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Second Batch of SH-15 Ready To Be Delivered To Pakistan Army.

great news so how many in batch 1 and how many in batch 2

and do we have GPS or laser guided shells for these?

can we do what Ukraine did, that is to hit with pin point accuracy a moving target with these shells ?

because in a Indo-pak war we will use millions of shells in days if we dont have accuracy
SH-1 is capable of tank plinking.
Tu to already apni maa aur baji generals ko bhejta hai na madarchod. Maa Ghq mein nachti hai aur behn army chief ke ghar par :lol:
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You bastard why dont you worry about india haan you raw son of a hindu bitch you poor hindus suffer from inferiority complex we ruled you for 1000 years we got whole Sindh back and jammu and kashmir now street battles will take place in each and every inch of india
@LeGenD @waz
Whats the point of these weapons if they have surrendered Kashmir and Generals
are not interested in war? If the Army does not want to fight a war then disband it,
no point wasting billions every year if the Generals legs start shaking as soon as
you mention war.
Due to mechanisation of infantry formations such as addition of Armored and mechanised elements to infantry divisions, as well as now the SP howitzers and SP AD, other Corps HQ can now send in infantry divisions similar in fire power to Indian RAPIDs and IBGs which means 4 Corps in Lahore and 30 Corps in Gujranwala now has capacity to launch offensives using FIRE POWER and MOBILITY which they previously lacked.

Why is that important ?
A 3:1 advantage in numbers against Indian Army cannot be achieved when attacking so compensation is achieved through fire power and mobility against a superior enemy.
It looks like our (sh-15) is nuclear capable,Mashallah, very good. We Will deploy them on Indian border s

It’s a step by step formation upgradation of infantry formations by placing Armor and mechanised units in them.

First was raising of Armored regiments and conversion of infantry to MIB and LAT/HAT. Then raising Armored/Mechanised Brugsfes in infantry divisions from regiment structure. Then expanding logistical structure for the division side by side. Now mobilising Artillery and then AD with wheels. And then IFV induction so infantry fights on the move.

Previously it wasn’t expected from 10th and 11th infantry divisions of 4 Corps and 8th and 15th infantry divisions of 30 Corps to launch offensives into Indian territory as they had defensive roles, now the role has been revised. Secondly, 17th and 37th infantry Divs with 6th Armored Div and 14th and 40th infantry Divs with 1st Armored Div travelled on trucks, had towed artillery and AD, and couldn’t be expected to keep up with armor, now that’s changed.

In case of 4th Corps, If it’s IABG advances from Chunian towards Faridkot then 11th infantry division can start ab offensive of its own towards Firozpur and north to engage Indian Army infantry formations while covering each others flanks.

In the past, 11th Infantry Div had to depend upon 4th Corps IABG to clear the way for it since its own infantry units lacked Armored and SP support on a brigade level.
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it’s on a wheeled platform so easy to move it around on the battlefield. 10 to 20 minutes to set up and fire. Fire 2 to 3 shells at a time, one right after the other. Then simply pack up , and move on to your next new position.
Not just Artillery like SH-1.

Even in an infantry division, while the armor regiments having MBTs are clearly mobile, the infantry formations have become mobile like M-113 for MIB accompanying Armor regiments and LATs having M-113 based TOW where as artillery and AD get SP wheels too.

If Corps HQ assigns a HAT (Talha APC based BS ATGM) and a MLRS battery of 122mm or 300mm rockets to that infantry division, the fire power of infantry division becomes devastating.

This isn’t what Indian Army expected from infantry formations of Pakistan Army, they expected encountering infantry on jeeps and trucks dismounting to dig bunkers/trenches backed by towed artillery to defend against Indian IBGs and RAPIDS

One more thing, now IA RAPIDS don’t necessarily have to be countered by Armored and Mechanised Divisions of PA.
Will these be stationary guns or will they be towed, since there is no diesel to move them around according to the previous head sepoy.
Apparently The first batch was delivered directly from PLA stocks to speed up delivery, hence why it’s using a different camo. While these are new built.

The new batch is with a digi camo. Do we have any other equipment in the same?
Don't we have battlefield ballistic missile like Abdali1 so why we need nuclear artillery as a backup sir???
Reload time and cost of SRBMs is much higher and speed, vulnerability and maneuverability of TELs is horrible. BMs also have a high risk of escalation.

Serious question - can someone explain to me the purpose of SH-15s when the former COAS of Pakistan Army has clearly said that Pakistan Army is NOT capable of fighting India?? What will these SH-15s be used for exactly?? Are these for Defensive purposes?? Is SH-15 the RIGHT weapon for Army??

Remember, I am not saying this but it is the FORMER COAS of Army saying that Army CANNOT fight india because it does not have the weapons or have the right weapons.
You do realise Hamid Mir and other journalists bark what they're told to by their puppet masters? It is clearly a smear campaign done for political benefit of the next administration.
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