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Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

Do you people (Saudi arse lickers) live in a desert cave, switch on international news and check mainstream analysts for a change. The whole world is laughing at your ridiculous demands and sort sighted politics... rest your post is full of shit and irrelevant as Qatar is doing just fine, we are still awaiting your take over of Doha lol.

And stop comparing Saudi Arabia to Turkey, Iran or any European countries with 100s of years of state, political and military tradition, you just popped out of Britains arse yesterday.

Caves are something common in Anatolia. Not only that people used to live there. Some probably still do to this very day.

Yes, let's see who will laugh the last. Tiny Qatar or KSA (which alone is 1000 times more influential), Egypt, UAE, Bahrain etc.

Turkey is a state that is barely 100 years old. KSA was never a Western colony and kingdoms founded by the House of Saud date back to 1744. Thus predate the Republic of Turkey and Arab Mullah-ruled Iran. Not only that people from modern-day KSA created 3 of the 11 largest empires in human history (more than any other ethnicity in the top 15). Arabia is also home to older civilizations and nation states. Nor was KSA ever a Western colony.

Some irrelevant country when it comes to GCC affairs and the Arab world thinks it matters, lol. If the US gives a green light tomorrow, there will no longer be any Qatar. Your Georgian Erdogan does not even enter this equation.

Go read a book or two instead of meddling in internal Arab affairs that you have nothing to do with. You are irrelevant. Go focus on tiny Armenia or Greece.

Anyway I look forward to KSA opening a base in Armenia or Greece aside from the existing presence in the Incirlik Air Base. Or worse a future independent Kurdistan.

"Burned"? In a parallel universe maybe as they always reappeared immediately afterwards. Not only that they were not "Turks" (your likes for instance are Turkified Anatolians as genetics and history confirmed ages ago) but fellow Arabs from Egypt and Arabia. Basically Arab-Arab infighting.

Another thing, Najd is just 1 out of many ancient historical regions of KSA. KSA as a nation state was founded in 1932.

Anyway I get a strange vibration of Kuwaiti Girl II now under a Turkish flag based in the UK, lol.

Qatar faces an economic danger and this is why:

- Qatar dept has exceeded 150% of its gross output, which means that this is a very serious issue, especially for a country such as Qatar, that has no production and is heavily dependent on exporting gas only.

- Qatar depths reached the end of last year 2016 more than 120 billion dollars
They play exactly like those who have a credit card and is busy pulling out money.. after a few months they find themselves in deep trouble and financial disaster..

- Moreover, after a downgrade of its credit rating a few weeks ago, the interest it will pay on its debt has increased and will increase more..

- For comparison:
  • the debt of Kuwait, for example, is less than 40% of its GDP
  • UAE debt is also less than 20 % of gross domestic product
  • Saudi debt is less than 20% of its gross output
  • Qatar 150%
- And public debt if it exceeds 70% in the developed countries is considered a great risk, so what about Qatar's debt of 150% of its GDP?

- Moreover, Saudi Arabia's financial reserves are now more than four times their debt and exceed $530 billion dollars, not SR.. and this is apart from the general reserve of the state, which is about 200 billion riyals and the public investment fund..Simply said, Saudi Arabia's cash reserves for today's known and advertised about, exceed SR2 trillion..So only insane people might compare Qatar with KSA ..

- Qatar Reserve of Cash has diminished by $37 billion:
resulting from Qatar being downgraded (from AA to AA-) for the last few days and is being monitored by Standard Agency for further downgrades, this will most likely snowball if the crises goes on..

- Saudi and UAE deposits in Qatar's banks exceed $18 billion. So far, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have withdrawn only $ 100 million withdrawn by an UAE institution a few days before the end of the deposit linkage at one of Qatar's banks..

- What is worse is that the volume of foreign deposits of dozens of countries in the world and financial institutions in Qatar banks exceed $130 billion dollars..Almost one-third of Qatar's bank deposits are foreign deposits..

- And the disaster comes from the fact that the volume of lending for deposits reached 100% of deposits and this is a very serious level and any movement of withdrawals of deposits will make banks exposed..and the Qatari government will be forced to cover for them..

- Of course and most likely, most of these countries and financial institutions will either withdraw their deposits or accept the risks. In return, Qatar banks will pay a very high interest rate to the depositing countries to cover for the big risks to be taken.. In both cases Qatar is the loser..

