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Scariest places....

no, they get a new body/persona to do it in all over again.

what you're talking about the dreaded "bhatak'ti aatma"s .. these are the bad folk who hurt one too many in their time alive and so are stuck between realms.. they get a lower birth and have to go through the grind before the human form is made available to them again to be born in.

or so go our stories anyway.
The accumulation of knowledge from past life to be used in next life is very intriguing.
The accumulation of knowledge from past life to be used in next life is very intriguing.
Yeah, it delves pretty deep into what some rationalists and atheists etc might label as hokus pokus, these sories of reincarnation and so on but every now and then you get these tangible bits to try and string together the visible/perceivable human experience to the seemingly inexplicable.

"known unknowns blah.. we know we don't know" - Donald Rumsfeld
Do reincarnated people go their graves of past life ?

Yes as virus said in some kids there have been a cases of them remembering their past life and many have proven this by narrating something about their past life house and it came out exactly same as described..... such people later on forget this as they grow up
tussi allah alle bande ho na :lol:
I remember now it was Range road.

As for ghosts, jinns, soul, spirits etc, I have had a vast experience in that area and most of these things are not appropriate to talk on a forum. I remember Indus Pakistan opened a thread about such topic a long time back.

Yeah, it delves pretty deep into what some rationalists and atheists etc might label as hokus pokus, these sories of reincarnation and so on but every now and then you get these tangible bits to try and string together the visible/perceivable human experience to the seemingly inexplicable.

"known unknowns blah.. we know we don't know" - Donald Rumsfeld
I was in an acting class once and the instructor said that everyone of you carry the DNA of your ancestors who have been working in different domains of life such as farmer, hunter, chef, wood gatherer, warrior, sailor, king, tailor, hair dresser etc. So bring forth all those personalities as the role would require you to do.

I thought this was true for reincarnation also.

Yes as virus said in some kids there have been a cases of them remembering their past life and many have proven this by narrating something about their past life house and it came out exactly same as described..... such people later on forget this as they grow up
I have researched extensively on reincarnation and some stories are even aired by TV channels. The topic becomes religious at some point and Islam isnt supportive of reincarnation AFAIK. Some books I read on the topic are:

1. Many lives, many masters
2. Journey of Souls_ Case Studies of Life Between Lives
3. Past Lives for Beginners_ A Guide to Reincarnation & Techniques to Improve Your Present Life
4. YOUR PAST LIVES - A Reincarnation Handbook
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I remember now it was Range road.

As for ghosts, jinns, soul, spirits etc, I have had a vast experience in that area and most of these things are not appropriate to talk on a forum. I remember Indus Pakistan opened a thread about such topic a long time back.
You have seen something on range road?
Come on dude talk about it whats wrong with it. Personally i am a bit vague about what i hear from people ,maybe your real life experiences change my perception. Only if you say truth.
You have seen something on range road?
Come on dude talk about it whats wrong with it. Personally i am a bit vague about what i hear from people ,maybe your real life experiences change my perception. Only if you say truth.
Nai, the graveyard (gora kabristan) is infront of range road and then Harley streets begins.

As for sightings in graveyards, in one of my travels, I had to visit Rabwah city. the city famous for Ahmedis/Mirzais. I think its called Chenab Nagar too, maybe its official name as I read Chenab Nagar Police Station on a board. Anyways, the driver was excited and said, Sir Ahmedi k kabristaan mein pariyaan ghoomti hain. He tried explaining some concept of Ahmedi beliefs regarding graveyard which I couldn't understand. We stopped the vehicle outside the graveyard. The driver had a hell of a time making fun of Ahmedis as we walked across graves. We couldn't find any fairies or hoorain there. I felt highly uncomfortable in that city.

Ok about the serious stuff, keep your perception. I wouldn't want to change it. We as humans tend to get attracted towards super natural stuff a lot, however sticking to natural is just fine.
My grandfather’s brother, his daughter, and their neighbor girl from our village saw something scary that they swear by to this day.

First of all let me tell you that my grandfather is a highly religious no nonsense type of guy. His daughter and her friend were young 10-12 at the time.

Anyway they were returning from their dera at night around midnight on a tagga cart or cart being led by a bull. The graveyard or kabristan was on the way home. As they were crossing kabristan my grandfather claimed that all of a sudden a small black figure maybe 3 foot tall that was very low to the ground while moving at a very high speed came out of the kabristan and stood on the dirt road right in front of them. He said it was a very dark night with no moon and you couldn’t really see into the figure but could see waves(lair’aa) emanating from it.

So he said this thing came out very fast and stood in front of the bull cart and at first he just thought it was some kind of animal. But all of sudden he said it felt like the wind just stopped, and as he was directing the bull to move forward, his bull was paralyzed from fear and would not move. His daughter and the neighbor girl were witnessing the same thing and started to freak out. He said after about 20-30 seconds of standing and watching them this thing let out a scream and ran off across the rest of the dirt road into someone’s fields. As soon as it screamed the bull was no longer frozen and could move.

