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Scrapfest LGBTQ coming to Karachi

Must be nice, calling for violence sitting comfortably surrounded by god knows how many openly gay/trans people — and christian/kafir protection. You hypocrite.

Carry on.
I hope there's no fàgs around me
You know your priorities are set when some no name politician burning a Quran thousands of miles away or some dumb LGBTQ fest elicits more protests and anger then your fellow countrymen killing and blowing each other up in the name of Islam. The more you try to enforce regressive religious laws on a society, the more degeneracy will spring up and hit hard like a tsunami.

This post sums it up.

You took the words right out my mouth and we posted at the same exact time, what coincidence
Stfu you Indian falseflagger. Go cry. Cry more. You think your crying will affect us? Cry to usa. Cry to UN. There are still many true Muslims in the world. We will not allow this fitna to spread in our society. Those who spread this fitna in our society, take part in this fitna and even support it will face severe consequences. We don’t care what you and the likes of you think about us. You guys are worst than prostitutes selling your Imaan and your beliefs in order to get worldly gains but still be treated like shit by the people who you try imitate.

Hudhaifah bin Al-Yaman narrated that the Prophet (s.a.w) said:
"By the One in Whose Hand is my soul! Either you command good and forbid evil, or Allah will soon send upon you a punishment from Him, then you will call upon Him, but He will not respond to you. "
-Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2169
Agreed, Pakistan will become prosperous once Sharia is enforced with all non Sunnis kicked out.
Hate to break to you my hindutva friend but what you reckon is enforced in Shia Iran, it is Sharia as well...Sharia is not confined to Sunnis and Shias are a dominant class in Pakistan they are not going anywhere. They didn't even leave Taliban Afghanistan and will be the last to leave Pakistan.
^^^ You don't need to be an Albert Einstein to realise this, the liberal insecure elite know, but they simply don't care. Why? Because they know the people sacrificing their lives will be patriots and they'll be fine hiding in their offices.

It is long overdue that these secular elites got their asses handed to them, why must our soldiers die for their inferiority complex, personal desires and ego?!

There is no backbone, no spine, no gheirat in the people of Pakistan to stand up aggressively with this stance. Burn down the buildings they are hiding inside, while our soldiers die for these cringe brown wannabe angrez!

Gender change is another issue which is going to hit soon.
And these disgusting people call themselves Muslims and Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Meanwhile, the following is what a self-respecting, dignified and righteous nation does to protect its citizens and its society.

Putin Signs Law Banning Expressions of L.G.B.T.Q. Identity in Russia​

Russia bans LGBTQ-friendly content under new law​

And these disgusting people call themselves Muslims and Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Meanwhile, the following is what a self-respecting, dignified and righteous nation does to protect its citizens and its society.

Putin Signs Law Banning Expressions of L.G.B.T.Q. Identity in Russia​

Russia bans LGBTQ-friendly content under new law​

Putin is fighting for the nuclear family
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