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Scythians - The Greatest Warriors of World

Mongols used to run rings round the enemy army and harass them with arrows, When the enemy army try to chase them they used hit and run tactics(parathion shot) .

Thank you for mentioning hit and run tactics. Nomads were practicing war strategies during the hunting games. One side were pursuing the animals, other side were ambushing the animals. So, it is not a simple hit and run but rather more complicated hunting strategy.

Against Persian Empire, Scythians pulled their foes into inner Eurasian steppes. On the way Persian Army disintegrated, then pursuers became pursued. Darius escaped death barely crossing Danube.

For 1071 manzikert war, Center of the byzantine army moved forward while pursuing the withdrawing Seljuk forces, leaving left and right wing of Byzantine army behind. Byzantine army entered into sharp triangle formation. Which is effective against stationed infantry, but not against horse archers. Reinforcements of Seljuk army surrounded Byzantine from the angles.

Kalka River (1223) is another Good example for hit and run tactics. Victory of small numbers against great numbers with minimal losses.
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Scythians are the forebears of most Indo- European nations today, and yet we know so little about them. A list of nations :

In Europe
Reality - the nascent Turks (Gok Turk back then) and the Mongols were living near the Tien Shan and Altai range. This is not to say that populations did not mix. The finding of red-haired mummies in the Gobi proves this, but it is clear that central Asia, especially between the Oxus and Jaxartes river and most of Afghanistan was Ancient Scythia, and that the Scythians were nomadic caucosoids.

So powerful and great warrior, and there culture society is not alive now.? `Power is not only ingredient for survival of culture... :)
Powerful nations stick around they don't fade into dust after a few years. Mongols were probably the most powerful nation at one time but unlike many other countries which can come back after disaster, once the mongol capital of Karakorum was sacked...well the rest is history.

