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SC orders to restore corruption cases against public office holders


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SC orders to restore corruption cases against public office holders

Haseeb Bhatti
September 15, 2023


In a 2-1 verdict, the Supreme Court (SC) on Friday ordered to restore the corruption cases against public office holders that were withdrawn after amendments were made to the country’s accountability laws.

The reserved verdict was announced by a three-member bench comprising Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Umar Ata Bandial, Justice Ijazul Ahsan and Justice Syed Mansoor Ali Shah on PTI Chairman Imran Khan’s 2022 petition challenging amendments made to the accountability laws.

CJP Bandial and Justice Ahsan declared Imran’s plea to be maintainable while Justice Shah disagreed with the majority verdict, according to which not just the corruption cases but also the inquiries and investigations were directed to be restored.

The court also declared some amendments to the accountability laws to be contrary to the Constitution and struck them down.

These included one which limited the National Accountability Bureau’s (NAB) jurisdiction to cases involving over Rs500 million and one which allowed the accused to claim the amount of plea bargain deposited after being acquitted.

The court directed that the cases that were withdrawn after NAB’s jurisdiction was limited to investigating cases below Rs500m be fixed for hearing in accountability courts.

The court also declared null and void the verdicts issued by the accountability courts in light of the amendments made to the laws.

It directed that the cases withdrawn as a result of the amendments be fixed for hearing in accountability courts within a week. The court further directed the NAB to send the records to the relevant courts within seven days.

In June 2022, the PTI chief had moved the apex court against amendments made to the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) ordinance under the National Accountability (Second Amendment) Act 2022.

The amendments made several changes to the National Accountability Ordinance (NAO) 1999, including reducing the term of the NAB chairman and prosecutor general to three years, limiting NAB’s jurisdiction to cases involving over Rs500 million, and transferring all pending inquiries, investigations, and trials to the relevant authorities.

In his petition, the PTI chief had claimed that the amendments to the NAB law had been made to benefit influential accused persons and legitimise corruption.

In recent hearings, Justice Shah had repeatedly urged for a full court to hear the case, citing the frozen Supreme Court (Practice and Procedure) law.

However, CJP Bandial had opposed it, noting that his retirement was near and the matter had already been pending before the court for a considerable time — since at least July 19, 2022.

The SC had reserved its verdict in the case on September 5, after 53 hearings, with the members of the three-judge bench debating the power of parliament to enact legislation with retrospective effect. Making a reference to the judgement, the bench had said something “short and sweet” would be released soon.

Speaking to the media outside the SC after the verdict was announced, PTI lawyer Shoaib Shaheen said that the first order of business of the previous Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) government was to introduce amendments to the NAB laws.

He said that the amendments had been declared to be a violation of Articles 9 (security of person), 14 (inviolability of dignity of man, etc) and 89 (power of president to promulgate ordinances) of the Constitution.

He further said that cases that were below Rs500m had been restored after today’s verdict. He further said that the previous government had introduced several changes in order to benefit itself.

“The amendments were prepared by the Sharif family’s personal lawyers,” he alleged. At the same time, Shaheen said that the NAB was still being used to target Imran.

Mixed reactions from politicians​

Former interior minister Rana Sanaullah congratulated the PTI and Imran for today’s verdict, snarking that the party would now be punished by the “draconian law” the same way the PML-N did.

“I was always of the opinion that the NAB law should not have been changed so that other people too could suffer the way we did. But sense prevailed and amendments were made to the law,” he recalled.

But now, the PML-N leader continued, the PTI would now have to undergo the same “difficulties that we did”.

“They won’t be able to go to court and get bails in dozens anymore. This is karma … we have suffered remands and inquiries in our cases, now the tables have turned,” Sanaullah added.

Former PTI leader Fawad Chaudhry said the verdict had restored the corruption cases against the “former ruling junta”. At the same time, he said that the issue had highlighted the need for a charter of democracy as “no one believes [that] the NAB law needs no amendments”.

“A majority do want amendments to bring fairness and transparency in NAB cases. This should include live coverage of court cases and remand provisions,” he said.

Reacting to the SC’s verdict, former PPP leader Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar said that NAB was the “stick used by our establishment to whack politicians in line”.

“It’s ironical that the SC, which itself has decried NAB’s role in victimisation and political engineering, has strengthened it once again,” he said.

The petition​

In his petition, Imran had claimed that the amendments to the NAB law had been made to benefit the influential accused persons and legitimise corruption.

The coalition government led by the PML-N had introduced 27 key amendments to NAO, but President Dr Arif Alvi did not accord his assent to these. However, the bill was adopted in a joint sitting of parliament and notified later.

The petition pleaded that the fresh amendments tend to scrap corruption cases against the president, prime minister, chief ministers and ministers and provide an opportunity to the convicted public office-holders to get their convictions undone.

“The amendments to the NAO is tantamount to depriving the citizens of Pakistan of having access to law to effectively question their chosen representatives in case of breach of their duty towards the people of Pakistan,” the petition argued.

Moreover, the word “benamidar” has been re-defined, making it difficult for the prosecution to prove someone as a fictitious owner of a property, the petition argued.

CJP Bandial bids adieu​

Earlier in the day, CJP Bandial had greeted the lawyers and reporters in the courtroom with a final “good to see you”.

