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Scrapfest LGBTQ coming to Karachi

It's actually not given the constitutional obligations aa agreed by her citizens and applied to her administered territories.
The constitution specifically specifies following Quran and Sunnah, so these actions are entirely constitutional and valid. Entirely justified.
You need law abiding citizens not law abiding police to function as a living organism of the construct of the word society.
You need both, laws for the citizens to follow, law abiding citizens, as well as law abiding police to police the non-law abiding citizens.
No mortal can judge your actions as a Muslim but you shall be judged for your actions as a Pakistani via Pakistani law.
Pakistani law explicitly abides by Islamic law, and Islamic law disagrees with you.

Umar ibn Al-Khattab رضي الله عنه said :

‘We judge by what’s apparent and we leave their inner secrets to Allah.’

Sahih Al-Bukhari, 2498.
The constitution specifically specifies following Quran and Sunnah, so these actions are entirely constitutional and valid. Entirely justified.

You need both, laws for the citizens to follow, law abiding citizens, as well as law abiding police to police the non-law abiding citizens.

Pakistani law explicitly abides by Islamic law, and Islamic law disagrees with you.

Umar ibn Al-Khattab رضي الله عنه said :

‘We judge by what’s apparent and we leave their inner secrets to Allah.’

Sahih Al-Bukhari, 2498.

You are intent on dragging the fringe to the centrepiece.

As far as your wishes for a policed existence is concerned, i will ask again when you go through the ban cycle.
@FuturePAF This is what I meant by the discussion we had last time. Actions like these are undemocratic and go against the wishes of the majority very strongly.

I keep trying to explain it to the secular liberals here but they don't understand.

Even the army soldiers themselves would not want to fight against people claiming to prevent degeneracy such as LGBT when they see it exists around them. Majority of the population will support those people as well.

How can you even think of defeating them when they have societal wide support? At that point you become an undemocratic dictatorship suppressing the majority.

They are pushing people who haven't joined militancy to pick up guns

Those who are educated, use internet, visit restaurants, work in private firms and live in urban centers. These are not your typical TTP terrorist from Waziristan who nothing like above I mentioned

I know engineers, doctors, IT experts, business managers who worship 5 times a day and haven't joined any militant organization

These kind of degenerate festivals are only going to push those guys towards being anti state and pick up guns
much ahead of us desis.
Haha... I was thinking about this a few days ago, and how right and wrong this is. They seem certainly ahead in the general well-being of most humans. But I am still concerned about a lotta things. With increasing globalisation there has been much westernization without any accompanying ethical theory of what is exactly right and wrong. It seems like blind copying and colonisation. The sepoys of today will not mutiny even after being force-fed pork and beef, I think they will proudly say "I am a Muslim/Hindu and I proudly eat pork/beef". They already do. It is worse than 1857.

I hate America and most Americans, and much of the world for its gigantic factory farming industry that tortures and slaughters hundreds of billions of non-humans every year, but I see that encroaching in India, with sepoys of our times cheering on. I have more faith in and believe to be true that ethical ideas of Jainism, sects of Hinduism, etc. The sepoys have accepted wholesale the degenerate, relativistic, individualist ethic of the West without any critical analysis. I have some appreciation for jihadists for at least attempting that, even if their ideas are even worse.
They are pushing people who haven't joined militancy to pick up guns

Those who are educated, use internet, visit restaurants, work in private firms and live in urban centers. These are not your typical TTP terrorist from Waziristan who nothing like above I mentioned

I know engineers, doctors, IT experts, business managers who worship 5 times a day and haven't joined any militant organization

These kind of degenerate festivals are only going to push those guys towards being anti state and pick up guns
^^^ You don't need to be an Albert Einstein to realise this, the liberal insecure elite know, but they simply don't care. Why? Because they know the people sacrificing their lives will be patriots and they'll be fine hiding in their offices.

It is long overdue that these secular elites got their asses handed to them, why must our soldiers die for their inferiority complex, personal desires and ego?!

There is no backbone, no spine, no gheirat in the people of Pakistan to stand up aggressively with this stance. Burn down the buildings they are hiding inside, while our soldiers die for these cringe brown wannabe angrez!


With increasing globalisation there has been much westernization without any accompanying ethical theory of what is exactly right and wrong. It seems like blind copying and colonisation.
It is rooted in an inferiority complex and not having your own strong identity, you absorb the angrez identity and lifestyle too easily. Not enough pride in your own.

What do you expect after centuries of British colonisation and influence, physically the British left, mentally they live on in some parts. Tribal people were very lucky like the pashtuns and baloch, underdeveloped mountainous terrains it was difficult to control them, they stayed out of urban areas and weren't as affected.

A hot flush is required, there is a little bit of hope for it in Pakistan, but India I don't think so ever.
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A lot of people are going to find this problematic but I swear I'd rather let TTP do some of their magic at one of these events. Then they'll be frightened of holding it again.
Bro, why do you have the naive impression that TTP will target them? If they wanted, they wouldn't have waited for us to let them do their magic.

An assistant commissioner making welcoming tweets about abc people ? How did he manage to keep his job for that long ?
That's what striked me the most. I get that the germans are sponsoring this shit festival so the govt can't do much about it but no one is saying anything to that fking BPS-17 govt. official either?
Extremists don't come from outer space, they are from our societies, from our work places, streets, masjids, shop corners. They are BORN.

The people don't want this. When the tiny minority seeks to impose their desires on the vast majority, it becomes a dictatorship which is undemocratic and insults the majority. This creates the extremists.

When the "extremists" and their supporters become the majority, they are no longer extremists, you're just a minority enforcing things on the majority, and they are fighting against it.

Undemocratic actions which insult the majority create civil disobedience which can lead to worse
How difficult it is to ignore such events? Just go about your day.
Homosexuals aren't out for your blood like terrorists they just want to feel included in society not force "straight" people to be gay tbh.
Pakistan is a mess. I never thought it would get to be this bad. The only way out is to eliminate stop this western bad influence on a small stupid privileged Pakistani minority of liberals are self hating souls pushing this bizarre agenda in a ISLAMIC state. Pakistan is now becoming a laughing stock in eyes others Moslems
How difficult it is to ignore such events? Just go about your day.
Homosexuals aren't out for your blood like terrorists they just want to feel included in society not force "straight" people to be gay tbh.

The Quran is clear on these matters. Politicians should keep out of it. They don't like religious leaders commenting on their work after all.
How difficult it is to ignore such events? Just go about your day.
Homosexuals aren't out for your blood like terrorists they just want to feel included in society not force "straight" people to be gay tbh.
Who cares how difficult it is?

Allah destroyed a nation for homosexuality being open and accepted, it's one of the most disgusting sins
This gandufest cannot be allowed. Normal people of Karachi must protest against it. Tell your imams at your masjids that you expect them to organise protests.
They can do some actual service to Islam for once.

They are pushing people who haven't joined militancy to pick up guns

Those who are educated, use internet, visit restaurants, work in private firms and live in urban centers. These are not your typical TTP terrorist from Waziristan who nothing like above I mentioned

I know engineers, doctors, IT experts, business managers who worship 5 times a day and haven't joined any militant organization

These kind of degenerate festivals are only going to push those guys towards being anti state and pick up guns
Normally when someone (usually indians) asks us, is our Muslims identity closer to us or our Pakistani identity and what would we choose, we reply that they are one and the same.

The day people start making a distinction between the two, is the day you can truly say goodbye to this country.
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