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Saudisation of Pakisan

You say governance, I say individual willpower and sheer determination. Go out. Do something productive. Don't let anyone tell you that it can't be done. Good luck my friend.

Btw, stop thinking so deep about stuff, 99% of problems and their solutions are simple in nature. You just need one ingredient. Organizational skills. :D


Don't be mad Hyperion, but if it's that easy then why don't you solve the problem?

Source: The Converted Fundamentalist

Note: I have changed the heading. Mine is better.

Saudisation of Pakisan

The story is as true as terrorism is among us is but I intentionally avoid the name of the protagonist because of the visible fundamental fear we have been living in for decades. The tale is of a person from Swat who found himself born and raised during the Saudiasation of Pakistan during and soon after Mard-e-Momin Mard-e-Haq, Ziaul Haq’s period.

He was born a couple of years after the 1971 war, which disintegrated the then Pakistan into two countries. As a child, he used to be reluctant to attend primary school, always in search of a chance to leave his schooling for good but it was all thanks to a donkey that kept him enduring the teacher’s rod. On one such day when he skipped school, he came across a donkey on the way. Fearing the wrath of his parents, he decided to play with the donkey till noon to pass the time so that his parents might think he was at school. But the moment he accosted the donkey it spurred and plunged the boy. As a result, the schoolboy thought the teacher’s regular rod less painful than falling from the back of a wild donkey.

He used to learn the English alphabet in grade six and had once got 13 lashes of the rod because of his failure to rote all 26 alphabets in a day. He was, however, an enthusiast. Disillusioned with his school, books and the mosque’s imam where he used to go to learn to recite the Holy Quran, our hero found solace with the mild teachings of a relative who was a devout member of the Tableeghi Jamaat (TJ).

In his teens he became an equal Tableeghi (preacher) and never gave up saying the five daily prayers. Even on his errand to the jungle for firewood and cattle fodder in the snow he used to ready himself for offering his prayers in the snow.

Each morning the elderly preacher visited him and lured him with stories of paradise and lots other things. He began to ‘spend time as per the course’ in the Way of Allah by going for Serozas (three days), Ashra (10 days), Chilla (40 days) and the national and regional Tableeghi Ijtima (congregations of the Tableeghi Jamaat).

On his return from ‘spending time in the path of Allah’ everything else seemed irrelevant, even repugnant to the true religion. Quibbling with the neighbouring elderly men became a daily routine as they insisted upon what they had been taught in their childhood, while our young hero was hell bent to purify the religion from heresies of the ‘false’ faith.

Inspired by teachings of the Hadith, the teenager made it obligatory upon himself to cleanse the world from sins and prepare the people ‘on the path to paradise’.

The piously stimulated youth had even bothered his parents to quite a degree by imposing certain etiquette as how to eat and drink. He had memorised hundreds of dua’a (prayers) as he had been told that there was a specified prayer for every act, whether it was going to the toilet or going to a bazaar. He uttered these prayers in every allegedly relevant context. For sharpening his wits, and success in school and college examinations the young boy began to rely on prayers rather than on studies.

When he was still in college, an opportunity to raise his cadre of Imaan from the lowest to the highest presented itself. In the early 90s, the ‘celebrated’ Maulana Sufi Muhammad of Dir began agitation for the imposition of Sharia in the Malakand Division gradually turning the idyllic Swat valley as his base camp and battleground. As expected, the protagonist of this tale joined the campaign and attended his processions. He even took up arms during the high days of the movement for Sharia by Sufi Muhammad’s Tanzeem-e-Nifaaz-e-Shariat-e-Muhammadia (TNSM). Along with a few other youths, who were convicted during the last military operation in Swat in 2009 known as Operation Rah-e-Raast, the young boy agitated much but went dormant when the agitation was met with force during the second tenure of Benazir Bhutto’s government.

