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Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

learn turkish!
Nope, I get my news from English and Arabic reliable sources.. the news are real and true as they were reported, you also got a source from someone else on it. and you are here to troll and rant.. maybe you should go learn English!?
Nope, I get my news from English and Arabic reliable sources.. the news are real and true as they were reported, you also got a source from someone else on it. and you are here to troll and rant.. maybe you should go learn English!?

Rather you are the troll with fake news.
Here are the original sources:

Oh my mistake, you cant speak turkish.
That is really a pity.
Istanbul is really given as a name for boys? :what:

Lol Qatar is one of the richest nations in the world they dont need charity. :lol:
You never know, sometime savior buy 20 years of oil at far lower market price to save the king. lol
Reuters: Qatar rejects Arab demands list and considers them "unreasonable"

Qatar has begun reviewing the list of demands made by Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain after the Doha boycott, but Qatar said the list was "unreasonable" and unworkable. "We are reviewing these demands based on our respect for regional security and there will be an official response from our foreign ministry," Sheikh Saif bin Ahmed Al Thani, director of the government liaison office in Qatar, said in a statement. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, which imposed a boycott on Qatar, have demanded Doha to close Al-Jazeera, reduce ties with Iran, close a Turkish military base and pay compensation among other demands. The statement said that US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson recently called on Saudi Arabia and other countries to declare a list of demands "reasonable and feasible", adding that "this list does not meet this standard."


UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash said Saturday (June 24, 2017) that if Qatar does not accept the demands of Arab countries that severed ties with it this month, the alternative is not escalation but separation.
Reuters: Qatar rejects Arab demands list and considers them "unreasonable"

Qatar has begun reviewing the list of demands made by Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain after the Doha boycott, but Qatar said the list was "unreasonable" and unworkable. "We are reviewing these demands based on our respect for regional security and there will be an official response from our foreign ministry," Sheikh Saif bin Ahmed Al Thani, director of the government liaison office in Qatar, said in a statement. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, which imposed a boycott on Qatar, have demanded Doha to close Al-Jazeera, reduce ties with Iran, close a Turkish military base and pay compensation among other demands. The statement said that US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson recently called on Saudi Arabia and other countries to declare a list of demands "reasonable and feasible", adding that "this list does not meet this standard."


UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash said Saturday (June 24, 2017) that if Qatar does not accept the demands of Arab countries that severed ties with it this month, the alternative is not escalation but separation.
Means the economic isolation of qatar among GCC will continue ?Am i reading correct..Don't know how long will qatar remain like this...
Interesting times ahead for Qatar...being surrounded by GCC and other side is sea...
Well, it has a lot of money and it can spend it as it wishes.. oops not really, two days ago it wanted to invest in some big American company and its money was rejected flat.. maybe it can invest in Turkey.. why not! the only problem is that Turkey is no match to the GCC, and by going for Qatari investments it will lose more than 100 times that from the GCC investments and more importantly deals of all sorts, civilian and military..So like we say in Arabic, Qatar is between two choices, the sweetest is bitter..Turkey has clearly sided with Qatar on this issue despite being diplomatic about it..
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Well, it has a lot of money and it can spend it as it wishes.. oops not really, two day ago it wanted to invest in some big American company and its money was rejected flat.. maybe it can invest in Turkey.. why not! the only problem is that Turkey is no match to the GCC, and by going for Qatari investments it will lose more than 100 times that from the GCC investments and more importantly deals of all sorts, civilian and military..So like we say in Arabic, Qatar is between two choices, the sweetest is bitter..Turkey has clearly sided with Qatar on this issue despite being diplomatic about it..

Turkish economy doesn't need any of the GCC nations, it was and is doing fine without oil money.

Qatar have billions invested in Europe, it's money to can pull strings, hence why America had to correct the yellow mans stance, hence why Europe has sided with Qatar on the issue, in reality no one takes KSA seriously on this issue.

We live in the age of technology and communication, all Qatar needs to do (has done) is turn its trade relations to Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, asia etc, much cheaper and better quality of products.

If anything this is a blessing for Qatar, not only has it gained international favour it has helped it become less reliant on the GCC.

I mean you Saudis were barking that Qatar would cave in within a week but they gave you the middle finger.