- All this without taking into account the possible withdrawal of the world cup.. a possibility that will end more misery to the Qatari economy, since so many hotels have been built by borrowed money from banks and investors for the construction, so, if the world Cup is to be moved to another country, it means Qatar won't be able to pay these depts either..

From this Analysis, anyone can conclude that KSA, UAE, Egypt and Bahrain have already won their bet against Qatar, since it was put under the spotlight for everyone to see and its finances will be forcefully transparent.. so no more financing of terrorism by Qatar.. and this was one of the main bases of the new Muslim coalition to fight terrorism, namely, the cutting of its financial sources..the ideology is now the next step with these 13 demands..

Are you talking about Turkey?

Arabs have given that power to Turks in good faith.. that will never happen again..

Keep up the good work brother and always remember that the non-Arabs barking in this thread or elsewhere are completely irrelevant in our internal affairs. We do not even take their opinions into consideration but laugh at them.
Caves are something common in Anatolia. Not only that people used to live there. Some probably still do to this very day.

Yes, let's see who will laugh the last. Tiny Qatar or KSA (which alone is 1000 times more influential), Egypt, UAE, Bahrain etc.

Turkey is a state that is barely 100 years old. KSA was never a Western colony and kingdoms founded by the House of Saud date back to 1744. Thus predate the Republic of Turkey and Arab Mullah-ruled Iran. Not only that people from modern-day KSA created 3 of the 11 largest empires in human history (more than any other ethnicity in the top 15). Arabia is also home to older civilizations and nation states. Nor was KSA ever a Western colony.

Some irrelevant country when it comes to GCC affairs and the Arab world thinks it matters, lol. If the US gives a green light tomorrow, there will no longer be any Qatar. Your Georgian Erdogan does not even enter this equation.

Go read a book or two instead of meddling in internal Arab affairs that you have nothing to do with. You are irrelevant. Go focus on tiny Armenia or Greece.

Anyway I look forward to KSA opening a base in Armenia or Greece aside from the existing presence in the Incirlik Air Base. Or worse a future independent Kurdistan.

"Burned"? In a parallel universe maybe as they always reappeared immediately afterwards. Not only that they were not "Turks" (your likes for instance are Turkified Anatolians as genetics and history confirmed ages ago) but fellow Arabs from Egypt and Arabia. Basically Arab-Arab infighting.

Another thing, Najd is just 1 out of many ancient historical regions of KSA. KSA as a nation state was founded in 1932.

Anyway I get a strange vibration of Kuwaiti Girl II now under a Turkish flag based in the UK, lol.

Keep up the good work brother and always remember that the non-Arabs barking in this thread or elsewhere are completely irrelevant in our internal affairs. We do not even take their opinions into consideration but laugh at them.
How's that brotherly ultimatum going?
How's that brotherly ultimatum going?

Very good and it will have the desired effects.

Anyway sorry to burst your bubble but non-Arabs like you are of no importance in this dispute. I am afraid that none of us take your likes opinions seriously let alone into consideration either. Just sit back and enjoy another Saudi Arabian vassal state in the making. As it was the case for millennia (pre-Islamic and Islamic era) and will be in the future as well.

As for the barking slave eunuch riding his donkey, please, you have become Turkified already. Don't embarrass yourself further and stick to matters where you have any relevance. That might be the case whenever something occurs in Armenia, your ancestral land, I have no clue and I don't care.
What are you going to send to the base in Armenia, camel kung fu fighters? Please do open it, you will only hasten your downfall. Remember what we did to your Saudi kings grandfathers.

Just don't drop your shinny toys and run like you do in Yemen.

When is Doha becoming a Saudi city?
Very good and it will have the desired effects.

Anyway sorry to burst your bubble but non-Arabs like you are of no importance in this dispute. I am afraid that none of us take your likes opinions seriously let alone into consideration either. Just sit back and enjoy another Saudi Arabian vassal state in the making. As it was the case for millennia (pre-Islamic and Islamic era) and will be in the future as well.

Another vassal state in the making. Haha, I remember just a few weeks ago when you were talking about how brotherly everything was :lol:

I'll make sure to @ you when all this ends, I can have a good laugh at your 20 million word rage :lol: believe me all 13 of those won't get anywhere.

