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well THERE IS HUGE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN NOT WORKING prone to malfunction AND SIMPLY BEING LESS EFFICIENT(i.e larger in size, more fuel consumption)

every body knows that each and every system has its up and down, e.g sterling is way less efficient than MESMA in warm waters, would i call it than a junk? I would prefer MESMA being cheaper and higher output than sterling, though hydrogen fuel cell AIP might be abit better

this is the most stupid logic i ever heard of, how come no AIP is far far far far better than MESMA..being equipped with AIP mesma is far far far far far better than not being equipped with any AIP,infact one can argue its one of better AIP, its all about what customer wants

i think this is DRDO main porblem, they want to build a star wars space craft and in doing so end up with nothing, you see this issue every where , arjun was a very good tank but they made it over weight and delayed for no reason, tejas was a perfect ac but some how delays for no reason, the list is lengthy

well if someone is so stupid to call no AIP better than MESMA, i wount even bother to reply
MESMA requires qay too mich maintenance and reduces availability by 18%.
It also increases noise levels.
well if someone is so stupid to call no AIP better than MESMA, i wount even bother to reply

There are in fact situations and requirements where having no AIP is actually better than having one. Such as in roles like escorting a CBG, fast pursuit/evasion maneuvers and general hunter-killer role where speed is extremely important.

Note that AIP is only an auxiliary power source used for extending on-station time/time you can stay submerged, but it doesn't come without any drawbacks.

To start with, a submarine relying on AIP (electric power) is very slow. The usual speed is only around 5-6 knots when using AIP...as going faster will quickly deplete batteries or even permanently damage them (requiring frequent maintenance/replacement). With a speed like that - you simply can't keep up with any surface combatant let alone a carrier group, which routinely travel at speeds between 15 and 30 knots. You're also unable to effectively outrun or chase down enemy submerged vessels in that state.

In short, AIP is useful when:

  • You are moving or lurking & probing the enemy at your own pace.
  • You have to stay submerged in order to evade enemy's air-based anti-submarine operations.
  • Wait out the enemy.

AIP is not useful when:

  • You are required to escort/protect carrier battle groups or other fast-moving surface vessels.
  • You are required to conduct a proper hunter-killer patrol. Keeping up with enemy's vessels at all times.
  • Any situation where speed is paramount & endurance is not.
In the roles described above, having an AIP is of little consequence as you may be forced to rely on the diesel engines all the time in order to get the proper speed/efficiency mix. However having an AIP module onboard in these situations only adds weight & cost (including purchase & maintenance).

Therefore, in the type of uses as mentioned above - a Scorpene can be a hands-down better vessel than any Agosta with or without AIP. In fact the Scorpene is the Agosta's successor in the DCNS product portfolio, so it's unarguably the better platform. However having an AIP does help Agosta-90B perform better in certain situations as I've also mentioned above.

So is AIP not important? Not exactly...IN will definitely get an AIP-equipped SSK down the line. But it's logical that given IN's requirements and conditions, getting a modern SSK platform is more important than adding all the bells & whistles.

However, IN's top priority will be acquiring a fleet of Nuclear attack submarines (SSNs) in the next decade. For this, even a delay in the aircraft carrier and AIP projects has to be acceptable.
Is this an indigenous submarine of india or it is just being "built" in india under some TOT/licensed construction deal like Pakistan did with France and now with China?
Is this an indigenous submarine of india or it is just being "built" in india under some TOT/licensed construction deal like Pakistan did with France and now with China?
Licensed construction.....
We are going to roll out one every year I guess.

Next one shall come in next 4 moths.

Is this an indigenous submarine of india or it is just being "built" in india under some TOT/licensed construction deal like Pakistan did with France and now with China?

This is a french design submarine build in India with many Indian systems.
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