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Second Italian marine Girone can go back home: Supreme Court

That is not grounds for bail. Either you proceed with the case or you drop charges.
You don't make laws. Do you?
The court in India does give bail if the person has already spent sometime behind the bars (not literally in this case).

oh! I forgot you were an advocate. :)

That mean's at the alter of political expediancy justice has being sacrificed. Here join in the long queue with Pakistan. And we get people complaining how Pakistan does not stand up to USA or China
Were you waiting for a chance to pounce upon us?
Pls don't compare this to Pakistan's issues. I'm not mocking the situation because I know many times innocents get killed in drone attacks. But still, since you insisted I had to dig this up.
The family of the fishermen have decided not to proceed this case, so I don't see a reason why the govt has to drag it further.
Btw Italy blocked India’s entry to the Missile Transfer Control Regime last year. India's looking forward to an entry in the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), the Missile Technology Control Regime, the Wassenaar Arrangement and the Australia Group. Its important to us.
India’s admission to the MTCR will have positive implications for its domestic missile production. It will help India to access better technology, including sensitive dual use technology which has been long denied to us.

Japan and America became buddies within a few years after the "Hiroshima" happened, Vietnam joined hands with US years after the Vietnam war, KSA and Israel share intelligence. So there! For certain higher purposes we might have to make certain compromises. Its no big deal.
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Modi is very diplomatic and instead of going nationalist he stick with what is good for country's future i guess, but personally i don't support it. He was banned in US for years but still went to US without displaying any ego or arogance. Its sickening that a person who is calm, diplomatic and truthfull while puting all his dedication for his country is constantly ridiculed in the country by dirtbags. India won't get any leader with qualities he has for atleast next 50 years.
shameful both for Modi and supreme court...
care to explain how its Modies fault why dint UPA 2 punish these guilty mariens when they were in power .... i know that you are qulified to know that under indian constitution legislature/executive/beurocracy and judicicary are independent :coffee:

Modi is very diplomatic and instead of going nationalist he stick with what is good for country's future i guess, but personally i don't support it. He was banned in US for years but still went to US without displaying any ego or arogance. Its sickening that a person who is calm, diplomatic and truthfull while puting all his dedication for his country is constantly ridiculed in the country by dirtbags. India won't get any leader with qualities he has for atleast next 50 years.
well its better to leave owt your ego and pride when dealing in international politics cause anyday your nations devlopment and security concerns are more important than your ego we rather should be happy that we have got such a nationalistic and hard working and diplomatic PM
The stupidity is in your comparing of apple and orange, Indian fisherman vs Chinese case. Govt model and judiciary is not in the context. Making dumb argument one after another simply proves Richard Lynn right.
Now I know why you name yourself as fatty acids lol....all junk in your brain...!!
Neither you know about any government model nor about how judiciary works...so take a break and leave this thread
What kind of joker you are? You never hesitate from mud slinging Indian government even if you have to insult Tejas, ISRO, etc. for it. You are filled with extreme hatred towards Indian government that you wont think twice before insulting India or any of its organization/institution. Stay away from Indian matters its none of your business and maybe perhaps look for faults in your country first :-).

The joke is on you fool. Too much of bhakti has gone to your head. I am an Indian national, I can comment on anything I like. I am not blinded by your pseudo rashtravad.



Italian marine had the heroism welcome home. I thought these 2 Italian cold blood murdered innocent Indian fishermen would be convicted and rotten in India jail? What happen? Indian government too impotent to bring justice for the citizen of India.
India's version of "Raymond Davis" here?

It would have been.....

To be honest the reason why they stayed in India for so long is because they are from "Italy".... For their bad luck UPA chair person was from Italy ......If they were from some other country, things would have been totally different....... There was huge pressure on both state govt and central.... You can see few tweets in this thread by our own PM.... It was all about politics.....

Hint : Elections in Kerala are over

Its only winning elections which are instrumental in Modi's regime.
Elections over = National issues of importance can take the back seat.
This is intellectually dishonest to the highest degree. Under this GoI they have transfered budgetary powers for Education away from the central government to the states and thus aggregately India is spending more than ever on education despite the central government's education budget actually reducing.

I've seen this utter lie being thrown around about half a dozen times and being challenged every single time and yet it is still being repeated as gospel?

@JanjaWeed @ranjeet @Star Wars @noksss
@Vauban @MarkusS @Abingdonboy

Is this India paying for Italy's vote at Nuclear Suppliers' Group in a few weeks?

Because, I remember Italy blocked India's membership at MTCR last year because of a row over marines.
@Vauban @MarkusS @Abingdonboy

Is this India paying for Italy's vote at Nuclear Suppliers' Group in a few weeks?

Because, I remember Italy blocked India's membership at MTCR last year because of a row over marines.
India and Italy agreed to hand this case over to an objective third party body and said they would respect their findings, in this case they ruled against India and thus India has to adbide by it. Obviously this isn't in India's favour but it is a conclusion and that is something in itself and maybe the two nations can start repairing their relations now.
India and Italy agreed to hand this case over to an objective third party body and said they would respect their findings, in this case they ruled against India and thus India has to adbide by it. Obviously this isn't in India's favour but it is a conclusion and that is something in itself and maybe the two nations can start repairing their relations now.

No, but this isn't a verdict by the aforementioned third party. This is an Indian Supreme Court ruling?

It's very co-incidental that this verdict came a week before NSG meeting where India's entry needs unanimous vote and Italy easily can and most likely would have blocked India.
No, but this isn't a verdict by the aforementioned third party. This is an Indian Supreme Court ruling?

It's very co-incidental that this verdict came a week before NSG meeting where India's entry needs unanimous vote and Italy easily can and most likely would have blocked India.
It's purely coincidental, the GoI has zero control over the SC's rulings and thus compulsions to "make nice" with the Italians to ensure a quid pro quo on the NSG/MTCR would not even enter into the SC's decsion making process.
It's purely coincidental, the GoI has zero control over the SC's rulings and thus compulsions to "make nice" with the Italians to ensure a quid pro quo on the NSG/MTCR would not even enter into the SC's decsion making process.

Hmm I thought the same but, a timing is a bit fishy. Especially when Modi also added Mexico and Switzerland stops on his US trip. Who also just happened to be keen non-proliferator advocates and NSG members who want India to join NPT first. There's nothing in wrong in this btw.

India made the diplomatic point it wanted to make by detaining them in the first place and if freeing the second marine allows Indian inclusion in NSG then it's too cheap a price to pay in my opinion.
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