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Second Opinion: Kashmir bargain

For the U.N.Seat? Lol - Mr. Suraiya who I have admired for years now has lost the plot slightly. What can we possibly gain by having a veto power in completely toothless organization? If the UN passes some resolution, the US does what it wants anyway - Korea does what it wants anyway, Iran, Iraq - when did UN resolutions actually resolve any issue?

Some of the countries like France which enjoy a veto are a laughing stock around the world. What exactly is their place in issue resolution over the last 60 years?
So india should give up its VITAL STRATEGIC hold in SOUTH ASIA and all control of the WATER,

FOR WHAT A POXY SEAT on the UN security council.

" how stupid do you think indians are "

Kashmir is as integral part of India as New Delhi or Amritsar or Banglore.

There are 300 million muslims living all over India.
There are 170 million Muslims as of latest statistics dude. 300 million is combined population of Pakistan and India's Muslims..LOL.
No they dont need that.But we are generous enough to send them on low cost "Bullet Airlines" even if they dont have a visa. ;)

Last time the freedom fighters caught a plane was it not Indian Airlines Flight 814 that eneded up in Kandahar international........:rofl::rofl:
Last time the freedom fighters caught a plane was it not Indian Airlines Flight 814 that eneded up in Kandahar international........:rofl::rofl:

I keep hearing nonsense on this forum that the Kashmiri insurgents only target the Indian armed forces and never intentionally target civilians and hence should be called Freedom fighters and not terrorists. And you are here linking a hijack of a commercial airliner to the Kashmir insurgents? hmm... I didnt realize all passangers on that flight belonged to Indian armed forces.

So are you wrong in this linkage or is the mod team wrong in calling these terrorists as freedom fighters??
Bhartis got their ***** properly kicked in that incident, in which the glorious freedom fighters Maulana Masood Azhar and Omar Saeed Sheikh achieved their freedom. :rofl::rofl:

Isnt it their compatriots only who are killing Pakistani civilians and armed forces with extreme prejudice.

And that makes you happy??

May be we should send over a few more of such people in Indian jails
Last time the freedom fighters caught a plane was it not Indian Airlines Flight 814 that eneded up in Kandahar international........:rofl::rofl:
Kudos to your honesty. The 'freedom fighters' are after all terrorists. Or is it your primordial craving to gloat over the exploits of your 'freedom fighters', that let the cat out of the bag.

Another Freudian slip?
Bhartis got their ***** properly kicked in that incident, in which the glorious freedom fighters Maulana Masood Azhar and Omar Saeed Sheikh achieved their freedom. :rofl::rofl:

And I thought Pakistan now consider the talib lot as terrorists! Wait, has it been changed already! Are they now freedom fighters all over again!?
@Topic: If ever India decides to hand over Kashmir, that should be done on humanitarian ground and if and only if she and her people consider Kashmiris demands are justified.

Not because of some goddamn fancy club membership!
This is the stupidest suggestion EVER!....

What use is the security council seat if not to influence our outstanding border issues....esp. wrt Kashmir
I hardly think that India wants to play the "policeman" as the western powers have been playing....so in terms of personal attainment, the UNSC seat becomes mostly useless if the pre-condition is to compromise on our borders...

Besides....even if a condition based entry into UNSC is proposed, the idea is to "settle" the dispute...NOT compromise on our borders....Im sure Indians are smart enought to find a solution to our advantage....
Last time the freedom fighters caught a plane was it not Indian Airlines Flight 814 that eneded up in Kandahar international........:rofl::rofl:

Next time a Talibunny blows himself in a croweded area of Pakistan or decides to hold a mosque hostage.....dont expect sympathy from us for your kind....

Makes me sick to even think you condone terrorism....but NOT suprised and completely expected!
i dont believe u represent whole of pakistan since many have learnt what they get in return for supporting terrorism.
And for those who havnt
dont worry u will soon.
The UN also bars countries to sponsor cross border terrorism. Pakistan has also infiltrated the LOC several times meaning it does not give a damn about the UN.. Nobody does. Why should India?

yea...toobad the UN was too sleepy(or too prejudice) in 1971 when India was busy with crossboder terrorism in Pakistan and denying it till the last 30 years...

Kashmir is the most integral part of Pakistan foreig policy and will be supported by us with blood, finances and militarily. fullstop.

Atleast we have enough balls to admit the abov fact, India should be "man-enough" and admit its indulgence in Baluchistan and FATA (by hepling BLA & TTP) instead of denying till someone puts India under duress to speak the truth. Lying is one thing, diplomacy i something else, dont mix the two.

If Pakistan ha to go t war for Kashmir, so be it:pakistan:
Kashmir comes out disputed now and in time J&K will come out in Indian colours ....so called AK / GB in Pakistani colours ...and AS portion in Chinese colours......

meanwhile the world wont wait for the kashmir issue to be resolved ,before India is asked to take up responsibilities at the SC. Compared to the issues on the merit of which we lay a claim to a permanent veto seat at the U.N , Kashmir prob is nothing more than a pinprick.....

this guy either lives in coockoo land or is hi onte latest receational drug.:victory:

your sense of 'greater india' is tantamount to Israel's aim of annexing egypt, jordan and arabia into her territory... th is tantamount to Bovine Poop:cheesy:
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