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Second Italian marine Girone can go back home: Supreme Court


Feb 25, 2014
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@MarkusS Seems like you were right.

The Supreme Court on Thursday allowed Italian marine Salvatore Girone, accused of killing Indian fishermen off Kerala coast, to return to his country. The second accused in the case went back home in 2014.

The Centre backed Girone’s plea to go back to Italy four years after his arrest, saying he should be granted relief on humanitarian grounds.

The Italian ambassador will have to give an undertaking to the court that the marine, who is out on bail and lives in the embassy complex in Delhi, will be back when asked.

The arrest of the two marines after the shooting death of two Kerala fishermen on February 15, 2012 has strained ties between the two countries, with Italy demanding the sailors’ release.

Massimiliano Latorre, the other accused, went back to Italy after a stroke in 2014. The court has extended his stay to September 30.

The court had on May 23 agreed to hear Girone’s plea for easier bail conditions after the UN’s permanent court of arbitration in The Hague ruled that he be allowed to go home till the dispute was resolved.

Italy and India have been making contrary claims over the right to prosecute the marines.

Italy claims the deadly shooting took place in international waters, so the sailors should be tried at home. India says the fishermen were killed in its waters.

The arbitration proceedings would be completed by December 2018, the Centre had earlier told the court, which stayed all criminal proceedings in the case till the jurisdictional issue was settled.

The marines say they mistook the fishermen for pirates and opened fire.

WTF they killed Indians and now they go back free? Shame on Modi.

It's not Modi but the SC who has passed this verdict. Modi has no jurisdiction on the courts . Example the recent decision of Uttarakhand HC .

i think the indians already knew this would happen...they werent even prisoners they became employees at the embassy and were regularly allowed to go back to visit their families.

Truly when it comes to complex issues, coward Modi throws in the towel:

Hint : Elections in Kerala are over .
Truly when it comes to complex issues, coward Modi throws in the towel:
His government did not even oppose in SC:

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Politicians are hypocrites, When in opposition they make hue and cry about the policies of the ruling government but later on purse those policies when themselves in power.
I dislike the Congress party to the core for their corruption, yet I can't help but think how the so called Modi Bhakts would've created mayhem accusing Congress of anti-Nationalism regarding this decision(Center not opposing Girone’s plea) if Congress had been at the Center.

In this regard, Pakistani and Indian voters are same, they cling on to their 'biradari' and we, on our party ideology, everything else takes the back seat.
Hardcore Congressis disregard every charge of corruption and scandal labeled against their Party, Modi bhakts think Modi is god and cannot make any mistake, Commies think their ideology is the best, overlooking all the flaws....and so on.

Kabhi to Modi Bhakt, Sonia Bhakt, Mao Bhakt, Kejriwal Bhakt banna chorke India Bhakt bano.....
Two Indian fishermen sacrificed once again on the alter of political expediency.

Undertaking by the Italian embassy is not worth the paper it is written on.

SC has one again shamed itself and showed why it is such a incompetent institution and deserves no public trust.

The only winners here is the Italians. First shameful act from the Modi government. I hope the CONgress rips the modi govt. on this act, but that too is doubtful. :tdown:

It's not Modi but the SC who has passed this verdict. Modi has no jurisdiction on the courts . Example the recent decision of Uttarakhand HC .

Wrong. It was the Modi govt. which did not oppose the plea for the marine to be sent back home. The SC could have taken sue motto cognisance of the fact that the first marine has refused to return back, but instead choose to be blind and deaf.

A black day for India. :tdown:
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