By that time, the young man has completed his graduation and cracks in his mindset had already begun to appear. During his ‘free study at the masters level’ — free in the sense that he was doing his masters as an external student and happened to read course books which are not usually taught at our universities as the main focus is to pass the examinations and get a degree — the young man began to develop some curiosity and critical thinking. The rebel as he was, our ‘hero’ announced his defiance of a certain public order wherein it was rumoured that a person who didn’t say prayer would be jailed for three months in the wake of the Sharia Bill by Nawaz Sharif’s second government. It is said that after that order the man was seldom seen at mosques.

Our hero was fortunate to have found the opportunity of free study without the help of a ‘teacher’. He happened to study a little of Russell, a bit of philosophy and anthropology. And for the last 13 years, our hero is among the most despised and controversial in his small society. Pleasantly enough, he has now a visible following as well. Upon inquiring how he feels when people speak ill of him, our hero replies,

“I have been in their ranks and used to be as orthodox as they are. It is really a painful angst to think differently but one must. One’s thoughts do make difference when one is upright in his public life so as to deny any ground for people to point fingers at your character. The progressives must take extra care of their dealings, personal or public”.

@Armstrong beta parho... aur samjho..... (my reluctant fundamentalist)
@muse kia khiyal hai?
@WebMaster - Sarkar, mera khayal hai kay this piece deserves to be read.
@Aeronaut - Lala kia kehtay ho?

I want to tag others as well, however, as we have already played this game before, there is no point....

Sir we Muslims follow Quran and Sunnah and we give dam about others if some one thinks it is fundamentalism than let it be we give a dam about them we are clear what we need to do and we will do that and if some one wants war or want to stop us than it will be war
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Sir we Muslims follow Quran and Sunnah and we give dam about others if some one thinks it is fundamentalism than let it be we give a dam about them we are clear what we need to do and we will do that and if some one wants war or want to stop us than it will be war

Sir, you sound like a Dam Dam Muslim, what kind of Sunnah is that Sir? Sir, you are clear about what we need to do and so will do that and make war, sir
Sir, you sound like a Dam Dam Muslim, what kind of Sunnah is that Sir? Sir, you are clear about what we need to do and so will do that and make war, sir
Sir we Muslims are clear we follow Quran and Sunnah and give dam about what others think or not if they think they will try to stop us and we will stop than they are fooling themselves we know How to fight war and we will to do it
Sir we Muslims are clear we follow Quran and Sunnah and give dam about what others think or not if they think they will try to stop us and we will stop than they are fooling themselves we know How to fight war and we will to do it

Do you represent all Muslims as such you have a justification of waging war?
I don't see even forum members to agree with you! This kind of war will only lead to one thing - more killing of Muslims at the hand of terrorist and it is already happening in Pakistan. Theological purity does not run a country, vision, planning and talent does.

If Pakistanis were indeed being Saudi-ized there would be no killings, bomb blasts, and militant organizations within Pakistan.

Food for thought. :lol:
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Sir, you sound like a Dam Dam Muslim, what kind of Sunnah is that Sir? Sir, you are clear about what we need to do and so will do that and make war, sir

He is a madrassah breed where students are trained to repeat the same line like parrots.


If Pakistanis were indeed being Saudi-ized there would be no killings, bomb blasts, and militant organizations within Pakistan.

Food for thought. :lol:

Another food for thought..when radicals and extremist are exported out of the country in the name of dawah and Jihad it will burn others house while saving your own. There happens to be an abundance to Arab analyst here without knowing the a-b-c-d of Arab geopolitics. The "Saudisation of Pakistan" is a colloquial term used to represent rising backwardism and puritanism in Pakistani society. Indeed very rarely has been a Saudi national caught in Pakistan on the grounds of terrorist activities and the total numbers can be counted on a single hand. Therefore, no need to take the term literally!
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He is a madrassah breed where students are trained to repeat the same line like parrots.
Sir, parroting the same line means we are Muzloums and we Dam care we know how to fight (surrender) and we will fight, sir
He is a madrassah breed where students are trained to repeat the same line like parrots.

