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Scrapfest LGBTQ coming to Karachi

Huh... many people here have this "giving into" mentality. Imagine it from the other side—if some far-leftist atheist in some European country bombed a mosque for holding an Islamic event, would you then say "we're struggling against atheists, and our society is atheist-leaning, so let's stop Islamic events from now on. Would anyone accept that? You don't "defeat" extremists by giving into their demands and leaning more towards them. If they kill one innocent immigrant, invite a thousand more. If they bomb one LGBTQ event, hold ten. If they kill one cartoonist, make a hundred cartoons. Giving one inch is stupid, unless you are already sympathetic to extremists, it makes no sense to say "let's move the overtone window more towards their view".
Extremists don't come from outer space, they are from our societies, from our work places, streets, masjids, shop corners. They are BORN.

The people don't want this. When the tiny minority seeks to impose their desires on the vast majority, it becomes a dictatorship which is undemocratic and insults the majority. This creates the extremists.

When the "extremists" and their supporters become the majority, they are no longer extremists, you're just a minority enforcing things on the majority, and they are fighting against it.

Undemocratic actions which insult the majority create civil disobedience which can lead to worse.
very strange, even in west people starting to push back on various forms of liberal degeneracy, i think they depleted population pool to fill up the ranks of their degenerates so now they are trying to widen it across the world.
Extremists don't come from outer space, they are from our societies, from our work places, streets, masjids, shop corners. They are BORN.

The people don't want this. When the tiny minority seeks to impose their desires on the vast majority, it becomes a dictatorship which is undemocratic and insults the majority. This creates the extremists.

When the "extremists" and their supporters become the majority, they are no longer extremists, you're just a minority enforcing things on the majority, and they are fighting against it.

Undemocratic actions which insult the majority create civil disobedience which can lead to worse.
kinda agree but these guys are doing their own thing and as such are not really 'imposing' their thing on others... karne do, kya fark padta aapko ?
The people don't want this. When the tiny minority seeks to impose their desires on the vast majority, it becomes a dictatorship which is undemocratic and insults the majority.
The event was also held previously under the government of Imran Khan, sponsered by the German embassy or some such. If it was true that the majority opposes people holding such events, the democratically elected government would have taken steps against it, either the central government, the Sindh government or the local mayor of Karachi. None did. That can only mean Sayfullah is in minority at least in Karachi and has sympathisers only in Waziristan, where no such event has been held. Apparently even the deputy commissioner (appointed by the elected government of Sindh, right?) supports it.

Unless the event has the protection of the army and no government can stop it. Then I guess you only need to come back to Pakistan to do Jihad against the army.
kinda agree but these guys are doing their own thing and as such are not really 'imposing' their thing on others... karne do, kya fark padta aapko ?
Sharma Ji, this concept of "individuality" you speak of, does not exist in organised societies. Values and beliefs generally can't be contained, take a look at the West which is a perfect example. It started out the same and look where they are currently.

When you promote things as normal and encourage them in society, it effects everyone in the country, it is never individual. The national media they consume, the everyday things they watch, the very school they attend and its curriculum. Their minds are vulnerable from a young age and everyone is influenced by it. It spreads like a wildfire even if it originates in some isolated area.

The event was also held previously under the government of Imran Khan, sponsered by the German embassy or some such. If it was true that the majority opposes people holding such events, the democratically elected government would have taken steps against it, either the central government, the Sindh government or the local mayor of Karachi. None did. That can only mean Sayfullah is in minority at least in Karachi and has sympathisers only in Waziristan, where no such event has been held. Apparently even the deputy commissioner (appointed by the elected government of Sindh, right?) supports it.

Unless the event has the protection of the army and no government can stop it. Then I guess you only need to come back to Pakistan to do Jihad against the army.

Who judges democracy by the standards of Pakistan's government?

Has it not been made clear to you recently the military establishment and their covert handlers are the one controlling things?

Also when the "jihad" currently going on gains massive support and sympathy in public crowds and people, how can you say it's a minority? We are still fighting that same war and just recently there was over 100 casualties.
Sharma Ji, this concept of "individuality" you speak of, does not exist in organised societies. Values and beliefs generally can't be contained, take a look at the West which is a perfect example. It started out the same and look where they are currently.

When you promote things as normal and encourage them in society, it effects everyone in the country, it is never individual. The national media they consume, the everyday things they watch, the very school they attend and its curriculum. Their minds are vulnerable from a young age and everyone is influenced by it. It spreads like a wildfire even if it originates in some isolated area.
"..look where they are currently"

much ahead of us desis.

