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Saudisation of Pakisan


Lets discuss facts, in a way that is constructive and we can all learn lessons to improve our future.

Maligning and accusations will not get us very far.
Legend, That said.

It is also true that at some level ... there was Saudi Patronage involved.
We are as much as fault at accepting the patronage as the Saudis are to provide it.

For example, I know several "religious leaders" & "Clerics" who hold Saudi nationality ...
they were provided the same at King Fahad and Khalid's time.

These days, go to Imam Mohammad university Riyadh, and see for yourself.

Have a look at this .. this guy is the chief go between taliban and government and he has been found mostly with his pants down .. along side with taliban.

See the dress inspiration.


Saudi Arabia foreigner assistances goes worldwide to muslims and non muslims countries and thats not the case, Lets say I give you a gun and you killed yourself who is to blame here? Me! certainly not. The issue here is within pakistan government itself securing the state. How does illegal funds mange to get in? why does pakistan have a little pakistan within itself? why there is an absence of stats policies and law enforcement. why everyone is acting differently self way NO supervision? Others work for Taliban and the gov at the same time,influential state level people are involved in all of this mess otherwise Osama bin Ladin, Taliban and other arm groups would have not been stationed/sheltered for decades now.

what are you saying about the dress:butcher:

Saudi Arabia foreigner assistances goes worldwide to muslims and non muslims countries and thats not the case, Lets say I give you a gun and you killed yourself who is to blame here? Me! certainly not. The issue here is within pakistan government itself securing the state. How does illegal funds mange to get in? why does pakistan have a little pakistan within itself? why there is an absence of stats policies and law enforcement. why everyone is acting differently self way NO supervision? Others work for Taliban and the gov at the same time,influential state level people are involved in all of this mess otherwise Osama bin Ladin, Taliban and other arm groups would have not been stationed/sheltered for decades now.

That is agreed, and as I said before we must analyze our positions.

As I said before, We are as much to blame as the Saudis,

One gave funds, other took funds.

Both are equally to blame; in this game called politics no one is innocent.

If we cast lines in stone and dig our heels , and refuse to acknowledge facts we will get nowhere.

We must help each other in the right direction; and become each other's arms.
What is going on - I don't pay attention for a day and we have a Wahabifest going on here? Let's call our cavalry as well. Let's play fair. :D

Will be back in 6 hours. Prepare your comments and rebuttals.

@Aeronaut @muse @Armstrong (behave yourself) @balixd @Abu Zolfiqar (sorry mate had to summon you, you maybe on the other side, yet you talk sense) @Oscar (hope your exams went well mate!)

Observer status
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What is going on - I don't pay attention for a day and we have a Wahabifest going on here? Let's call our cavalry as well. Let's play fair. :D

Will be back in 6 hours. Prepare your comments and rebuttals.

@Aeronaut @muse @Armstrong (behave yourself) @balixd @Abu Zolfiqar (sorry mate had to summon you, you maybe on the other side, yet you talk sense) @Oscar (hope your exams went well mate!)

Observer status

Still in the process.. Finance is hell.
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Lala, Finance/Business Management/Accounting are the easiest courses on the planet. I know that you are an engineer... don't tell me that you are an electrical engineer. :blink:

As my experience goes, all electrical engineers hate business courses! :unsure:

Still in the process.. Finance is hell.
Tell me one problem Islam has helped to solve? Nil..None...Nadda!
Islam addressed the issues of barbarism in ancient Arab. What are you smoking? Have you forgotten your own history?

Their is nothing wrong with Islam; it is the PEOPLE who are likely to stray from the right path and mislead others accordingly.

You know what so-called liberals preach? They advocate the idea that people should not be judged at personal capacity by others and mind their own business. People should be allowed to do whatever they want to do as long as they do not hurt each other (The lame concept of FREEDOM of EXPRESSION); unfortunately what these liberals often fail to realize is that people find ways to hurt each other by using FREEDOM of EXPRESSION as a COVER then. It is this SICK mentality that has given rise to all forms of Societal evils. It is this SICK mentality which prevents Islamic societies from upholding Islamic values and promotes confusion within such societies.
Islam addressed the issues of barbarism in ancient Arab. What are you smoking? Have you forgotten your own history?