The Yuan remnants retreated to Mongolia after the fall of Yingchang to the Ming in 1370. Under the name Northern Yuan the Mongols resisted the Ming. The Ming and the Northern Yuan denied each other's legitimacy as emperors of China. The Ming army pursued the Northern Yuan forces into Mongolia in 1372, but was defeated by the latter under Ayushridar and Köke Temür. They tried again in 1380, ultimately winning a decisive victory over Northern Yuan in 1388. Many Mongols were taken prisoner, and Karakorum (the Northern Yuan capital) was sacked in 1380.
The Sakas might not be THE greatest warriors of the world; but they were CERTAINLY great people, great warriors, good rulers and apparently good statesmen from the remote times of their history, circa 750 BCE till today. They produced many lines of kings, emperors, kings of kings, and viceroys in the ancient history of Pakistan, Iran, Bactria, Bharat and many countries of Europe and Eurasia, which is not possible without being good warriors in those remote times. They gave birth to the names Scythia, Indo-Scythia, Saka-dvipa (to Sindh and Kathiawar in Pakistan and Bharat) and Scythia and Little Scythia (in Eurasia). For centuries they inhabited Sogdiana (Saka Tigrakhuda), Drangiana (Saka Haumavarka or Saka Seikistana), and north of Black and Caspian Seas (Saka Taradarya); but when, under world wide migratory movements, they had to move, they occupied Bactria, thus ending Bactrian-Greek Empire. When forced to leave that, they conquered Arachosia (presently in Afghanistan), Balochistan, Sindh, Punjab, Kashmir (present Pakistan) and Kathiawar (presently in Bharat), and moved from Black Sea into Europe later to form Czechoslovakia and now Czech Republic. They were the forbearers of many great races like Parthians, Pahlvas, Rajputs, Jats, Celts, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, etc. The warlike history of these races is well-known to the world.
They were not from India; they invaded India and invaded Europe.
They established their own kingdoms and empires as in Gandhara (Pakistan), and founded their own era, namely Azes Era, now borrowed by Brahmans as Bikrami era. When the opponent was stronger, they shared power with them as equals or even as viceroys. That proves their statesmanship. Thus they ruled from 135 BC to about 60 AD as kings and emperors over Bactria, Gandhara and Sakadvipa, and later as viceroys of Kushans and still later as viceroys of Parthians and Pahlvas. Still later, faced with the invasions of Hunas and Gurjaras, they became Rajputs and retreated to the difficult areas of the neighboring Thar Desert and Aravelli Range, thus giving it the name Rajputana. They mixed with the later invading races Kushanas and Parthians so much so that it is difficult to differentiate one from the other. Kushanas and Yueh-Chi later turned into Jats. There is still a village Kushana of the Jats near Gujrat bye-pass.
Farooq Alvi
The Sakas might not be THE greatest warriors of the world; but they were CERTAINLY great people, great warriors, good rulers and apparently good statesmen from the remote times of their history, circa 750 BCE till today. They produced many lines of kings, emperors, kings of kings, and viceroys in the ancient history of Pakistan, Iran, Bactria, Bharat and many countries of Europe and Eurasia, which is not possible without being good warriors in those remote times. They gave birth to the names Scythia, Indo-Scythia, Saka-dvipa (to Sindh and Kathiawar in Pakistan and Bharat) and Scythia and Little Scythia (in Eurasia). For centuries they inhabited Sogdiana (Saka Tigrakhuda), Drangiana (Saka Haumavarka or Saka Seikistana), and north of Black and Caspian Seas (Saka Taradarya); but when, under world wide migratory movements, they had to move, they occupied Bactria, thus ending Bactrian-Greek Empire. When forced to leave that, they conquered Arachosia (presently in Afghanistan), Balochistan, Sindh, Punjab, Kashmir (present Pakistan) and Kathiawar (presently in Bharat), and moved from Black Sea into Europe later to form Czechoslovakia and now Czech Republic. They were the forbearers of many great races like Parthians, Pahlvas, Rajputs, Jats, Celts, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, etc. The warlike history of these races is well-known to the world.
They were not from India; they invaded India and invaded Europe.
They established their own kingdoms and empires as in Gandhara (Pakistan), and founded their own era, namely Azes Era, now borrowed by Brahmans as Bikrami era. When the opponent was stronger, they shared power with them as equals or even as viceroys. That proves their statesmanship. Thus they ruled from 135 BC to about 60 AD as kings and emperors over Bactria, Gandhara and Sakadvipa, and later as viceroys of Kushans and still later as viceroys of Parthians and Pahlvas. Still later, faced with the invasions of Hunas and Gurjaras, they became Rajputs and retreated to the difficult areas of the neighboring Thar Desert and Aravelli Range, thus giving it the name Rajputana. They mixed with the later invading races Kushanas and Parthians so much so that it is difficult to differentiate one from the other. Kushanas and Yueh-Chi later turned into Jats. There is still a village Kushana of the Jats near Gujrat bye-pass.
Farooq Alvi

Ancient history of Pakistan....circa 1947????

Re: “Aryan Migration Theory Is Controversial” – It is NOT.

Aryan migration theory is not controversial. They spoke Sanskrit, a European language, which gave birth in India to the term Indo-European. Had Aryans been Indians, the European language Sanskrit would not have come to India. And the word Indo-European would not have come to Indian languages.
They are a Caucasian white race, which cannot breed in Indian environments; nor could such a race breed in Tibet (as they some times claim) since that country breeds mongoloids, poles apart from Aryans; nor do Tibetans speak Indo-European languages.
India carries the sense of black; that is why Homer called Indians the Eastern Ethiopians; and Hafiz Shirazi used the word Hindu (a geographical term, meaning Indian) in the sense of black in his famous couplet:
Agar aan Turke Shirazi bdast aarad dil-e ma ra
Bkhal-e hindu-esh bakhsham Samarqand-o Bukhara ra
(If I get that Turk sweetheart of Shiraz, I shall bestow Samarqand and Bukhara in return for her black mole).
The same sense has been repeated in our Urdu poet Zameer Jaffary’s couplets:
Ham ke khal-e rukh-e Hindu ke fidai thehre
Usne jab war kia, ham ne usse piar kia
Ham se dervish bnate kehan atom bomb
Haan magar teri muhabbat ne hame khwar kia

