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Second Earth' Possibly Discovered


May 5, 2010
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Second Earth' Possibly Discovered


Though further studies may be needed to validate the discovery, astronomers are convinced that they have discovered the Holy Grail of exoplanetary research – an Earth like planet revolving around another star.

The existence of such cosmic bodies has been hypothesized ever since the first exoplanets were discovered. Despite the size these behemoths had, experts believed that Earth-like planets were a possibility.

The reason why discovering exoplanets similar to our own is so important is fairly simple. Scientists say that, if the conditions necessary for life were reunited on Earth, they could be as well on planets that are subjected to similar circumstances.

These include a certain proximity (or distance, depending on the point of reference) to the parent star, being inscribed in a habitability zone, having a size and mass similar to Earth's and so on.

The habitable zone around a star is the area around the cosmic object in which temperatures are just right to allow for the existence of liquid water.

Earth is located right in the middle of such a zone, whereas Mars and Venus are not. While the former is too cold to support liquid water on its surface, the latter is too hot to do the same.

The recently-discovered planet that may fulfill most if not all of the condition stated above is called Gliese 581g, and is located in the star system surrounding the star Gliese 581.

This particular system is well known to astronomers and the general public alike, because of its similarities to our own. Though the parent star there is a red dwarf, it is surrounded by six planets.

But Gliese 581g might make even more headlines, given that it's located in the habitable zone around its star. It is also fairly slim, weighing in at just three Earth masses.

Calculations have shown that the planet orbits its star once every 37 days (as opposed to the 365 days it takes for Earth to do so), and that temperatures on the surface vary between -4 degrees Celsius and 71 degrees Celsius.

Planetary scientists believe that the level of gravity present on the planet would not be very different from that life is subjected to here on Earth. This means that humans could effortlessly walk upright on the surface of Gliese 581g.

However, it may be that strong tidal forces are not allowing to planet to rotate very much around its axis. This means that some areas of the planet may remain in perpetual darkness.

The exoplanet was discovered using the Hawaii-based W. M. Keck Observatory. The discovery of the planet in itself is not new, but the new study is what allowed experts to gain such detailed knowledge of Gliese 581g's properties.

'Second Earth' Possibly Discovered - Softpedia

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:D 20 Light Years ... It took some millions of years for us to reach there ..... :D

I am sure only our KANKAALS will reach there :rofl:
It will take Humans approximately 90000 years to reach the planet which is 20 light years away even if we travel at the speed at which the fastest man made thing is travelling - Helios 2 probe at 241,500 KPH.

Even if we manage to travel at 10% speed of light (which is wayyyyyy distant dream, the current fastest speed being 0.002% speed of light), it will take 200 yrs just to get there.

We're not going anywhere in a hurry, nor are our children, and their children and so on.
We're not going anywhere in a hurry, nor are our children, and their children and so on.
Over two hundred years ago, calculus was the most high tech mathematics, and a bucket counted as indoor plumbing. People back then couldn't even imagine what life is like today. Wait another two hundred years, and see what humans come up with.
:D 20 Light Years ... It took some millions of years for us to reach there ..... :D

I am sure only our KANKAALS will reach there :rofl:

Our technology in 100-200+ will be advanced enough for us to get there in a shorter time. You think 200 years ago people knew people can do the many things we are doing know? Flying? Going to space? Its going to be possible in time. How long would it take go from USA to India in the 18th century? Know only around 18 hours via Dubai or Qatar. :tup:
There is alot to be done on the earth there are so many vast areas land that is worth development, where these mad scientists wants to spend billions and trillions it would be far feasible to invest and develop these areas make them worth living.
If people can live in coldest places there are ares that are moderately cold/hot!

:D 20 Light Years ... It took some millions of years for us to reach there ..... :D

I am sure only our KANKAALS will reach there :rofl:

The pint is that we have a planet where is there is very high probability of finding life...

‎"I would say that the chances for life on this planet are 100 percent. I have almost no doubt about it,"

Earth-Like Planet Can Sustain Life : Discovery News

even more interesting

Gliese 581g mystery: Scientist spotted 'mysterious pulse of light' from direction of new'Earth planet last year | Mail Online
The movie was good btw :cool:


You are the only person I have come across who says that.

Let's find the pattern here...

Terminator (Arnold) - box office smash
T2 (Arnold) - did all right
T3 (Arnold) - getting old but still ok
T4 (no Arnold) - total flop; most people don't even know there was a T4

Predator (Arnold) - box office smash
Predator 2 (no Arnold) - flop
Aliens v/s Predators (no Arnold) - flop
Predators (no Arnold) - flop

Somebody tell the studio bosses that the draw has always been Arnold, not the aliens.
you all go there i dont wanna leave my planet.better if US russia west aus and india transfer there china muslim world and afreca stay here may be we got peace like this way.ahahahahhahahahha
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