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SC asks govt to remove Dr Zafar Mirza as SAPM on health

Ahmad Saleem

Apr 4, 2020
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SC was hearing a suo motu notice regarding the coronavirus situation in the country.

The Supreme Court (SC) ordered on Monday to remove Dr Zafar Mirza from his post as Special Assistant to Prime Minister Imran Khan on Health.

The SC was hearing a suo motu notice regarding the coronavirus situation in the country. During the hearing, the Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Gulzar Ahmad said they were not satisfied with Dr Mirza's performance

Zafar Mirza was WHO regional director before being appointed as health minister. What job will people give to our judges outside of Pakistan? Dont forget International court of justice slapped Iftikhar Ch. and judiciary in reko deq case by giving remarks that Pakistani Judiciary didnt read international law
On what grounds and on top of that under what authority can they dictate government on who to appoint? Something is not write. I think SC needs to be reminded what use to happen under Nawaz Sharif. Justice Wasim ka sir per joota mara ga tha.
SC was hearing a suo motu notice regarding the coronavirus situation in the country.

The Supreme Court (SC) ordered on Monday to remove Dr Zafar Mirza from his post as Special Assistant to Prime Minister Imran Khan on Health.

The SC was hearing a suo motu notice regarding the coronavirus situation in the country. During the hearing, the Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Gulzar Ahmad said they were not satisfied with Dr Mirza's performance


Well, Whole country is not satisfied with performance of jokers sitting in courts and helping crooks since creation of country. I think, it's time that courts should stop their monkey business and prove their credibility and competency first. Once they have credibility, and can deliver justice on time then all other things will start falling in line.
Zafar Mirza was WHO regional director before being appointed as health minister. What job will people give to our judges outside of Pakistan? Dont forget International court of justice slapped Iftikhar Ch. and judiciary in reko deq case by giving remarks that Pakistani Judiciary didnt read international law
PML-N / PPP / old political system have their hand far up the asses of the courts as we all know. Courts are overstepping their role.
Can the Judiciary stop trying to stay relevant for 5 fukcing minutes!?

The basta*ds think they know more about how a country is run? Who the fukc are they to order the removal of an appointment made by the elected representatives? They need to sit the fukc down and try to do something more related to their job descriptions and stay away from governance.
Zafar Mirza was WHO regional director before being appointed as health minister. What job will people give to our judges outside of Pakistan? Dont forget International court of justice slapped Iftikhar Ch. and judiciary in reko deq case by giving remarks that Pakistani Judiciary didnt read international law

It's these imported American loyalists ministers that have sent Pakistan to stone ages in just 2 years.

Imran Khan said something during his container that was true. People who have businesses outside don't give a crap about Pakistan and should not be in power.

Abdul Hafeez Sheikh will give a crap if Pakistan gets destroyed? No, he will run off to his American residence. Moeed Yousef will give a crap? No.

Appoint local people. There are 220 million people in Pakistan. There are more loyal, patriotic people than Americans imported ministers.

Stop this slavery of goras. Or bring back the British again.
It's these imported American loyalists ministers that have sent Pakistan to stone ages in just 2 years.

Imran Khan said something during his container that was true. People who have businesses outside don't give a crap about Pakistan and should not be in power.

Abdul Hafeez Sheikh will give a crap if Pakistan gets destroyed? No, he will run off to his American residence. Moeed Yousef will give a crap? No.

Appoint local people. There are 220 million people in Pakistan. There are more loyal, patriotic people than Americans imported ministers.

Stop this slavery of goras. Or bring back the British again.

Unfortunately we have to import the foreign educated Pakistanis due to the pitiful state of local experiences and education. Every third world country tries to do this because the locals cannot come up with any constructive or ideas, lack management skills and take bad decisions.

For example, during Ishaq Dar's finance ministry, the policy was to have an economic stimulus that would last at least 5 years so that they could be elected the next term. This was done by giving subsidies to the agriculture mafia (which Imran Khan's government is in the process of exposing), by having low interest rates and a policy of writing off loans to PMLN tycoons. But this type of temporary stimulus can damage the economy in the long run. This is the reason why, for a local "biased accountant" like Ishaq Dar, it can be difficult to assess the situation.

The current government ended up having the finance ministry run by technocrats who are educated and responsible enough to undertake challenges. The elected representatives cannot run technical ministries period. Just imagine an elected feudal lord who never passed 8th grade being given the ministry of science. I think i'll stick with the imported stuff.
Judicial activism is back. It seems that CJ is asserting himself like many others before him.

In no other country in the world I see the courts interfering with the COVID-19 response by the government.

Most worrying is the comments that PM is separated, or isolated. We see IK on TV screens all the time, also chairing meetings and looking in to the steps needed to control COVID-19 spread in Pakistan.

The less say I about the comments of Bhatti is better. This illiterate boils my blood to no end.
It's these imported American loyalists ministers that have sent Pakistan to stone ages in just 2 years.

Imran Khan said something during his container that was true. People who have businesses outside don't give a crap about Pakistan and should not be in power.

Abdul Hafeez Sheikh will give a crap if Pakistan gets destroyed? No, he will run off to his American residence. Moeed Yousef will give a crap? No.

Appoint local people. There are 220 million people in Pakistan. There are more loyal, patriotic people than Americans imported ministers.

Stop this slavery of goras. Or bring back the British again.

Sorry but most of people are going out because of not having opportunities locally. This is what brain drain is they are not gora slaves. UET is the best engineering university of Pakistan and I know a lot of their engineers who havent yet got jobs or have really low salaries. What option do they have instead of going abroad and by the way it is remittance and loans on which this country is running and you are calling them gora agents or slaves. Please be realistic before being hyper nationalistic. Your country would had defaulted a long ago if oversees Pakistanis wouldnt be there
What a pathetic role the judiciary has started to play now

The chief is right here. It was on the instructions of Dr Zafar that a large portion of hospitals got closed. Cant let people die if it ain't corona

It's these imported American loyalists ministers that have sent Pakistan to stone ages in just 2 years.

Don't blame the minister who's just in business for a year and a half blame the illiterate bureaucracy which don’t know Jack but still won't let the professionals handle it.

Judicial activism is back. It seems that CJ is asserting himself like many others before him

You should be grateful to your chief judge for turning a dream like circular railways into reality. If it was for this gutless I. K that project would still be confined to the files of pathetic useless babus

Only court in the world which is targeting govt in this crisis... No wonder system here is rotten to the core

Job very well done by the judiciary. If the govt don't someone has to provide relief to the public

Sorry but most of people are going out because of not having opportunities locally.
Guess what who's responsibility is to arrange these equal opportunities? Definitely not the Supreme court.
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