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Second Italian marine Girone can go back home: Supreme Court

I don't know what's happening in this case in court of law. Any court in world would not release Indians or others on humanitarian ground. Hence, Center should have opppsed it.
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India is still no major power.

They need favor from Italy for helicopter and many military weapon. What is the life of 2 Indian fisherman compare to the weapon system they got from Italy? :D
India is still no major power.

They need favor from Italy for helicopter and many military weapon. What is the life of 2 Indian fisherman compare to the weapon system they got from Italy? :D

Most of the Italian companies are blacklisted in here .
Judiciary is independent in India unlike in PRC.

I don't know what's happening in this case in court of law. Any court in world would release Indians or others on humanitarian ground. Hence, Center shouldn't have opppsed it.
I dont think so .
Centre didnt objected the case in court .Indians wouldnt get same justice in West .But our judiciary was also in
this case.
I dont think so .
Centre didnt objected the case in court .Indians wouldnt get same justice in West .But our judiciary was also in
this case.

Err - my spell checker changed the meaning of my post. :sick: I've edited/corrected it now. :ashamed:
Err - my spell checker changed the meaning of my post. :sick: I've edited/corrected it now. :ashamed:

Lol :lol:

But for now the priority of our govt is MTCR seat not their citizens life.
Italy was nothing .But when they roped EU in this case .Situation became tough for us .

GoI is still needs a long way to go to decisively interfered in such cases .Look at the way they handled syrian crisis .46 nurses was trapped in there.GoI did a lots brought them here .,Most of them were womens .Perhaps that is why they decisively worked (other wise it would be an insult to our nation)
But 39 Punjabis are still missing and noone knows anything about them.GoI says they have intel but we dont have enough guts to bring them back through a strong action .
All these moves in this marines case was reactive .And both GoI failed in here.
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India is still no major power.

They need favor from Italy for helicopter and many military weapon. What is the life of 2 Indian fisherman compare to the weapon system they got from Italy? :D
So what did China do when South Korean Coast Guard killed Chinese Fishermen, i have heard Chinese foreign ministry was "shocked" over the incident and lodged a "protest" - that's it ?

You really are a true P5 nation.

In this case, one poor marine develop a Heart condition in Indian Jail and the recent SC decision is only conditional.
So what did China do when South Korean Coast Guard killed Chinese Fishermen, i have heard Chinese foreign ministry was "shocked" over the incident and lodged a "protest" - that's it ?

You really are a true P5 nation.

In this case, one poor marine develop a Heart condition in Indian Jail and the recent SC decision is only conditional.
Here is the link bro...
Chinese govt asked South Korea to thoroughly investigate the incident...lol
India is still no major power.

They need favor from Italy for helicopter and many military weapon. What is the life of 2 Indian fisherman compare to the weapon system they got from Italy? :D
Shame on you china!
Look...this entire case was very bad for italy - india relations....both sides made enormous mistakes and i think our government is mostly to blame for it.

I´nd almost all other italians are thankful for indias move and media in italy report very positive about indias step towards us.

I think we now must go one step further and find a way to work together as before. Our nations were friends since hundred years and i think it can go back to this in future.

Also i have very much respect for india doing this step because i know its not very popular for nationalist indians.
Look...this entire case was very bad for italy - india relations....both sides made enormous mistakes and i think our government is mostly to blame for it.

I´nd almost all other italians are thankful for indias move and media in italy report very positive about indias step towards us.

I think we now must go one step further and find a way to work together as before. Our nations were friends since hundred years and i think it can go back to this in future.

Also i have very much respect for india doing this step because i know its not very popular for nationalist indians.

The law of the land must be followed. Thats all there is to it.
Its, contrary to what is being portrayed in Italy, NOT a witch hunt, though some vested interests have tried to gain some mileage out of it. I hope a just solution is found and this unfortunate incident can be put behind all of us.
This is complete failure of GOI, GoI has no control on it own territory, they allowed the arrested marines to roam freely and party. Then they sent them to Italy. GOI chose the Supreme Court way so that the fake bravado of the 56 inch will not be exposed.
The law of the land must be followed. Thats all there is to it.
Its, contrary to what is being portrayed in Italy, NOT a witch hunt, though some vested interests have tried to gain some mileage out of it. I hope a just solution is found and this unfortunate incident can be put behind all of us.

I agree. Well im just happy this ends now. So relations can go back to normal. We are very thankful.

He was welcomed like a hero here and his family and all his city were there to greet him and welcome him back. You can see in video here


Also the official arrval here:

Two Indian fishermen sacrificed once again on the alter of political expediency.
Frankly I am surprised. Even tad disappointed. Pakistan is regularly accused by Indian's of compromising it's sovereignity which indeed is true. Weaker countries have to accomodate. Pak relative to USA is always going to bend. However a humongous sized country with nearly 25 times more people than Italy has compromised on it's sovereignity.

I know of no court worth it's name that would allow anybody charged with double murder be released on bail on dubvious grounds. Hell these are Navy Marines. Combat trained soldiers that are released on "humanitarian grounds". Israeli's have not spared making 99 year old camp cooks facing justice.

The fact was if these guys had been from Nigeria, Sudan, Somalia, Bangladesh they would have rotted in prison for the next god knows years. Did these guy's go through the exact same flowchart as any Indian charged with murder. Like hell they did. @MarkusS was right.

When push came to it India bent as much as Pakistan does. Despite it's size and talk of "superpower". What would happen to Indian's charged with murder in Italy? Would they get this treatment?

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