Great, and also that of women suppression, wide spread incest, slave abuse etc..not the whole world was barbarian!

Their is nothing wrong with Islam; it is the PEOPLE who are likely to stray from the right path and mislead others accordingly.
Entire libraries have been written on Islam and yet no one can explain real islam...that a lot of wrong with something.

It is this SICK mentality which prevents Islamic societies from upholding Islamic values and promotes confusion within such societies.

Liberalism and freedom of speech are not Islamic concepts but thank you for confession that Islamic values are indeed responsible for disintegration of societies!
Islam addressed the issues of barbarism in ancient Arab. What are you smoking? Have you forgotten your own history?

Their is nothing wrong with Islam; it is the PEOPLE who are likely to stray from the right path and mislead others accordingly.

You know what so-called liberals preach? They advocate the idea that people should not be judged at personal capacity by others and mind their own business. People should be allowed to do whatever they want to do as long as they do not hurt each other (The lame concept of FREEDOM of EXPRESSION); unfortunately what these liberals often fail to realize is that people find ways to hurt each other by using FREEDOM of EXPRESSION as a COVER then. It is this SICK mentality that has given rise to all forms of Societal evils. It is this SICK mentality which prevents Islamic societies from upholding Islamic values and promotes confusion within such societies.

Well look at it his way, Pakistan presently is sick with all sorts of problems with bestial able to kill so easily and harm their fellow humans in all sorts of degrading way and with your kind of people holding sway.

I am living in a society whose laws protect all equally no matter what your religious belief, colour or political persuasion. I am equal before the law.

In Islam too I am equal with all my fellow humans before the eyes of the almighty and I am solely answerable to him and only him for my conduct and not answerable to you or the likes of Zarvan. As long as I do not hurt anyone lie steal and contribute positively towards my community and I am at peace I'm cool.
I always find that overtly religious people use Islam as a tool to feel big and massage their egos. They love telling others what they are doing wrong but are unable to behave in a way that would become an example to others.

I love and respect one of my cousins who is very pious and has awesome humility and someone I would listen to. He does not preach but has far more impact on me by his actions and deeds. Respect.

My maulvi who taught me Quran al Kareem in childhood is someone I am still close to. He is unlike many maulvis and has a wicked sense of humour and makes me laugh. Respect. Most religious nuts are way too serious. Relax and enjoy life it is too short. When you go to your creator what are you going to say....I told this person off and then this etc...but what really will be asked of you is what have you done by your actions to make a difference.
Great, and also that of women suppression, wide spread incest, slave abuse etc..
Yes, Islam addressed all of these issues.

not the whole world was barbarian!
Barbarism and social decay were not ancient-Arab "exclusive" problems.

Entire libraries have been written on Islam and yet no one can explain real islam...that a lot of wrong with something.
To properly understand Islam, it is important to read Holy Quran in proper manner, concentrate on authentic hadith and use common sense. Otherwise, you are most likely to misrepresent Islam.

Liberalism and freedom of speech are not Islamic concepts but thank you for confession that Islamic values are indeed responsible for disintegration of societies!
Islamic values are not responsible for disintegration of societies; people with sick mentality are.

Read this non-Islamic article to understand that how great nations have failed in history: How the decline of moral values promote the failure of civilizations

Liberalism and freedom of speech are doorways to all kinds of societal evils. And these societal evils can lead to a dysfunctional society.

Well look at it his way, Pakistan presently is sick with all sorts of problems with bestial able to kill so easily and harm their fellow humans in all sorts of degrading way and with your kind of people holding sway.
With "my kind" holding sway? Seriously? My kind represents the hardest working class in this country; a class which is not as much tainted by societal evils then other classes are; rich and poor. People like you really excel at making irrational judgments, it seems.

I am living in a society whose laws protect all equally no matter what your religious belief, colour or political persuasion. I am equal before the law.
UK or Pakistan?

In Islam too I am equal with all my fellow humans before the eyes of the almighty and I am solely answerable to him and only him for my conduct and not answerable to you or the likes of Zarvan. As long as I do not hurt anyone lie steal and contribute positively towards my community and I am at peace I'm cool.
If you do wrong, you are not just answerable to Allah Almighty but also to the people. People are likely to report you/expose you for your wrongdoings and law and order system is likely to decide your fate in this world accordingly. Get the memo?

