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Scrapfest LGBTQ coming to Karachi

No one should complain when the support for TTP and hate against Pakistan increases if nothing is done about this.

Q: What should be the narrative of state of Pakistan in its fight against TTP terrorism?
A: Use religion against TTP terrorists. Declare them Khwarij. Present them as degenerates who are against Islam and an Islamic state

Instead state of Pakistan comes with brilliant idea of promoting LGBTQ festivals and culture in the country

Bravo. Slowclaps :)
No, I am a RACIST...

Well i suggest you fight your personal battles silently and not let them conflict your social, moral and legal obligations to not be racist.

This Brahman Aryan Pure race mantra is a mental health issue.
Q: What should be the narrative of state of Pakistan in its fight against TTP terrorism?
A: Use religion against TTP terrorists. Declare them Khwarij. Present them as degenerates who are against Islam and an Islamic state

Instead state of Pakistan comes with brilliant idea of promoting LGBTQ festivals and culture in the country

Bravo. Slowclaps :)
@FuturePAF This is what I meant by the discussion we had last time. Actions like these are undemocratic and go against the wishes of the majority very strongly.

I keep trying to explain it to the secular liberals here but they don't understand.

Even the army soldiers themselves would not want to fight against people claiming to prevent degeneracy such as LGBT when they see it exists around them. Majority of the population will support those people as well.

How can you even think of defeating them when they have societal wide support? At that point you become an undemocratic dictatorship suppressing the majority.
I will lead the Janaza prayer for Pakistan if this ever comes to fruition. You all can follow me on WhatsApp video.
While I agree with this sentiment, whose to say the Yanks and the Israhellis won't stop their global degeneracy project after Pakistan's Janaza? Of course they won't, it would make it easier in fact due to being weaker and more difficult to resist.

A lot of people are going to find this problematic but I swear I'd rather let TTP do some of their magic at one of these events. Then they'll be frightened of holding it again.
This is redline.
Whole world can call us terrorists. They can send army to kill us. But this will NOT be allowed. Whatever is required to stop it. We can’t let our society be destroyed in front of our eyes.
With these fitna kufri events, they’re only pushing towards civil war.
TTP recruitment just got boosted 10000% after this news was released.

And the liberal secular geniuses will do an analysis wondering why terrorism is increasing, but they will never question the degeneracy their extreme minority is enforcing on the vast majority.

How can you claim to be democratic but act as a dictator going against the wishes of the vast majority? Liberal mfs are a curse
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