Further, enjoy the demonization of your kings and state now through Al Jazeera, they started exposing your crimes in Yemen from day 1 of this crises, only a matter of time before western voters to are more public about there governments dealings with KSA & if the yellow man in the whitehouse goes then your in even more trouble.
Turkish economy doesn't need any of the GCC nations, it was and is doing fine without oil money.

Qatar have billions invested in Europe, it's money to can pull strings, hence why America had to correct the yellow mans stance, hence why Europe has sided with Qatar on the issue, in reality no one takes KSA seriously on this issue.

We live in the age of technology and communication, all Qatar needs to do (has done) is turn its trade relations to Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, asia etc, much cheaper and better quality of products.

If anything this is a blessing for Qatar, not only has it gained international favour it has helped it become less reliant on the GCC.

I mean you Saudis were barking that Qatar would cave in within a week but they gave you the middle finger.

Further, enjoy the demonization of your kings and state now through Al Jazeera, they started exposing your crimes in Yemen from day 1 of this crises, only a matter of time before western voters to are more public about there governments dealings with KSA & if the yellow man in the whitehouse goes then your in even more trouble.

Which Europeans sided with Qatar Issue.. as far as I know from the news Both Germany and France _the two most powerful EU members_ sided with KSA on this issue.. Qatar alone can not match the $100s of billions of dollars invested in Europe by KSA, and trillions by the GCC.. Qatar is in no position to pull any strings in Europe at all..

The US and most of the rest of the world takes KSA very seriously on this issue, Turkey is not the world.. you know! An isolated Qatar will be like a headless chicken running all over the place without any objectives or any aim..

Note my friend that Turkey's economy got its main and most important monetary boost between 1980 and 1988 from the Iran-Iraq war, where everything was supplied to both countries through Turkey since the Persian-Arab Gulf was in flames..

So you mean Qatar gave the middle finger to the GCC and Turkey sat on that finger..
Every word of yours make one think about the Turkish troubles with Europe and no one else..You are just projecting Turkish bad relations with Europe on others..
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UAE sees ‘Parting of Ways’ if Qatar does not accept Arab demands

DUBAI: A senior UAE official said on Saturday that if Qatar did not accept an ultimatum issued by fellow Arab states which imposed a boycott this month on the tiny Gulf Arab nation, there would be a “parting of ways”.

The 13-point list of demands from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the UAE include closing the Al Jazeera satellite television network, curbing relations with Iran, shutting a Turkish base in Doha and paying reparations.

The demands are apparently aimed at dismantling Qatar’s two-decades-old interventionist foreign policy, which has reflected the clout generated by its vast natural gas and oil wealth but incensed conservative Arab peers over its alleged support for Islamists they regard as mortal threats to their dynastic rule.

Doha said it is reviewing the list of demands and that a formal response will be made by the foreign ministry and delivered to Kuwait, but added that the demands are not reasonable or actionable.

“The alternative is not escalation, the alternative is parting of ways, because it is very difficult for us to maintain a collective grouping,” UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash told reporters.
Which Europeans sided with Qatar Issue.. as far as I know from the news Both Germany and France _the two most powerful EU members_ sided with KSA on this issue.. Qatar alone can not match the $100s of billions of dollars invested in Europe by KSA, and trillions by the GCC.. Qatar is in no position to pull any strings in Europe at all..

The US and most of the rest of the world takes KSA very seriously on this issue, Turkey is not the world.. you know! An isolated Qatar will be like a headless chicken running all over the place without any objectives or any aim..

Note my friend that Turkey's economy got its main and most important monetary boost between 1980 and 1988 from the Iran-Iraq war, where everything was supplied to both countries through Turkey since the Persian-Arab Gulf was in flames..

So you mean Qatar gave the middle finger to the GCC and Turkey sat on that finger..
Every word of yours make one think about the Turkish troubles with Europe and no one else..You are just projecting Turkish bad relations with Europe on others..

Do you people (Saudi arse lickers) live in a desert cave, switch on international news and check mainstream analysts for a change. The whole world is laughing at your ridiculous demands and sort sighted politics... rest your post is full of shit and irrelevant as Qatar is doing just fine, we are still awaiting your take over of Doha lol.