So India means country of the black. It is because Dravidians lived here in ancient times.
Even the hymns of Rigveda curse these black natives, calling them daesyos (desi, meaning natives). The European race Aryas, called their European language Sanskrit deobani (the language of gods) and called the native Indian languages as serpabani and mridravaja, ie, the language of the serpents and a strange un-intelligible language.
Only Brahmans strive to make it controversial, with a malafide intention to continue to pretend to be original Indians, and hence the owners of India. They themselves know that they are continuing a false claim of having Indian origin or even being Indians: it is part of history that Nehru, as PM of India, said to American Ambassador “Galbraith, I am the last Englishman to rule over India”.
Farooq Alvi

RE: Shri Kashi Prasad Jaisawal, an eminent historian, has refer them as Bharshiva who put the Shivalinga on their shoulder and committed to free the India from forgien yoke like Kushan and other Shaka Khastrpa.

It is sad that any historian should believe in this impossible story that any tribe (why not Kshatryas and Brahmans?) “Put the Shivalinga on their shoulder and commit to free India from foreign yoke like Kushan and other Shaka Kshatrpa”. Mythology has it that Shivalinga (ie, Mahadeva’s penis) was so large that Vishnu-god and Brahma-god once tried to measure its length, but Brahma failed to find its end; Stanley Wolpert tells us that Shiva surreptitiously showed this linga to the wives of many Brahmans and made them unfaithful to their husbands (and faithful to himself).
Such are only Brahmanic flights of fantacy. The fact can be judged as under:
The respectable Warraich tribe is a Muslim tribe of the Jats. The words Jat and Rajput sprung up into history around 600 AD, ie, after the decline of the successive Saka, Kushana, empires, kingdoms and viceroyalties, under. So, most probably, they sprung from those two great tribes: Rajputs from Sakas and Jats from Kushanas. One of the proofs is the presence of Kushana or Kusana clan among the jats; a village Kusana apparently of the Kusana Jats still exists near Gujrat bye-pass. Otherwise, the origin of Rajputs and Jats becomes difficult to trace, and extinction of Saka and Kushana populations becomes difficult to explain whose number, even in those remote times (450BC), was about 30 lacs. This will also explain the springing up of Rajisthan and Rajputana with the extinction of the names Scythia, Indo-Scythia and Sakadvipa. This will also explain why Rajputs and Jats are so closely mixed up and why these two are so widely different from the Brahmans and Kshatryas in their tribal customs and individual natures. And why it was Brhaman Dahir (and no Rajput or Jat) who had married his real sister. And why the Rajputs and Jats of Sindh so easily went to the side of Muhammad bin Qasim against Dahir, and why they jubilated over Dahir’s defeat and death. Jats are also reported (by Abullah Ibn Masud) to have met the Holy Prophet, and their presence in the Arab world as al-Zutt in Antioch, Yemen and Najran (between Mecca and Yemen). So their connection with any of Abraham’s sons is not very improbable, as honorable Muhammad Yahya, tells us with Isaac.
In this connection, it is important to note that the words Jutland, Jutes, Eucii, Saxones Eucii, Eotenas, Eudosis, etc, occur with the description of Scythians or Sakas in Europe. In Pakistan history the Kushanas are a branch of bigger race Yueh-chi. It seems that this Yueh-chi might have taken the shape of Jute, Jueti (meaning lamp or light) and then jati and Jat, which is the collective name of hundreds of small tribe names, like Yueh-chi of old.
Farooq Alvi
I don't see how any "great" warriors could be traced back to india. india was always conquered by the outsiders. The british, the Muslims, before that the Aryans who installed 'caste system' in Hindu culture to ensure their rule etc etc..

