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Second Italian marine Girone can go back home: Supreme Court

So what did China do when South Korean Coast Guard killed Chinese Fishermen, i have heard Chinese foreign ministry was "shocked" over the incident and lodged a "protest" - that's it ?

You really are a true P5 nation.

In this case, one poor marine develop a Heart condition in Indian Jail and the recent SC decision is only conditional.

Here is the link bro...
Chinese govt asked South Korea to thoroughly investigate the incident...lol

Shame on you china!

Making dumb argument doesn't save India face, only make you look stupid.

1) Italians shot your fisherman in Indian water, it's under Indian jurisdiction. Chinese fishermen intruded into korean water, China has no jurisdiction.

2) Chinese fisherman was shot for attacking Korean coast guard with knife. Indian fisherman was killed for no apparent reason.
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Making dumb argument doesn't save India face, only make you look stupid.

1) Italians shot your fisherman in Indian water, it's under Indian jurisdiction. Chinese fishermen intruded into korean water, China has no jurisdiction.

2) Chinese fisherman was shot for attacking Korean coast guard with knife. Indian fisherman was killed for no apparent reason.
If there is anything dumb...it's your user name...and if any one stupid here it's you...
We arrested them gave them a fair trial...it's for the court of law to decide....not by a Tom dck and Harry like you...unlike in your dictatorship and one party country....judiciary is independent here!!
Frankly I am surprised. Even tad disappointed. Pakistan is regularly accused by Indian's of compromising it's sovereignity which indeed is true. Weaker countries have to accomodate. Pak relative to USA is always going to bend. However a humongous sized country with nearly 25 times more people than Italy has compromised on it's sovereignity.

I know of no court worth it's name that would allow anybody charged with double murder be released on bail on dubvious grounds. Hell these are Navy Marines. Combat trained soldiers that are released on "humanitarian grounds". Israeli's have not spared making 99 year old camp cooks facing justice.

The fact was if these guys had been from Nigeria, Sudan, Somalia, Bangladesh they would have rotted in prison for the next god knows years. Did these guy's go through the exact same flowchart as any Indian charged with murder. Like hell they did. @MarkusS was right.

When push came to it India bent as much as Pakistan does. Despite it's size and talk of "superpower". What would happen to Indian's charged with murder in Italy? Would they get this treatment?

They are released from jail due to international court order. Further as per the same order they will remain in Indian case with our SC having full rights till it's determined whether they shot Indian sailers in international or Indian waters. Hope that clears your doubts. Please read the verdict before going haywire.

Two Indian fishermen sacrificed once again on the alter of political expediency.

Undertaking by the Italian embassy is not worth the paper it is written on.

SC has one again shamed itself and showed why it is such a incompetent institution and deserves no public trust.

The only winners here is the Italians. First shameful act from the Modi government. I hope the CONgress rips the modi govt. on this act, but that too is doubtful. :tdown:

Wrong. It was the Modi govt. which did not oppose the plea for the marine to be sent back home. The SC could have taken sue motto cognisance of the fact that the first marine has refused to return back, but instead choose to be blind and deaf.

A black day for India. :tdown:
All bulshit.

I don't know what's happening in this case in court of law. Any court in world would not release Indians or others on humanitarian ground. Hence, Center should have opppsed it.
They are not released for free. International court of law orders India to give parole and keep them under Indian law till it's decided whether incident happened in international warter or Indian water.
So the rashtravadi govt actually backed his plea to go home. So much nationalism. Bharat mata ki jai!

Imagine the outrage from rashtravadis including Mr. 56 inch strong man if they were in the opposition, many would have received one way tickets to Pakistan and Italy. :lol:
So much for Indian chauvinism. If it was a large country like the US, I might understand. Bending before Italy,
that is certainly awe-inspiring.
If there is anything dumb...it's your user name...and if any one stupid here it's you...
We arrested them gave them a fair trial...it's for the court of law to decide....not by a Tom dck and Harry like you...unlike in your dictatorship and one party country....judiciary is independent here!!

The stupidity is in your comparing of apple and orange, Indian fisherman vs Chinese case. Govt model and judiciary is not in the context. Making dumb argument one after another simply proves Richard Lynn right.
Kerala, wake up. India is not your country! India is a fake country created by the British. The nonsense which is India will always make sure that the southern people are always kept under the rule of the north! WAKE UP!! They call you southern people shudras! Don't you have any self respect. If those fishermen were high caste then things would have turned out very differently. Since the fishermen are christian dalit converts, the north nomads(who invented this crazy joke of a religion) don't care about you. They are using this god forsaken religion to dominate you both culturally and politically. WAKE UP!

Haha ! ok, I woke up. Now go get some coffee for me :lol:
So the rashtravadi govt actually backed his plea to go home. So much nationalism. Bharat mata ki jai!

Imagine the outrage from rashtravadis including Mr. 56 inch strong man if they were in the opposition, many would have received one way tickets to Pakistan and Italy. :lol:
What kind of joker you are? You never hesitate from mud slinging Indian government even if you have to insult Tejas, ISRO, etc. for it. You are filled with extreme hatred towards Indian government that you wont think twice before insulting India or any of its organization/institution. Stay away from Indian matters its none of your business and maybe perhaps look for faults in your country first :-).
When push came to it India bent as much as Pakistan does. Despite it's size and talk of "superpower". What would happen to Indian's charged with murder in Italy? Would they get this treatment?

Afaik, there were 2 reasons
1) The families of the men who were shot by the Italian marines have withdrawn their case.
2) The guys have been behind the bars for 2 years now, so the court decided to give them bail.

Let me remind you Italian economy is not at its robust best right now, and that Italian FDI in India ranks low. Right now, Indian govt needs Italy's support and cooperation to investigate the corruption charges in an arms deal. Its a big one!
So the rashtravadi govt actually backed his plea to go home. So much nationalism. Bharat mata ki jai!

Imagine the outrage from rashtravadis including Mr. 56 inch strong man if they were in the opposition, many would have received one way tickets to Pakistan and Italy. :lol:



1) The families of the men who were shot by the Italian marines have withdrawn their case.
India's version of "Raymond Davis" here? Blood money? Or did the family go all "forgive and forget". How noble. Murder is crime against the state (India). Or is Islamic Sharia in force here?

The guys have been behind the bars for 2 years now, so the court decided to give them bail.
That is not grounds for bail. Either you proceed with the case or you drop charges.

Italian economy is not at its robust best right now
They are. When you hear the very rich complaining about "money being too tight" that means "Oh I can't afford the Lamborghini and will have to downgrade to Mercedez". Same here. There is being First World "robust" and being "robust" Third World style.

Indian govt needs Italy's support and cooperation to investigate the corruption charges in an arms deal. Its a big one!
That mean's at the alter of political expediancy justice is being sacrificed. Here join in the long queue with Pakistan. And we get people complaining how Pakistan does not stand up to USA or China.
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lol.... even if Modi rules, sonia gets blame.
by that logic if indeed Modi had a so called "rule" specially over Indian Judiciarry would he had left teesta still out on bail or the sonia and her son got unconditional bail in national herald case or the recent judgement by SC to let rawat be UK CM ? :azn:
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