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Scrapfest LGBTQ coming to Karachi

We just had a crazy blow himself in a mosque killing 100 people, and now this ? Da FUQ is wrong with people ? this will attract extremists like ants attracted towards honey.

Exactly my sentiments. I personally don't care. Each to their own. But I mean when we're struggling against extremists, why make things more difficult?
TTP recruitment just got boosted 10000% after this news was released.

And the liberal secular geniuses will do analysis wondering why terrorism is increasing, but they will never question the degeneracy their minority is enforcing on the vast majority.
State put people like Mufti Taqi Usmani in a difficult place as well with their moves. It’s like the want a civil war badly.
Forget TTP. Anyone Ghairatmand true Muslim from Karachi will not allow this to happen. This is the redline.
A gheiratmand true human, true Pakistani, true Muslim would never allow this.

I call upon the people of Karachi to heed my message, organise yourself and strictly oppose this imposition of foreign degeneracy on the people of Pakistan.

Otherwise do not complain when the extremists use their methods because it will be something you brought upon yourself with these undemocratic actions insulting the majority.
religiosity has nothing to do with certain people's tendencies toward deviant sexual behavior


Forget TTP. Anyone Ghairatmand true Muslim from Karachi will not allow this to happen. This is the redline.

I call upon the people of Karachi to heed my message, organise yourself and strictly oppose this imposition of foreign degeneracy on the people of Pakistan.

Have you ever been to Karachi?
So they don’t allow basic democracy, but allow this?
Liberalism is a dictatorship in sheep's clothing.

State enforced degeneracy, anti-religiousty, globalisation, racial mixing, etc.

State enforced facism is the solution which is built around ultranationalism, preservation of culture, language, native races, tradition, religion.

Fight for your values.
Forget TTP. Anyone Ghairatmand true Muslim from Karachi will not allow this to happen. This is the redline.

I am FROM Karachi. From Saddar. Whenever I visit Pakistan half of my stay is in Karachi half in interior Sindh.

People in Saddar have too much infrastructure problems to cater for than some event across the island.

By the time you reach there navigating through a portion of the city half dug up and traffic jams, this concert will be over.
Liberalism is a dictatorship in sheep's clothing.

State enforced degeneracy, anti-religiousty, globalisation, racial mixing, etc.

State enforced facism is the solution which is built around ultranationalism, preservation of culture, language, native races, tradition, religion.

Fight for your values.

Neo-liberalism is. Classical liberalism is about freedom.
Huh... many people here have this "giving into" mentality. Imagine it from the other side—if some far-leftist atheist in some European country bombed a mosque for holding an Islamic event, would you then say "we're struggling against atheists, and our society is atheist-leaning, so let's stop Islamic events from now on". Would anyone accept that? You don't "defeat" extremists by giving into their demands and leaning more towards them. If they kill one innocent immigrant, invite a thousand more. If they bomb one LGBTQ event, hold ten. If they kill one cartoonist, make a hundred cartoons. Giving one inch is stupid, unless you are already sympathetic to extremists, it makes no sense to say "let's move the overtone window more towards their view". That only legitimises terrorism, as a tool to get your demands, instead of normal political tools as such protests etc.
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