudi envoy .. time will tell ..we don’t have enough to stand on our own ..even if half of expats been expelled supporting more then 6 billion dollar annual ..I don’t see we can manage in near future same amount without asking money from other country then
Same leadership didn’t visit KL summit and now meeting Saudi envoy .. time will tell ..we don’t have enough to stand on our own ..even if half of expats been expelled supporting more then 6 billion dollar annual ..I don’t see we can manage in near future same amount without asking money from other country then
Becase they gave time to brother and friend they promise pak that they will arrange OIC Meeting which was not happend. Game is ready in kasmir and one OIC Meeting can Chang the game in kasmir..
Same leadership didn’t visit KL summit and now meeting Saudi envoy .. time will tell ..we don’t have enough to stand on our own ..even if half of expats been expelled supporting more then 6 billion dollar annual ..I don’t see we can manage in near future same amount without asking money from other country then
Becase they gave time to brother and friend they promise pak that they will arrange OIC Meeting which was not happend. Game is ready in kasmir and one OIC Meeting can Chang the game in kasmir..
Saudi Arabia is angry with the deal of Iran and China and Saudi Arabia believes that this deal has been made throw Pakistan and this tail can never be successful without using Pakistani land. Because if china buy oil from iran and shipment can be stop by USA Navy by sea.if it goes via CEPC no one can object and Saudis wants pakistan to not make iran part of CEPC.reason why china came give 1 billion for payment.ider her koye lande ka danshwar banh howa hain.since iran and china deal details got leak Saudi had stoped oil delivery to PAK. PAK is saying you accept our enemy as yours we will consider your enemy as ours.we will not accept if you do bussiness with india n expect us to make iran our enemy. PAK said give and take.make india your enemy we will make iran our enemy..if you don't accept it then sud de **** of.

It's plausible, like what other members mentioned here. But I think it's best that we wait a few months before making a conclusion so that whole scenario becomes clearer.

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