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Second Earth' Possibly Discovered

nhi hamy planet ka batwara chayee ab ye tum log yahaan raho hum wahaan chaly jaty hai warna hum yahaan rehty hai tum log jao.ahhahahahaa
There is a Saying In Tamil "Katrathu Kai Mann Alavu, Kallathathu Ulagalavu", What you have learned is a mere handful; What you haven't learned is the size of the world... This Quote is even Written In NASA HQ Washington, D.C.,In Tamil

You are the only person I have come across who says that.

Let's find the pattern here...

Terminator (Arnold) - box office smash
T2 (Arnold) - did all right
T3 (Arnold) - getting old but still ok
T4 (no Arnold) - total flop; most people don't even know there was a T4

Predator (Arnold) - box office smash
Predator 2 (no Arnold) - flop
Aliens v/s Predators (no Arnold) - flop
Predators (no Arnold) - flop

Somebody tell the studio bosses that the draw has always been Arnold, not the aliens.

The movie had some good actors and in all it was solid at least for me and i'm picky; the movie had some very interesting twists. The most important thing was the quintessential explosions and gun fire and that, in my book, is enough to deem a movie good.

I also think Arnold's acting is mediocre although his movies are fairly good or exellent.

Commando anyone? :)
There is alot to be done on the earth there are so many vast areas land that is worth development, where these mad scientists wants to spend billions and trillions it would be far feasible to invest and develop these areas make them worth living.
If people can live in coldest places there are ares that are moderately cold/hot!


Ultimately for survival's sake humanity may want to leave the planet. Universe is not a friendly place for life. There are many ways life on Earth could be wiped out. Best bet is to spread ourselves out on to several star systems. Also, there is no problem in spending large amounts of money on space tech. Ultimately tech developed in this way is also used right here on Earth. Its better than spending trillions of dollars in wars and defence budges.
Over two hundred years ago, calculus was the most high tech mathematics, and a bucket counted as indoor plumbing. People back then couldn't even imagine what life is like today. Wait another two hundred years, and see what humans come up with.

I am in no way a pessimist when it comes to science, I could even be called an overt optimist. But it is true that travelling to that planet would be extremely difficult even in the future.

If for example, we produce a Nuclear pulse, fission or fusion rocket with very high specific impulse and high thrust, these rockets can power on for a very long time and thus give insanely high speed. Even then, reaching a considerable fraction of the speed of light would be extremely difficult.

Not unless a way is found to overcome the speed barrier like worm holes, spacetime distortion, antimatter rocket etc will it be feasible for Humans to go there in a single lifetime. And spacetime distortions,or antimatter rockets etc aren't happening anytime soon.
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It will take Humans approximately 90000 years to reach the planet which is 20 light years away even if we travel at the speed at which the fastest man made thing is travelling - Helios 2 probe at 241,500 KPH.

Even if we manage to travel at 10% speed of light (which is wayyyyyy distant dream, the current fastest speed being 0.002% speed of light), it will take 200 yrs just to get there.

We're not going anywhere in a hurry, nor are our children, and their children and so on.
If there is intelligent life there, we can probably devise ways of radio communication and share intelligence and technology.
Though I seriously doubt there will be some form of advanced life that can use radio... but God knows!
It would be an achievement if life is sustainable in that planet. If it still is in its evolutionary stage, then we can give it sometime to develop and send probes to research. And maybe in a century or 2 we maybe capable enough to travel light years in few years or maybe days.
I doubt the human race will survive a century, if not pre-occupied in fighting their last battles.
If there is intelligent life there, we can probably devise ways of radio communication and share intelligence and technology.

Radio waves are limited by the speed of light. It will take 40+ years for any communication to be sent to them and for them to reply back. This is fairly long amount of time.

Besides an even bigger problem is that radio waves dissipate as they spread out as the strength of their signal is inversely proportional to the distance. Over long distances, radio waves from Earth will dissipate enough that it cannot be distinguished from the Cosmic Background Radiation.
If there is intelligent life there, we can probably devise ways of radio communication and share intelligence and technology.

we dont know if the intelligent life there is more technologically advanced than us or not .....according to Stephen Hawking we should not try to establish contact with aliens to avoid the chance of them thinking to exploit the resources of the earth.....

i remember the quote " man 's reach exceeds his grasp "....and the one after " man 's grasp exists his nerve...".......
Reaching there won be impossible , we just need to transport through worm holes and space folds.

in space 20 million light years does mean straight line there might be many folds in space and it might be way too less.

if there is a place it will be good for man kind in next 5000 -10000 years human can shift there if those aliens are not as scientifically developed as earthlings.
Let's find the pattern here...

Terminator (Arnold) - box office smash
T2 (Arnold) - did all right
T3 (Arnold) - getting old but still ok
T4 (no Arnold) - total flop; most people don't even know there was a T4

Predator (Arnold) - box office smash
Predator 2 (no Arnold) - flop
Aliens v/s Predators (no Arnold) - flop
Predators (no Arnold) - flop

Somebody tell the studio bosses that the draw has always been Arnold, not the aliens.

Come man Predator 2 was not a flop its very underrated!!!
Reaching there won be impossible , we just need to transport through worm holes and space folds.

Well, worm holes are still a piece of equations. I mean, neither have they been discovered, nor have they betrayed any proof of their existence, say unlike black holes.

Science has made good progress, and we are in no immediate danger of annihilation, well, sans our stupidity induced annihilation. I would think that scientists actually are more interested in converting moon / mars as habitable zone in the near future. Say next 100 / 200 years.

As far as time travel goes, currently we do not even have a good theory for it. It may happen, but when, who knows!

Last, we have most possibly discovered an earth like exoplanet does not mean, we can not find one even nearer. A planet unlike a star does not emit light. So it's discovery is only inferred by a disturbance in the space time fabric. As science progresses and we have better instruments to measure gravitational waves, we may find many, many more such planets.


P.S. : If and when we do find ET, I wonder what the religious / spiritual leaders would say to that? That they knew it all along? :undecided:
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