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SC asks govt to remove Dr Zafar Mirza as SAPM on health

Supreme Court, want desperate attention in Pakistan, Bakwas courts, look at the millions of pending cases, could have utilised time better then these attention seeking judges whores.

What a pathetic role the judiciary has started to play now
Who the f*ck is Supreme Court to tell this to the govt?

First Arshad Malik and now Zafar Mirza. It seems Supreme Court has a problem with people doing their job well.

Would it not be much better for Supreme Court to properly investigate Faez Isa? Or to get lawyer to Rawalpindi to evacuate the land they are occupying illegally for their chambers? Or to sentence those lawyers who ransacked the PID?

F*cking as*hole attention seekers!
And that is why I keep saying that these A-Holes in Judiciary need to slapped bitched and told to F* off and stop interfering in the Operations of the country. No where else in the world does the judiciary interferes in the affairs of the country like this. That is why these Judiciary Clowns are the biggest corrupts, just like other bloodsucking leeches in the Pakistan Establishment.

Pathetic display by Courts and Judges , Supreme court lost all it's authority moment it Let Nawaz Sharif escape with his associates
Apparently this guy exported medical stuff to China worsening the pandemic in Pakistan.

All this mindless SC bashing but don't forget this judge is the same one who spoke against Nawaz Sharif. Back then, he was honest and doing Jihad but now that PTI is in power, his Jihad is now terrorism and overstepping his bounds lol.

And you can replace this Zafar Mirza with a toddler and it won't make a difference. What is he doing than sucking our tax money? The real people fighting the coronavirus are us, the little people from shops to doctors. These politicians are scumbags profiting off it. Their stupid media presentations and bullshit.
PM has ordered a report on the campaign to malign judiciary.

I hope this thread helps him with the investigation. Because FOXTROT ALPHAS are only worried about feminazis and liberatis and compiling a list.
It is the job of the Executive, meaning the President, Prime Minister, Governors, the Chief Minister & the Ministers to appoint whosoever they seem fit. Court's job is to administer justice and punish the guilty according to the law of the Land and interpret the Constitution. Courts, including the Supreme Court, has full authority to question & even punish in case of abuse of power. A bad or inapt decision, however, is not a criminal offense simply because nobody is ' Mr. Know-All' and thus liable to make wrong decisions.

Even the most incompetent Prime Minister can only be declared ineligible if found guilty of a criminal offense but cannot be dismissed by the Supreme Court because the Court thinks that he is not qualified for the job.

IMHO, the Supreme Court is infringing on Imran Khan's authority by asking that Dr. Zafar Mirza should be removed from his job and the Gov't would be legally correct if this instruction is ignored.
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