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Saudis are ahead of everyone in Helping Pakistan Flooding.

Incase you missed it, its an AID for flood victims

For some the KSA aid comes with Madrassas building strings attached to it. But I wonder how many will we have to kill for the one that comes from the USA.

AID for the poor suffering is for that purpose only. We sitting outside Pakistan are making shady remarks about who is contributing what. But what about ourselves. What have we done for Pakistanis in this time of need.

And thank you KSA for all of the help that you are providing us.
Thank you for sharing brother . . .This contribution is only from the Saudi government , saudis Voluntary associations and charities Will collect more money than this . . . Saudi Arabia is the biggest aid donor in the world Compared to its GDP may Allah Bless the Holy Land of Saudi Arabia
Moderators ,
Check, A Muslims country helping us , but he saying Wahhabi's,
what he want to prove.

You are not allowed to call Indians Hindus, but it doesn't matter if you defame various Islamic sects., you have to be respectful towards Indians but it doesn't matter to insult the Royal family of Saudi Arabia.

However, I request the Patriot forum members to be careful while criticizing our friendly states because this is what our enemy hawks wish us to do.
Saudi Arabia in particular as it is house of many expatriate Pakistanis.

Enemy, lobbies are working hard to spoil Pakistan's relations with Turkey, China and Saudi Arabia.
Luckily, head of these states are sensible enough to not trust the fake news propaganda but some thing is being cooked to strip Pakistan from these friendly state.

Long Live Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
this news is all over the place. i have seen it on BBC, Guardian etc.

It is too late now, which shows the hypocrisy, bigotry and objectives of world media.... more than one week ago Saudi Arabia pledged this aid and announced public pool but Associated Press of Pakistan never printed it and so did others.

Week ago, It was reported only in local Saudi news papers which i posted after waiting 2~3 days.
Thanks Saudi Arabia.
Specially with Mr Z and team in islamabad.
Even a bigger thanks.
Al Hamdu-llelah .
there was a telethone which started tow days a go a long with a nation-wide campinge to help the people in Pakistan , you can check the web site here :


according to the web site ( which is continuously updated ), the saudi people have donated the following so far :
a total of 402,715,676 SR (that's around 100 million $ )

  • 2,657,119 SR of which were donated online via the website : -http://www.info.gov.sa/pakistan/
  • the rest 400,058,557 SR were donated by phone

and hopefully more is coming .


the telethon on saudi Channel one
Let us as the question..what has zardari contributed?? he is supposedly worth 1.8 billion dollars and one of the richest man in PK. We appreciate the bheek coming from forigen hands while our own people are busy building their wealth.
Since the mid-1970s (1390s AH), Saudi Arabia has been a leading donor in terms of ODA (Overseas Development Aid) volume and ODA/GNP ratio:

Disbursements from 1975 to 1987 amounted to US$48 billion, second only to the United States of America.

The ODA/GNP ratio averaged 4.2% over this period, well above the highest among DAC countries (the DAC average is 0.35%).

Under pressure of sharply falling oil revenues, uncertainties regarding the future of the oil market and the regional security situation, Saudi Arabian ODA volume declined from a peak of US $5.5 billion in 1981 to US $2.6 billion in 1985, but recovered to US $3.5 billion in 1986.

In 1987, it was about US $2.9 billion.

As a proportion of the Kingdom's oil revenues, ODA has risen from 10% in 1983-1985 to 15% in 1986-1987, and Saudi Arabia's ratio of ODA to GNP has remained by far the highest among all donors.

Saudi aid is untied, quick-disbursing, and highly concessional, with a grant element of 96% (1986).

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has played an increasingly important role in the past several years in the area of supporting economic and social development plans and programs in Third World countries in general and in Islamic developing countries in particular.

The Kingdom allocates a major part of its annual national product to assisting developing countries implement their respective development programs.

In some years of the past decade, this assistance has amounted to 6% of GNP, whereas the industrial countries as a group fell short of achieving the modest rate of assistance flowing from developed to developing countries as called for by the United Nations, namely 0.7% of gross national product.

The total non-reimbursable development assistance and concessional loans provided by the Kingdom during the past 15 years to the developing countries that are members of the Islamic Conference Organization amounted to about 77,000 million Saudi Riyals.

These funds have contributed toward the implementation of economic and social development programs and projects in 35 sister Islamic nations.

A final note . . .Who can tell me any country in the world Allocate 4.2% of its GDP to help other ? . . except SAUDI ARABIA
Since the mid-1970s (1390s AH), Saudi Arabia has been a leading donor in terms of ODA (Overseas Development Aid) volume and ODA/GNP ratio:

Disbursements from 1975 to 1987 amounted to US$48 billion, second only to the United States of America.

The ODA/GNP ratio averaged 4.2% over this period, well above the highest among DAC countries (the DAC average is 0.35%).

Under pressure of sharply falling oil revenues, uncertainties regarding the future of the oil market and the regional security situation, Saudi Arabian ODA volume declined from a peak of US $5.5 billion in 1981 to US $2.6 billion in 1985, but recovered to US $3.5 billion in 1986.

In 1987, it was about US $2.9 billion.

As a proportion of the Kingdom's oil revenues, ODA has risen from 10% in 1983-1985 to 15% in 1986-1987, and Saudi Arabia's ratio of ODA to GNP has remained by far the highest among all donors.

Saudi aid is untied, quick-disbursing, and highly concessional, with a grant element of 96% (1986).

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has played an increasingly important role in the past several years in the area of supporting economic and social development plans and programs in Third World countries in general and in Islamic developing countries in particular.

The Kingdom allocates a major part of its annual national product to assisting developing countries implement their respective development programs.

In some years of the past decade, this assistance has amounted to 6% of GNP, whereas the industrial countries as a group fell short of achieving the modest rate of assistance flowing from developed to developing countries as called for by the United Nations, namely 0.7% of gross national product.

The total non-reimbursable development assistance and concessional loans provided by the Kingdom during the past 15 years to the developing countries that are members of the Islamic Conference Organization amounted to about 77,000 million Saudi Riyals.

These funds have contributed toward the implementation of economic and social development programs and projects in 35 sister Islamic nations.

A final note . . .Who can tell me any country in the world Allocate 4.2% of its GDP to help other ? . . except SAUDI ARABIA

I don't think any one can !
not in as self less a manner as the Saudis do it.
It is quick, decisive and targeted.
Good to hear that holy abba jees have chipped in well. Thank you KSA.

The problem with many is that they are obsessed with saudis for some unknown reason & nothing more.

Just in case your forgot their help in 2005 Earthquake.

Saudi King Abdullah has announced an emergency aid package worth 133 million dollars for Pakistan. As of Oct 15, 2005 this is the largest single donation by any country for Kashmir Earthquake 2005. Earlier, Saudi King Abdullah ordered the rapid establishment of an airlift of doctors, medicine, tents and emergency supplies to the affected region.

Saudi Arabia is one of the largest contributors to the earthquake relief efforts. The Saudi public has also made a big contribution to helping victims of the earthquake, on the call of Saudi government. The Saudi government went one step further by institutionalizing this assistance in the form of Saudi Public Assistance for Pakistan Earthquake victims (SPAPEV).

UAE provided 100 Million Dollars as well.
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