And stop comparing Saudi Arabia to Turkey, Iran or any European countries with 100s of years of state, political and military tradition, you just popped out of Britains arse yesterday.
Oh no the troll account is back, you know exactly what I mean by state tradition and living in a cave, Turkey, Iran and many European ones date back centuries.

As for the Saudi state tradition, do you mean the two Saudi states that got burned to the ground by the Turks? Lol
Qatar faces an economic danger and this is why:

- Qatar dept has exceeded 150% of its gross output, which means that this is a very serious issue, especially for a country such as Qatar, that has no production and is heavily dependent on exporting gas only..

- Qatar depths reached the end of last year 2016 more than 120 billion dollars
They play exactly like those who have a credit card and is busy pulling out money.. after a few months they find themselves in deep trouble and financial disaster..

- Moreover, after a downgrade of its credit rating a few weeks ago, the interest it will pay on its debt has increased and will increase more..

- For comparison:
  • the debt of Kuwait, for example, is less than 40% of its GDP
  • UAE debt is also less than 20 % of gross domestic product
  • Saudi debt is less than 20% of its gross output
  • Qatar 150%
- And public debt if it exceeds 70% in the developed countries is considered a great risk, so what about Qatar's debt of 150% of its GDP?

- Moreover, Saudi Arabia's financial reserves are now more than four times their debt and exceed $530 billion dollars, not SR.. and this is apart from the general reserve of the state, which is about 200 billion riyals and the public investment fund..Simply said, Saudi Arabia's cash reserves for today's known and advertised about, exceed SR2 trillion..So only insane people might compare Qatar with KSA ..

- Qatar Reserve of Cash has diminished by $37 billion:
resulting from Qatar being downgraded (from AA to AA-) for the last few days and is being monitored by Standard Agency for further downgrades, this will most likely snowball if the crises goes on..

- Saudi and UAE deposits in Qatar's banks exceed $18 billion. So far, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have withdrawn only $ 100 million withdrawn by an UAE institution a few days before the end of the deposit linkage at one of Qatar's banks..

- What is worse is that the volume of foreign deposits of dozens of countries in the world and financial institutions in Qatar banks exceed $130 billion dollars..Almost one-third of Qatar's bank deposits are foreign deposits..

- And the disaster comes from the fact that the volume of lending for deposits reached 100% of deposits and this is a very serious level and any movement of withdrawals of deposits will make banks exposed..and the Qatari government will be forced to cover for them..

- Of course and most likely, most of these countries and financial institutions will either withdraw their deposits or accept the risks. In return, Qatar banks will pay a very high interest rate to the depositing countries to cover for the big risks to be taken.. In both cases Qatar is the loser..

- All this without taking into account the possible withdrawal of the world cup.. a possibility that will end more misery to the Qatari economy, since so many hotels have been built by borrowed money from banks and investors for the construction, so, if the world Cup is to be moved to another country, it means Qatar won't be able to pay these depts either..

From this Analysis, anyone can conclude that KSA, UAE, Egypt and Bahrain have already won their bet against Qatar, since it was put under the spotlight for everyone to see and its finances will be forcefully transparent.. so no more financing of terrorism by Qatar.. and this was one of the main bases of the new Muslim coalition to fight terrorism, namely, the cutting of its financial sources..the ideology is now the next step with these 13 demands..

Do you people (Saudi arse lickers) live in a desert cave, switch on international news and check mainstream analysts for a change. The whole world is laughing at your ridiculous demands and sort sighted politics... rest your post is full of shit and irrelevant as Qatar is doing just fine, we are still awaiting your take over of Doha lol.

And stop comparing Saudi Arabia to Turkey, Iran or any European countries with 100s of years of state, political and military tradition, you just popped out of Britains arse yesterday.
Are you talking about Turkey?

Oh no the troll account is back, you know exactly what I mean by state tradition and living in a cave, Turkey, Iran and many European ones date back centuries.

As for the Saudi state tradition, do you mean the two Saudi states that got burned to the ground by the Turks? Lol
Arabs have given that power to Turks in good faith.. that will never happen again..
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Didn't bother reading, you and your troll friend hijaz have 4 things in common, never address points, always copy and paste and always parrot the same things, always off topic. Your most probably the same person with different troll accounts.

And Arabs didn't give Turks any power, the Turks fucked Arabs out of it. Just like they burnt the Saudi kingdoms to the ground and took your first kings head off its shoulders
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