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Scenario: India vs China in an Himalayas war

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Taiwan is part of China and that's accepted by the UN and almost all the countries in the world,including US,Russia,UK,France and India

So does that mean Taiwan is administered by China?
Or does china get any taxes from Taiwan?
Does Taiwan participate in selection of Chinese national leaders or vice versa?
Does China have any representatives on board from Taiwan in its foreign or homeland affairs?

Taiwan maintains contact with the United States through various instrumentalities like - American Institute in Taiwan and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office.

Taiwain issues globally recognized passports that allow its citizens to travel internationally. Taiwan also is a member of the International Olympic Committee and this sends its own team to the Olympic Games.

Recently, Taiwan has lobbied strongly for admission into international organizations such as the United Nations

Taiwan buys military hardware from China’s arch rival the USA and USA has pledged to protect Taiwan should China invade it..

now tell me how come Taiwan is part of China? you may be clamining the whole world so who cares!
A stup1d thread to start , as if there was a shortage of vs threads .............. :hitwall:
Taiwan's official name is the republic of China,ROC,they also claim the whole China,Taiwan's airline called China Airline,PRC's airline called Air China,Taiwan's Olympic team called Chinese Taipei,Hongkong and Macau also send their teams to the Olympics,so technically speaking mainland China is also part of China.whoever eventually unite this country is ok with me.
Because China is a kind country, everyone took advantage on it. I can say, almost all of China conflicts started by foreign countries.

Vietnam: Invaded neighbor country and claimed territory from well-established country.
S. Korea: Over-nationalistic, they invented problem by themselves out from the thin air.
Taiwan: I think Taiwan is the sole good guy here. Yup, mainland China is the bad guy! Definitely on this case.
Japan: Japan started the war and still refuse to apologize.
US of A: Feel being rivaled by poor third world country.
Indonesia: There's no problem between them.
Philippines: Newly established country, but dare to claim territory from the older well-established China.
Malaysia: Newly established country, but dare to claim territory from the older well-established China.
Brunei: Newly established country, but dare to claim territory from the older well-established China.
India: Newly established country, but dare to claim territory from the older well-established China.

:omghaha: :omghaha: But I'm still puzzled. Was your post meant to crank up some humor or were you serious? If you were serious, then all I can do is...:rofl:
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