My grandfather said that he never felt anything like that in his entire life. When the wind had stopped all of a sudden with this dark figure standing there watching them, he said he felt fear overcome him and also he started feeling really cold as if little pins were stabbing into him in his entire body.

Anyways my grandfather’s brother, his daughter who is almost my father age and her friend that was their neighbor in the village all swear by this story to this day.
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There have been cases of kids recollecting their past lives, kids too small to have that kind of detailed memory and other such that most would consider freaky or impossible.

We don't know it all.
I used to hear about such kids when I was myself a kid in the 80s. I don't know if such stories can stand the scrutiny of today's hoax slayers. That time no one except hard core rationalists used to dispute them.
I have lived in a house in front of that graveyard, saw nothing.
A man went graveyard in search of dead souls at night, he found one person and ask him...did you see any dead one in this graveyard.... he replied not for the last 500 years .... o well...

I used to hear about such kids when I was myself a kid in the 80s. I don't know if such stories can stand the scrutiny of today's hoax slayers. That time no one except hard core rationalists used to dispute them.
I firmly believe that some Hindu voodoo guys really know black magic ... and one of my friends literally frightening experienced
A very very scary incident happened with my best friend mamaji in Maharashtra jalgaon city.... They are very rich farmers in jalgaon but on one night his mamaji went on farm to check everything including water pumps..... He was patrolling everything on his tractor (his car was parked somewhere outside) and suddenly to his horror a woman approx age of 45 with very big BINDIA on forehead, gajaras in the hair, very big eyes with lot's of KAJAL in the eyes came in front of the tractor and started asking him to drop her in the nearby village.....

he immediately smelled the horror and kept on ignoring her..... And to horror further she started running with a slow moving tractor and her request for lift started turning into threats.....

But one thing he knew that under no circumstances he should leave his vehicle which is a real protector.... Even lord Krishna has briefed to Arjuna an importance of your vehicle......
As per him she kept following up with him till the farm border and ran away in the bushes in a very scary manner....
My grandfather’s brother, his daughter, and their neighbor girl from our village saw something scary that they swear by to this day.

First of all let me tell you that my grandfather is a highly religious no nonsense type of guy. His daughter and her friend were young 10-12 at the time.

Anyway they were returning from their dera at night around midnight on a tagga cart or cart being led by a bull. The graveyard or kabristan was on the way home. As they were crossing kabristan my grandfather claimed that all of a sudden a small black figure maybe 3 foot tall that was very low to the ground while moving at a very high speed came out of the kabristan and stood on the dirt road right in front of them. He said it was a very dark night with no moon and you couldn’t really see into the figure but could see waves(lair’aa) emanating from it.

So he said this thing came out very fast and stood in front of the bull cart and at first he just thought it was some kind of animal. But all of sudden he said it felt like the wind just stopped, and as he was directing the bull to move forward, his bull was paralyzed from fear and would not move. His daughter and the neighbor girl were witnessing the same thing and started to freak out. He said after about 20-30 seconds of standing and watching them this thing let out a scream and ran off across the rest of the dirt road into someone’s fields. As soon as it screamed the bull was no longer frozen and could move.

My grandfather said that he never felt anything like that in his entire life. When the wind had stopped all of a sudden with this dark figure standing there watching them, he said he felt fear overcome him and also he started feeling really cold as if little pins were stabbing into him in his entire body.

Anyways my grandfather’s brother, his daughter who is almost my father age and her friend that was their neighbor in the village all swear by this story to this day.
A very very scary incident happened with my best friend mamaji in Maharashtra jalgaon city.... They are very rich farmers in jalgaon but on one night his mamaji went on farm to check everything including water pumps..... He was patrolling everything on his tractor (his car was parked somewhere outside) and suddenly to his horror a woman approx age of 45 with very big BINDIA on forehead, gajaras in the hair, very big eyes with lot's of KAJAL in the eyes came in front of the tractor and started asking him to drop her in the nearby village.....

he immediately smelled the horror and kept on ignoring her..... And to horror further she started running with a slow moving tractor and her request for lift started turning into threats.....

But one thing he knew that under no circumstances he should leave his vehicle which is a real protector.... Even lord Krishna has briefed to Arjuna an importance of your vehicle......
As per him she kept following up with him till the farm border and ran away in the bushes in a very scary manner....
Dammm these village setting stories really get you especially if they are from first hand accounts, something a city setting can never recreate
Reading the other stories, I don’t think I’m going to sleep tonight. But I have a story of my own

I was once in my grandma’s house on the edge of the new forest in the UK.
My uncle was talking about going to a wedding, and he said he would return in 3 hours.
And then, literally no word of a lie, the analogue clock in the room went forward three hours, without anyone even touching it. Literally right in front of our eyes. Myself, my uncle and my grandma saw it happen
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