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#SaveAbinandhan trending on twitter ,Nation of 1.2 billion people weeping on twitter

The source of our values is Islam. The Prophet (PBUH) captured many enemy combatants in the wars but treated them well. This Indian guy came into Pakistan to kill Pakistanis. He really deserved no mercy during the fight and should have been killed during the fight but once he became a POW, he deserves similar behavior that our beloved Prophet (PBUH) taught us. Please treat him well - not to show off but to please our Allah, the most kind and merciful.
Someone should offer him Dawaah.
Thank you for keeping him safe.
Please count me for weeping and crying.
My deepest sympathies.
Are you the real Imran Khan? How do you find the time to post, especially at this critical juncture!? Or are you just the internet/social media representative for his office?
HAHA..... thanks for the good laugh :D
Can india take a secret action similar to usa like how they killed osama in pakistan can india escape wing commander on their own.
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