The lawyers present in the courtroom praised the apex judge’s patience and expressed their well wishes for him.

Presiding over a hearing alongside Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar and Justice Ayesha Malik, the CJP took the chance to reflect on his tenure as top judge.

Justice Bandial said he “always worked while keeping God’s pleasure in mind”, adding that it was his duty to do so.

Thanking journalists, he said he “welcomed criticism from the media”. While saying that criticism on verdicts was welcome, CJP Bandial emphasised, “When you criticise a judge, make sure that it is based on facts.”

The outgoing CJP noted that “black coats always remain connected to the bar” and said, “Now, God-willingly, I will meet the lawyers in the bar room.”

In response to the compliments and greetings from the lawyers, the CJP recited a verse from a poem and expressed his gratitude to God for giving him the chance to serve as the chief justice.

Without going into technical details, it sounds like a good decision and many opposition parties including PTI are cheering for it.

But PTI will likely suffer the most with restoration of these rules. Now they will arrest PTI members under these rules for 90 days and keep extending the warrants for years. Same thing happened with Zardari when he was imprisoned for years as far as I know… and same thing happened with PML-N members when they were imprisoned for months
But PTI will likely suffer the most with restoration of these rules. Now they will arrest PTI members under these rules for 90 days and keep extending the warrants for years.
Are you sure about this? I don't think they struck down the entire amendment Act, only portions of it. It is not clear if the portion related to the reduction in maximum number of days in remand was also struck down.
judges looked starved they need filling, plz give them imf loans to fatten up.
Oh Shit!! After hearing this Mota Nawaj platelets have gone up and now Dr. Jhonny Sins has advised him to eat 20 Big Macs in order to stabalise his health, his plan of coming to Pakistan is likely to be postponed
Without going into technical details, it sounds like a good decision and many opposition parties including PTI are cheering for it.

But PTI will likely suffer the most with restoration of these rules. Now they will arrest PTI members under these rules for 90 days and keep extending the warrants for years. Same thing happened with Zardari when he was imprisoned for years as far as I know… and same thing happened with PML-N members when they were imprisoned for months
PTI is khan and Pakistani coward awam. So no, PTI will not suffer from this ruling. Only the corrupt Pakistanis will be targeted if the law is enforced

'Sixer on last ball'​

SC's ruling on NAB tweaks elicits mixed reactions

September 16, 2023

the supreme court of pakistan photo file

The Supreme Court’s decision to restore the corruption cases against prominent political figures has elicited a flurry of mixed reactions in political circles, with the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) cheering it as a prelude to justice against corruption.

The court, with a majority of 2 to 1, declared the former prime minister Imran Khan’s plea challenging amendments to the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) law as maintainable.
The ruling is expected to have far-reaching consequences, as the corruption cases against the political bigwigs take centre stage once again.

Reacting to the ruling, former interior minister Rana Sanaullah expressed his disagreement and said that he has not yet read the written verdict. However, he criticised the top court, calling its bench and the ruling controversial.

Sanaullah also accused the retiring CJP Umar Atta Bandial of causing harm to the judiciary.

He pointed out that leaders of the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) have already faced inquiries in their respective cases and said now it was the PTI’s turn to taste it.

He said that the PTI chairman, who has around 13 cases registered against him, should also face the inquiries and experience the consequences.

According to Sanaullah, abolishing the "unkind" NAB law would not be fair, as PML-N leaders have already suffered its repercussions.
He predicted that the deposed prime minister would face 90 days of remand and be denied bail in the cases he is currently facing, preventing the PTI from claiming political victimisation.
‘Sixer on the last ball’
Meanwhile, Sheikh Rashid, chief of the Awami Muslim League (AML) and a close aide of Imran Khan, said that CJP Justice Umar Atta Bandial, who is set to retire on September 16, has delivered a significant blow with the verdict.
The outgoing CJP, Rashid said, has "hit a great sixer on the last ball of his last innings".
He added that former government leaders had attempted to close their cases for the past 16 months, but the ruling has put them back in the dock.
Meanwhile, PTI spokesperson Raoof Hasan also expressed satisfaction, stating that the verdict has once again placed the "Sharifs, Zardaris, Gilanis" in the position of facing criminal charges.
Hasan praised the Supreme Court for annulling the self-serving NAB amendments and reinstating the cases against those who have allegedly looted national wealth.
Furthermore, he hoped that justice would prevail and hold these criminals accountable for their actions while emphasising that justice is vital for the country's progress.
PTI lawyer Shoaib Shaheen echoed these sentiments, expressing hope that NAB would not be misused for political engineering.
He noted that NAB amendments made by the previous government were struck down by the Supreme Court, highlighting the need to prevent the misuse of this institution for political purposes.
Without going into technical details, it sounds like a good decision and many opposition parties including PTI are cheering for it.

But PTI will likely suffer the most with restoration of these rules. Now they will arrest PTI members under these rules for 90 days and keep extending the warrants for years. Same thing happened with Zardari when he was imprisoned for years as far as I know… and same thing happened with PML-N members when they were imprisoned for months
Pretty sure the establishment asked him to do so to control PPPP

Since establishmemt doesn't want PPPP to form govt in SINDH

It's going to MQM Gdm

It's time to assert Punjabi elite everywhere to bring back golden era of 2016
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