I have to say, your ability to look like a pretentious lowlife endures even your country's hilarious miscalculations.
Another vassal state in the making. Haha, I remember just a few weeks ago when you were talking about how brotherly everything was :lol:

I'll make sure to @ you when all this ends, I can have a good laugh :lol: believe me all 13 of those won't get anywhere.

I have to say, your ability to look like a pretentious lowlife endures even your country's hilarious miscalculations.

Go worry about your impoverished and sanctioned entity whose parliament and tomb of its cult founder (Khomeini ibn Wannabe Arab) was attacked in broad daylight by countrymen!:lol:

Repeat after me, I am an irrelevant Ajami cretin that likes to bark like a rabid dog despite being completely irrelevant. If you managed to repeat this 3 times I will throw you a bone.:lol:

We heard the same about Bahrain once the terrorists started to bark. Now that country is a Saudi Arabian province. Same with Yemen which is almost 85% in our control. Qatar will be no different eventually. The only relevant party here is the US.

Now don't waste my time or quote me, kawli.
Careful make sure Salman and the crown prince don't have the same fate as Abdullah bin Saud, the one who got his head removed by the Turks lol

You are a Turkified Anatolian as confirmed by DNA (google it), history and everything else expect for language.

That occurred when there was no KSA and besides the armies were all Arab. Egyptians and Arabians on one side against 1 Arab clan (House of Saud) and a few other allies.

Anyway keep thinking that you are relevant here, lol, and keep meddling in internal Arab matters that you have nothing to do with.

Don't forget your proud century long past as slave eunuchs which was the case for centuries or when your pre-Turkified ancestors were conquered by Arabs and slaughtered en masse whenever they rebelled against supreme and divine Arab Muslim rule.
Ok so there were Arabs foot soldiers in Turkic armies, normal since they the Turks ruled over Arabs.

You didn't address Abdullah bin Saud, how did he die again? I heard they took his head off in Istanbul after the bitch surrendered to the Turks lol

Its funny you come to a Pakistani forum and claim Arab divinity lol
Careful make sure Salman and the crown prince don't have the same fate as Abdullah bin Saud, the one who got his head removed by the Turks lol

They made him listen to music before they chopped his block off :rofl: wow that's cruel, deserved though :D

Go worry about your impoverished and sanctioned entity whose parliament and tomb of its cult founder (Khomeini ibn Wannabe Arab) was attacked in broad daylight by countrymen!:lol:

Repeat after me, I am an irrelevant Ajami cretin that likes to bark like a rabid dog despite being completely irrelevant. If you managed to repeat this 3 times I will throw you a bone.:lol:

We heard the same about Bahrain once the terrorists started to bark. Now that country is a Saudi Arabian province. Same with Yemen which is almost 85% in our control. Qatar will be no different eventually. The only relevant party here is the US.

Now don't waste my time or quote me, kawli.

Those some big words Al Baghdadi, Ajami as well :cry: you broke my heart :sick::lol:

You have a tendency for hot air you know. We will do this. Eventually. Almost. How about you shut your dirty mouth and wait a little to witness what actually happens and then you can spread your verbal diarrhoea, since you'll do it regardless of the outcome.

I hope Qatar is out of the GCC soon. Push em closer to Iran and Turkey. :-)
Ok so there were Arabs foot soldiers in Turkic armies.

You didn't address Abdullah bin Saud, how did he die again? I heard they took his head off in Istanbul after the bitch surrendered to the Turks lol

You are a Turkified Anatolian peasant. You are as Turkic as Saudi Arabians are Kazakhs and Kyrgyz people. DNA (once again google it) and history and everything else expect for your ancestors adopting the language of the few conquering Turkic tribes from the steppe and deserts of Central Asia that conquered your cowardly ancestors, confirms. Later, after becoming Turkified, you committed genocide against your ancestors (Armenians, Kurds, Assyrians) and others, lol.

Arab-Arab infighting. You had no relevance. Muhammad Ali Pasha (an Albanian - once again nothing to do with you) later made Egypt independent. The House of Saud later conquered most of Arabia and removed all your Turkified Anatolians and slaughtered them. Later the Makkawi Hashemites who ruled Hijaz always (only a few isolated Ottoman military barracks were present at most) finished the job once and for all, lol.