OMG, Does history of India start from M B Quasim in Canada??? Son Indian civilization is 10,000-20,000 year old, first read the history then open your mouth.
This thread is nothing but self eulogizing at its best. I can only laugh at threads which call those who lived 3000 years ago as greatest warriors of the world without giving any criteria on what makes them great warriors.

People forget the role of tools and technology. The Greeks won't be great had they not have their long spears and shields. Mongols won't be great without their horse archers and siege weapons. And the Europeans won't have colonized the world without the expert use of gun powder.

They also ignore the fact that 3000 years ago the world population was almost 1000 times less than what it is today. Most areas had zero population and the only danger was that from wild predators. So migrating or occupying large areas was not that difficult.

These kind of stupid labels trying to prove one race better than the other is a joke in my eyes. The greatest warriors of the world are the humans today armed with Nuclear weapons. Never has any warrior had such a power in their hands. And in future the no one will be able to stand the future human with laser weapons, hypersonic space planes etc as the greatest warriors unless we come across some Aliens armed with God knows what.
Scythians are the forebears of most Indo- European nations today, and yet we know so little about them. A list of nations :

In Europe

Celtic - lived in Scythia, as per ancient Irish annals; the Tuatha de Danann even brought back a contingent of Scythians with them

Germanic tribes - descended from Scythian tribes that wandered over into Europe from little Scythia, which was near the Black Sea; prior to that these Scythians had lived in what is today Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, but after fighting the Scythian tribe of Massagetae (i.e. 'great getae'), they migrated west. They were chasing another mysterious people,the Cimmerians, from whom the Welsh(Cymru) claim, and certain Germanic tribes (Sugambri) trace, their descent.

Scandinavia - most of the pantheon worshipped by the Svearna (ancestors of the Swedes) were people called the Aesir. They came from the East and fought with the extant Vanir. Odin (Wotan) and Thor were from this family. Additionally the Gotarna of Southern Sweden were Goths and related to the Getae of Thrace, the Visigoth and Ostrogoths and the Massagetae of Asia.

Saxons - a tribe not mentioned by name in ancient history of tribes but evident that Sakson could be another spelling ie sons of Saka (the ancient and proper spelling of Scythian). Even Saxon historians described the men sent back to mainland Europe to get more men for the invasion and settlement of Briton as returning to Scythia

Sarmatians - the lands of the Poles and Russians was ancient Sarmatia; Sarmatians were the product of Scythian men and Amazon women, hence the cultural and language differences between Germanics and Slavs

In Asia

Parthians - originally united around the Pars tribe, Iran was also ruled by a Scythian dynasty in the form of the Parthians, who were a clan from the Dahae tribe. The Dahae are linked to the Goths, as per a strange paragraph in the the Annals and Deeds of the Goths.

Jat & Rajput tribes - of northern India, especially the Punjab have been linked by British ethnographers to Scythian origins, although heavily mixed with the pre-Indo European Dravidian population; probably have Kushan, Chionite, & Massagetae blood.

Afghans - still settled in the area where the Sakas (i.e. Scythian) migrated; probably more likely to be descended from the Massagetae, Scythians and especially the Hephthalites (another Scythic nation), a brutal, warlike people that savaged both the Persians and the Turks till the two united and destroyed their kingdom.

In essence, the nation of Scyths (Sakas) spread from the western coast of Ireland to the bay of Bengal.

Misconception - central asia was exclusively turco-mongol in ancient times

Reality - the nascent Turks (Gok Turk back then) and the Mongols were living near the Tien Shan and Altai range. This is not to say that populations did not mix. The finding of red-haired mummies in the Gobi proves this, but it is clear that central Asia, especially between the Oxus and Jaxartes river and most of Afghanistan was Ancient Scythia, and that the Scythians were nomadic caucosoids.