I always find that overtly religious people use Islam as a tool to feel big and massage their egos. They love telling others what they are doing wrong but are unable to behave in a way that would become an example to others.
I really dislike judgmental freaks like you. If you are a practicing Muslim; why be afraid to preach?; why not be vocal against Societal evils? By staying silent, you will be doing disservice to your faith.

I love and respect one of my cousins who is very pious and has awesome humility and someone I would listen to. He does not preach but has far more impact on me by his actions and deeds. Respect.
So those who preach are wrong in your opinion?

My maulvi who taught me Quran al Kareem in childhood is someone I am still close to. He is unlike many maulvis and has a wicked sense of humour and makes me laugh. Respect. Most religious nuts are way too serious. Relax and enjoy life it is too short. When you go to your creator what are you going to say....I told this person off and then this etc...but what really will be asked of you is what have you done by your actions to make a difference.
You are suggesting that preachers are not likely to be practicing Muslims but rather hypocrites? Give me a break.

As far as "actions" part is concerned; a practicing Muslim is least likely to boast about his/her person deeds in public. What he/she will most likely do is to encourage strangers to follow the right path. Of course, the person's relatives may vouch for his/her piousness but this cannot be said for the strangers.

What I have observed thus far is that strangers are most likely to ridicule a preacher because they (strangers) know that they are wrong but are afraid to be judged.
Yes, Islam addressed all of these issues.

Barbarism and social decay were not ancient-Arab "exclusive" problems.

To properly understand Islam, it is important to read Holy Quran in proper manner, concentrate on authentic hadith and use common sense. Otherwise, you are most likely to misrepresent Islam.

Islamic values are not responsible for disintegration of societies; people with sick mentality are.

Read this non-Islamic article to understand that how great nations have failed in history: How the decline of moral values promote the failure of civilizations

Liberalism and freedom of speech are doorways to all kinds of societal evils. And these societal evils can lead to a dysfunctional society.

With "my kind" holding sway? Seriously? My kind represents the hardest working class in this country; a class which is not as much tainted by societal evils then other classes are; rich and poor. People like you really excel at making irrational judgments, it seems.

UK or Pakistan?

If you do wrong, you are not just answerable to Allah Almighty but also to the people. People are likely to report you/expose you for your wrongdoings and law and order system is likely to decide your fate in this world accordingly. Get the memo?

I really dislike judgmental freaks like you. If you are a practicing Muslim; why be afraid to preach?; why not be vocal against Societal evils? By staying silent, you will be doing disservice to your faith.

So those who preach are wrong in your opinion?

You are suggesting that preachers are not likely to be practicing Muslims but rather hypocrites? Give me a break.

As far as "actions" part is concerned; a practicing Muslim is least likely to boast about his/her person deeds in public. What he/she will most likely do is to encourage strangers to follow the right path. Of course, the person's relatives may vouch for his/her piousness but this cannot be said for the strangers.

What I have observed thus far is that strangers are most likely to ridicule a preacher because they (strangers) know that they are wrong but are afraid to be judged.

Quran says over and over again.

there is nothing new in this book. The same old stuff that was given to the people before Quran.

If we "practice Quran" and religion like the fundamentalists from the past, then the outcome will be the same horrible one that happened to the fundoos of other religions.

So what are the the values that we can learn from the past?

People will be in good shape (in this world and hereafter) if they have faith in themselves and faith in humanity in general, so they are good to others, and they remain honest, and truthful, and practice "patience" in their daily lives.

Are these lessons from Quran. You bet your bottom dollar, yes!
Are these lessons from Bible? Yes Siree bob. They are
Are these lessons from Torah? Off course. This the oldest surviving religious text in the line of Abraham clan.

Are these lessons spread around by "liberals" and those who champion "freedom of speech". Yes my dear Sir, yes.

But Pakistanis refuse to see this and are hell bent on following the corrupt and $hitty ideology being f@rted out of Saudi and Iran.

And that my dear fellows is a huge shame for us. a big one!

Bad as they are, the Saudis may be abus'd,
Be falsely charged and causelessly accus'd;
When Pakistanis, unwilling to be blamed alone,
Shift off these crimes on them which are their own.

I'm not commenting on the substance, but on the adaptation. Well played.

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