Let alone your proud century long history of being slave eunuchs to Arabs (although most of those were actually genuine Turks not wannabes) and mercenaries.

As for Abdullah bin Saud, do you think that anyone cares about that individual? He is not even a direct ancestor of any current living House of Saudi member (as he had no surviving children) nor has he anything to do with non-House of Saud members.

Now this is fairly "recent" history:


Anyway I have wasted enough of my time on you and as I wrote already a few times, I don't even take the opinions of non-Arabs into consideration whenever internal Arab affairs are discussed let alone Arab affairs when KSA is directly involved.
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You are a Turkified Anatolian peasant. You are as Turkic as Saudi Arabians are Kazakhs and Kyrgyz people. DNA (once again google it) and history and everything else expect for your ancestors adopting the language of the few conquered that conquered your cowardly ancestors, confirms.

Arab-Arab infighting. You had no relevance. Muhammad Ali Pasha (an Albanian - once again nothing to do with you) later made Egypt independent. The House of Saud later conquered most of Arabia and removed all your Turkified Anatolians and slaughtered them. Later the Makkawi Hashemites who ruled Hijaz always (only a few isolated Ottoman military barracks were present at most) finished the job once and for all, lol.

Let alone your proud century long history of being slave eunuchs to Arabs (although most of those were actually genuine Turks not wannabes) and mercenaries.

As for Abdullah bin Saud, do you think that anyone cares about that individual? He is not even a direct ancestor of any current living House of Saudi member (as he had no surviving children) nor has he anything to do with non-House of Saud members.

Now this is fairly "recent" history:

View attachment 406317

Anyway I have wasted enough of my time on you and as I wrote already a few times, I don't even take the opinions of non-Arabs into consideration whenever internal Arab affairs are discussed let alone Arab affairs when KSA is directly involved.
Copy paaaaaste :lol:
Careful make sure Salman and the crown prince don't have the same fate as Abdullah bin Saud, the one who got his head removed by the Turks lol

Kuwaiti Girl is back but this time with a Turkish nickname, you know that Turkish members won't take you seriously because you have always posted threads that attacking Turkey, so you changed your username. It won't work.
I know why you are feeling the heat because you think Kuwait will be next in line and it will be annexed by Saudi Arabia after we finish dealing with Qatar. Don't worry we will let you Ajami live there but don't expect us to tolerate being on Iran's side while you consume our natural resources.
Kuwaiti Girl is back but this time with a Turkish nickname, you know that Turkish members won't take you seriously because you have always posted threads that attacking Turkey, so you changed your username. It won't work.
I know why you are feeling the heat because you think Kuwait will be next in line and it will be annexed by Saudi Arabia after we finish dealing with Qatar. Don't worry we will let you Ajami live there but don't expect us to tolerate being on Iran's side while you consume our natural resources.

Nice try troll how many accounts are you on?

Kuwaiti girl is a Kurdistan lover troll, not different from you, you both have unrealistic dreams.

Annex Yemen first before you move to Qatar or Kuwait troll.

Can you educate me on the last moments of your first king, Abdullah bin Saud, id like to know how the Turks parted ways with him lol

Notice SC, Arabi, Hijaz and Sharif are all the same trolls different accounts. Saudi ministry of defence making you work overtime? Lol
Didn't bother reading, you and your troll friend hijaz have 4 things in common, never address points, always copy and paste and always parrot the same things, always off topic. Your most probably the same person with different troll accounts.

And Arabs didn't give Turks any power, the Turks fucked Arabs out of it. Just like they burnt the Saudi kingdoms to the ground and took your first kings head off its shoulders
Your ignorance can only be surpassed by your ignorance, what a pity.. someone like you spitting his poison from his sick mind without any relevance to the subject at hand, just for trolling and derailing threads.. read tthe post before yours and come up with any substantial answers.. oh. ok I understand that you can't so you take refuge in personal attacks.. Arabs will teach you another historical lesson, sooner or later.. just keep dreaming of how grandiose you are.. You are far from being Muslims.. that is already a sign of Kufr..
The US itself couldn't face armed civilians in Iraq and you come talk about turkey!? how low and stupid one can get?
Something 's obviously hurting your heart brain and eyes.. go see a doctor..

We are just a few Arabs here, and already giving you heartburns and headaches.. imagine your selves confronting 500 million Arabs on any level..!!!
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