RE: "You are the best community that has been raised for mankind. You enjoin good and forbid evil and you believe in Allah." [Aal-e-Imran, 3:110]

Herein Allah tells the followers of the Holy Prophet (pbuh): “You are the best community raised for mankind”; and the qualities which make them the best are very briefly listed as under:
1. You enjoin good, ie, truth, honesty, equality of humans, justice to all, irrespective of color, creed, caste and country; patience, tolerance, love for all.
2. You forbid evil, ie, falsehood; prejudice of color, creed, caste or country.
3. You believe in Allah – This belief is the root of the above-listed qualities. Allah is the god of all the worlds, all universes, all existence and inexistence, of beginning and end, of time and timeless, of space and space-less. He is not the god of a particular place, race, country, creed or caste. Hence He does not like any prejudice of any person against any of his creations. The only criterion for one’s greatness or lowness is the goodness or badness of one’s deeds.
Such qualities, which now have become the norms of ideal human society, were not the values of the pre-Muslim human world. All communities, without fail, loved only their own communities and hated all others. This is even today observable in many nations. The present-day norms and values of human society owe a lot to the Holy Prophet and his followers, who initiated and spread such values which took humanity much higher than the ancient bestial and animal-like values of hatred and revenge, giving them norms of love and forgiveness. Halal haram in human relations also owes it existence and prevalence in human society because of this community, addressed by Allah
Farooq Alvi
Parthians, ossesitians and pashtuns are considered schythian or saka. Word saka means "blood brother" in pashto.

Parthians, ossesitians and pashtuns are considered schythian or saka. Word saka means "blood brother" in pashto.
RE: "You are the best community that has been raised for mankind. You enjoin good and forbid evil and you believe in Allah." [Aal-e-Imran, 3:110]

Herein Allah tells the followers of the Holy Prophet (pbuh): “You are the best community raised for mankind”; and the qualities which make them the best are very briefly listed as under:
1. You enjoin good, ie, truth, honesty, equality of humans, justice to all, irrespective of color, creed, caste and country; patience, tolerance, love for all.
2. You forbid evil, ie, falsehood; prejudice of color, creed, caste or country.
3. You believe in Allah – This belief is the root of the above-listed qualities. Allah is the god of all the worlds, all universes, all existence and inexistence, of beginning and end, of time and timeless, of space and space-less. He is not the god of a particular place, race, country, creed or caste. Hence He does not like any prejudice of any person against any of his creations. The only criterion for one’s greatness or lowness is the goodness or badness of one’s deeds.
Such qualities, which now have become the norms of ideal human society, were not the values of the pre-Muslim human world. All communities, without fail, loved only their own communities and hated all others. This is even today observable in many nations. The present-day norms and values of human society owe a lot to the Holy Prophet and his followers, who initiated and spread such values which took humanity much higher than the ancient bestial and animal-like values of hatred and revenge, giving them norms of love and forgiveness. Halal haram in human relations also owes its existence and prevalence in human society because of this community, the Ummah of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), which has been addressed in this verse by Allah.
Farooq alvi
Parthians, ossesitians and pashtuns are considered schythian or saka. Word saka means "blood brother" in pashto.

Parthians, ossesitians and pashtuns are considered schythian or saka. Word saka means "blood brother" in pashto.

Similiar to other indo-pak races... read the previous pages to understand whats going on... also arent pashtuns supposed to be frm bani israel or something?
Similiar to other indo-pak races... read the previous pages to understand whats going on... also arent pashtuns supposed to be frm bani israel or something?

I know there are countless nations who claim to be descendants of schythians but i am talking about eastern saka people of ancient bactria (present day afghanistan). Bani israel theory is false one , has been proven wrong and has no academic value ....
I know there are countless nations who claim to be descendants of schythians but i am talking about eastern saka people of ancient bactria (present day afghanistan). Bani israel theory is false one , has been proven wrong and has no academic value ....

Tht means the jatts and Rajputs are your brothers....

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