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Scrapfest LGBTQ coming to Karachi

TTP recruitment just got boosted 10000% after this news was released.

And the liberal secular geniuses will do an analysis wondering why terrorism is increasing, but they will never question the degeneracy their extreme minority is enforcing on the vast majority.

How can you claim to be democratic but act as a dictator going against the wishes of the vast majority? Liberal mfs are a curse
That's exactly what both sides won't. A boogeyman to make people afraid of and sell their chooran.

TTP and lal masjid type need bahayai (immodesty) in society. Otherwise they wouldn't exist.

Liberals need gEnDER IneQUAlity and huMAN RigHTS to get backing from the west to increase their clout so they can abuse and kill their underage underpaid maids without anyone laying a finger on them.
@FuturePAF This is what I meant by the discussion we had last time. Actions like these are undemocratic and go against the wishes of the majority very strongly.

I keep trying to explain it to the secular liberals here but they don't understand.

Even the army soldiers themselves would not want to fight against people claiming to prevent degeneracy such as LGBT when they see it exists around them. Majority of the population will support those people as well.

How can you even think of defeating them when they have societal wide support? At that point you become an undemocratic dictatorship suppressing the majority.
If the country wants to be a liberal democracy it has to protect the legal activities of the minority from wishes of the majority. If it wants to be a blended system, between Islam and democracy it should study and consider following models such as Malaysia and Indonesia. Upholding cultural norms enforceable by the law. There is also the model of some differences in the laws between different parts of the country as in the US. In Pakistan this would mean the laws in Karachi could differ from laws in Swat. This is why democracy, at the local level as well as provincial and federal level is necessary to accommodate the wishes of the people while trying to maximize the protection of minorities of all kinds.
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Who cares how difficult it is?

Allah destroyed a nation for homosexuality being open and accepted, it's one of the most disgusting sins
What nation?
Civilizations will always rise and fall that's the nature of things.
They can do some actual service to Islam for once.

Normally when someone (usually indians) asks us, is our Muslims identity closer to us or our Pakistani identity and what would we choose, we reply that they are one and the same.

The day people start making a distinction between the two, is the day you can truly say goodbye to this country.

There is no point of Pakistan if we wanted a country to have this kind of crap fests. These were possible in united India too

We could do this gandu festival while having billions and billions of dollars in reserves
This is Pakistan supposed to be one of the most religious Islamic countries. If Pakistan becomes like this, then rest assured, other Islamic countries already are in deep shit. And i am talking about masses not governments. It is a long time that Pakistani governors have been loyal to west and their standards.

Btw, this is open corruption. When degenerate people feel so free in a society, they will commit every corrupt act with no fear.

As a Muslim, kill them wherever you find them. This involves only those whom openly do it in public, otherwise, expect the grave consequences.

One thing more, the imported liberal government obviously has a hand in this open corruption.
Seems like Pakistan has some izat and gheirat left in it. There is hope.
No. This makes it even worse. It just proves law only applies to poor no one else. If this law was enforced half of Islamabad or any DHA would be in jail right now. This is just blasphemy at this point. Do kufr but keep Islamic touch to keep the masses stupid. The ones who put this in the law and are suppose to enforce it are the ones who break it.
No. This makes it even worse. It just proves law only applies to poor no one else. If this law was enforced half of Islamabad or any DHA would be in jail right now. This is just blasphemy at this point. Do kufr but keep Islamic touch to keep the masses stupid. The ones who put this in the law and are suppose to enforce it are the ones who break it.
Only an internal coup or waging a war against the colonial traitors is going to save us
If Pakistanis were half as triggered on corruption, religious extremism and gross incompetence of their leaders &army than they are on this , Pakistan economy would not have been nosediving. Lol members here are suggesting sending TTP to stop this, the same group which has murdered thousands of you, I would choose a LGBTQ person over a cavemen any day. At least they don't physically harm others.
I've been saying this but this is being enforced by the Amreeki bastards and European cunts sitting in the west, they are purposefully pushing this degeneracy into Pakistani society. @Great Janjua


Keep pushing LGBT into a religiously conservative Islamic society - it doesn't take a fucking genius to figure out they will see it as an attack on their religion and culture.

No one should complain when the support for TTP and hate against Pakistan increases if nothing is done about this.

Facism is the only way to defeat this globalisation of degeneracy.

There must be a state enforced nationalism and preservation of your culture, language, religion, and traditional values.

The Amrekis and Israeelis are trying to destroy this. A part of me will always respect Afghanistan for never allowing this one bit.
More like approved by PDM GOVERNMENT I remember when IK said about women’s dressing that caused a storm in the west since than IK has been a bone in their throat.
Where is the state of Pakistan? Nether it can stop terrorists from killing people. Nor it can stop such immoral activities happening openly. It can't run economy too

Yeh BC akhir kar kia saktai hain???
It has been successful in creating several thousand billionaires whose monthly income is few thousand (grade 17 officers)

Those people have led to boom in UAE housing market

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