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Second Batch of SH-15 Ready To Be Delivered To Pakistan Army.

Don't we have battlefield ballistic missile like Abdali1 so why we need nuclear artillery as a backup sir???

We have battlefield ballistic missile like abdali so why we need nuclear artillery with much short range than abdali

it’s on a wheeled platform so easy to move it around on the battlefield. 10 to 20 minutes to set up and fire. Fire 2 to 3 shells at a time, one right after the other. Then simply pack up , and move on to your next new position.
it’s on a wheeled platform so easy to move it around on the battlefield. 10 to 20 minutes to set up and fire. Fire 2 to 3 shells at a time, one right after the other. Then simply pack up , and move on to your next new position.
First there's Is no confirmation that this is a nuclear artillery system

And last what about radiation fallout from these tactical nukes???
Serious question - can someone explain to me the purpose of SH-15s when the former COAS of Pakistan Army has clearly said that Pakistan Army is NOT capable of fighting India?? What will these SH-15s be used for exactly?? Are these for Defensive purposes?? Is SH-15 the RIGHT weapon for Army??

Remember, I am not saying this but it is the FORMER COAS of Army saying that Army CANNOT fight india because it does not have the weapons or have the right weapons.
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Serious question - can someone explain to me the purpose of SH-15s when the former COAS of Pakistan Army has clearly said that Pakistan Army is NOT capable of fighting India?? What will these SH-15s be used for exactly?? Are these for Defensive purposes?? Is SH-15 the RIGHT weapon for Army??

Remember, I am not saying this but it is the FORMER COAS of Army saying that Army CANNOT fight india because it does not have the weapons or have the right weapons.
Trunk mounted precision gun artillery is actually the cheapest defensive equipment for a proper war in terms of cost effectiveness.

If you want to complain, complain about something like planes or ships.
Trunk mounted precision gun artillery is actually the cheapest defensive equipment for a proper war in terms of cost effectiveness.

Nothing is CHEAP when the scale required for these is in THOUSANDS of SH-15s, and specially with an adversary as large as India. Expenses Maintenance, availability, etc. of gun and the mounting vehicles and even a so called CHEAP weapons becomes highly expensive. So this talk of cheap is hallucination.
Nothing is CHEAP when the scale required for these is in THOUSANDS of SH-15s, and specially with an adversary as large as India. Expenses Maintenance, availability, etc. of gun and the mounting vehicles and even a so called CHEAP weapons becomes highly expensive. So this talk of cheap is hallucination.
The only cheaper solution would be to just ask India or China to annex Pakistan.

Your irrationality is palpable.
Don't we have battlefield ballistic missile like Abdali1 so why we need nuclear artillery as a backup sir???

We have battlefield ballistic missile like abdali so why we need nuclear artillery with much short range than abdali
Missiles have a big signature once they are moving. However, with hundreds of artillery barrels around, you never know which one will fire the prized shot.
Any particular reason the camo of the new batch is different from the older one?

Not as if one is in desert either.
Apparently The first batch was delivered directly from PLA stocks to speed up delivery, hence why it’s using a different camo. While these are new built.
Serious question - can someone explain to me the purpose of SH-15s when the former COAS of Pakistan Army has clearly said that Pakistan Army is NOT capable of fighting India?? What will these SH-15s be used for exactly?? Are these for Defensive purposes?? Is SH-15 the RIGHT weapon for Army??

Remember, I am not saying this but it is the FORMER COAS of Army saying that Army CANNOT fight india because it does not have the weapons or have the right weapons.
Yes its right weapon. M109's and other SP artillery are slow as compared to this when we talk about shoot and scoot. Just like what Himars does. Our Fatah-I is like Himars of Pakistan which is another rocket artillery.

On the other hand, Former COAS rumor that he said PAK cannot fight should be taken with pinch of salt. As you will hear more since he is retire now. Hence, so called Tigers will claim more accusations against army. If our Army is so dirt cheap and coward why is India for more than 2 decades does not attempt to cross border when it clearly is claimed to be 4th largest ? While we shot down there aircrafts humiliated them just few years ago.
Remember, I am not saying this but it is the FORMER COAS of Army saying that Army CANNOT fight india because it does not have the weapons or have the right weapons.
Pakistan is broke and war costs money. Unless China bankrolls the Pakistani military they cant afford war.
Pakistan is broke and war costs money. Unless China bankrolls the Pakistani military they cant afford war.
Not much 155 mm ammo used on LOC or in WOT. The CODs still have them waiting to be expired. That means guided and unguided projectiles. The towed 155mm regiments are also placed in the east.

That solves the ammo issue.

M-109s and SH-1 have been acquired in large numbers to assist raising of more mechanised and Armored units which have been assigned to infantry and mechanised divisions which means the POL ( petrol oil lubricant) quota of these divisions has been increased many folds along with providing them support wksps of EME and more logistical support such as tank carrying long flat bed trailers.

SH-1’s ammo range is longer than M-109 so even though if regiments transition from towed guns to SP guns, it’s shoot and scoot ability may or may not be exploited under the infantry/mechanised divisions of holding corps. It does however give an advantage to Armored brigades due to its capability of keeping up with the mobility of tanks and mechanised infantry’s APCs to launch proper Armored offensives which an Armored brigade is supposed to undertake while the brigades had been hindered before due to support from towed howitzers regiments for which the shoot and scoot ability of towed guns and trucks was rehearsed in every excercise for infantry divisions. An Anza SAM can be carried on an open truck with a crew but a towed howitzer cannot become SP by simply tying a gun on top of a truck.

That solves the SP Arty availability issue as well as fuel, spare parts and maintenance issue along with combined arms Ops of MBTs, APCs, SP Artillery snd SP AD.

The new form of recon is from skies through UAV as well as guiding fire onto enemy units, while ground based FOO is redundancy in case UAVs get shot out of the sky.

The brigade commander and the top echelon has to depend upon the Armored brigade to provide the punch for infantry to breakthrough so no excuses for staff HQ of all formations this time.

I think something else is bothering you.

Pakistan army already has sufficienct weaponry for credible deterrence. Why does it need more weaponry ?
The sister infantry divisions of Armored divisions want to trail along with MBTs, so now their guns got wheels.
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