"promote and encourage"

again galat.. nobody, at least I believe, can sway one into becoming ghey etc.. as a straight banda, it grosses me out, I don't swing that way.. but doosre kya karte.. who are we to lecture ?
You can be anything and be a Muslim, you can be gay, pedophile, serial killer, not that all are equivelent, you can be a drunkard or a fornicator, and still be a Muslim. But they are all unIslamic. I as a lifelong Muslim born in Pakistan I am not going to try to pander to some kind liberal Pakistani sensitivity on this particular topic which it seems the West is so currently taken with, and just tell you that yes this is fine you can be a Muslim in good standing with Allah swt and Islam approves of it. It is not in accordance with nature or with what God intended for humanity obviously. If it were, then there would be no more humans because they would have not reproduced. Sperm does not fertilize fecal material.

The reasons it is not desirable for mankind are cited by God in the Qu'ran and by Muhammad saaws in his own words, as some the other answers here did show. So gay Muslims riding around on a parade in Karachi , are they still Muslim? I'm not the one who can decide that, since I'm not God,, but their behavior is decidedly unIslamic and if they were doing that in a Muslim country things would be different for them oh wait , they are doing in Pakistan
"..look where they are currently"

much ahead of us desis.
Socially they are not

You can be anything and be a Muslim, you can be gay, pedophile, serial killer, not that all are equivelent, you can be a drunkard or a fornicator, and still be a Muslim. But they are all unIslamic. I as a lifelong Muslim born in Pakistan I am not going to try to pander to some kind liberal Pakistani sensitivity on this particular topic which it seems the West is so currently taken with, and just tell you that yes this is fine you can be a Muslim in good standing with Allah swt and Islam approves of it. It is not in accordance with nature or with what God intended for humanity obviously. If it were, then there would be no more humans because they would have not reproduced. Sperm does not fertilize fecal material.

The reasons it is not desirable for mankind are cited by God in the Qu'ran and by Muhammad saaws in his own words, as some the other answers here did show. So gay Muslims riding around on a parade in Karachi , are they still Muslim? I'm not the one who can decide that, since I'm not God,, but their behavior is decidedly unIslamic and if they were doing that in a Muslim country things would be different for them oh wait , they are doing in Pakistan
They can be what they want in private but we as the people of the state shouldn't allow it to be endorse societally.

We must take a stand. Our war is against the imported PDM government just as much as it is against the global degeneracy culture they are enforcing.
again galat.. nobody, at least I believe, can sway one into becoming ghey etc.. as a straight banda, it grosses me out, I don't swing that way.. but doosre kya karte.. who are we to lecture ?
Well we are Muslim and the homosexuals, and those that immitate the opposite gender, show their awrah, etc are doing wrong. And as Muslims, we are one to lecture. :cheesy:

You are looking at this from an extremely Indian orientated societal view
They can be what they want in private but we as the people of the state shouldn't allow it to be endorse societally.

There are tons of legal options available if city authorities are made to intervene.

As of now this is a private event. However under penal code of Pakistan, you can legally be arrested for its promotion or found to have travelled to the event. As much as those having harmful intent and its promotion can be arrested.

Why do you wish to live in a policed society?
As of now this is a private event. However under penal code of Pakistan, you can legally be arrested for its promotion or found to have travelled to the event. As much as those having harmful intent and its promotion can be arrested.
This is amazing. @kingQamaR @Sayfullah @Areesh @PakFactor

Seems like Pakistan has some izat and gheirat left in it. There is hope.

Why do you wish to live in a policed society?
What's wrong with a policed society if it polices the things we are all against, brings law and order, and allows for us to achieve our national objectives in an ordeal time frame?

We as Muslims must lead by example and stand against corruption of all forms, including moral corruption and social decay.
This is amazing.
It's actually not given the constitutional obligations aa agreed by her citizens and applied to her administered territories.

What's wrong with a policed society if it polices the things we are all against, brings law and order, and allows for us to achieve our national objectives in an ordeal time frame?
You need law abiding citizens not law abiding police to function as a living organism of the construct of the word society.
We as Muslims must lead by example and stand against corruption of all forms, including moral corruption and social decay.

You can start by not giving undue promotion of the event. No mortal can judge your actions as a Muslim but you shall be judged for your actions as a Pakistani via Pakistani law.

However society does offer you some advantages as well some disadvantages for almost all of your choices regardless of religion.
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