Another food for thought..when radicals and extremist are exported out of the country it will burn others house while saving your own. There happens to be an abundance to Arab analyst here without knowing the a-b-c-d of Arab geopolitics.

Still, explain to me this.

Why are there no bomb blasts in KSA?

Do you have a hard time admitting that Pakistanis have a cultural tribal mentality that gets exploited?
Still, explain to me this.

Why are there no bomb blasts in KSA?

Do you have a hard time admitting that Pakistanis have a cultural tribal mentality that gets exploited?

The "Saudisation of Pakistan" is a colloquial term used to represent rising backwardism and puritanism in Pakistani society. Indeed very rarely has been a Saudi national caught in Pakistan on the grounds of terrorist activities and the total numbers can be counted on a single hand. Therefore, no need to take the term literally!

Like I said earlier we created the environment for attracting the devil. We could have also created an environment for attracting Saudi investments or industrialist like wise. Playing blame games is going from one stereotype to another without much benefit. Time to take responsibility and stop blaming others for our own problems. And if Saudi in indeed such a source of inspiration and influence then why arent we replicating their economic reforms and economic boosts?
I don't know what this is about, but I will say this,

Pakistanis are so much obsessed with Saudi Arabia in both good and bad ways, while Saudis don't think of Pakistan unless there is an earth quick, or flood over there. What I'm saying for the millionth time is that fixing a problem starts with addressing it, and addressing this problem is admitting it's cultural not religious, it's more of backwardness which reflects in interpreting Islam. So the problem is in your brains not in Saudis. I understand that we all have our share of backwardness and fundamentalism including Saudis but we moved on long time ago and it's almost fixed, but you more interested in blaming others and that's it.

Another thing, I implore you to understand that all moderate Muslims are willing to fight fundamentalism because it's simply distorting Islam, that's our reason. BUT, some minorities have another reason for this propaganda which is simply taking revenge from those who have always been an obstacle in their way in changing the true Islam.

Both are dangerous and should be resisted, the problem is that some of them pretend to be just like us to feel more comfortable in attacking our beliefs, so it would look like self-criticizem.

I assure them, that their problem is not with Saudis but rather all Muslims, from Indonesia to Morocco.
The "Saudisation of Pakistan" is a colloquial term used to represent rising backwardism and puritanism in Pakistani society. Indeed very rarely has been a Saudi national caught in Pakistan on the grounds of terrorist activities and the total numbers can be counted on a single hand. Therefore, no need to take the term literally!

Like I said earlier we created the environment for attracting the devil. We could have also created an environment for attracting Saudi investments or industrialist like wise. Playing blame games is going from one stereotype to another without much benefit. Time to take responsibility and stop blaming others for our own problems. And if Saudi in indeed such a source of inspiration and influence then why arent we replicating their economic reforms and economic boosts?

I am not here to defend the house of Saud, but then the colloquial term is irrelevant and becomes misleading.

I agree, Pakistanis should make an effort to quell radicals.

But again, here is food for thought.

The radicals, either tribals or foreign assets, are they inspired by Islam or using it?

That becomes the question of the hour.
I don't know what this is about, but I will say this,

Pakistanis are so much obsessed with Saudi Arabia in both good and bad ways, while Saudis don't think of Pakistan unless there is an earth quick, or flood over there. .

What are good ways that Pakistanis are obsessed with Saudis?
Do you represent all Muslims as such you have a justification of waging war?
I don't see even forum members to agree with you! This kind of war will only lead to one thing - more killing of Muslims at the hand of terrorist and it is already happening in Pakistan. Theological purity does not run a country, vision, planning and talent does.

Sir only wage wars against those who will attack us not on every one others we will preach and convince them and bring close to Islam so Islamic system can be established

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