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Saudi women refused entry to France for refusing to take off burkas

People need to stop making this a religious issue. It is a safety risk, nothing more, nothing less. Who knows WTF is hiding under that hijab because no one can see inside. You want to wear it? Fine, but don't complain when you have to deal with the consequences that come with such attire.

I do not know of any other society except parts of Afghanistan where you can't not veil your face. As the monoculture society stands today, everybody needs to veil:)

Anyway, the last part of your post is very incongruous with reality. Men's and women's faces aren't the same, and men and women aren't generally the same. The day you could draw a woman with a stick figure let 'em dress the same as men.

Any reason singling out Hindus? Should we expect them to know about us less than other human beings?

Beautiful things indeed, but many people don't understand why. And the thing that for me belittles their intelligent is, they don't want to understand.
It is face veil which stops you from being identified, I love the colourful (or black) headscarves that muslims (and even non muslims) wear, some do look beautiful in that. (which defeats the whole islamic argument in favour of it, but I am not complaining).

I am not in favour of banning face veil (except in security installations where one has to be identified). Face veil spreads love, at least in hyderabad. :)
In All of the Abrahamic Religions (Judaism, Christianity & Islam) a woman has to guard her modesty.
In All of the Abrahamic Religions (Judaism, Christianity & Islam) a woman has to guard her modesty.

I have never seen Christians and Jews dress like ninjas.

Plus rape and crime statistics are lower in Sweden and Japan. Non - Abrahamic countries.
In fact most crime and rape in Sweden is done by muslim immmigrants.
I have never seen Christians and Jews dress like ninjas.

That's alright, we can learn something everyday! Here look at this: this
, and there are hundreds more. And unlike the FM here, I have nothing but respect for these Muslim and Jewish sub-communities. Christians ototh, have largely suffered from the abolition of what most people translate as The Law, and the ones among them that would like to or do practice things that'd endear them to God and to their personal self-evaluation, don't have a proofs to fall back on to justify their actions.

Plus rape and crime statistics are lower in Sweden and Japan. Non - Abrahamic countries.
In fact most crime and rape in Sweden is done by muslim immmigrants.
Unfortunate that you, unlike the scholars among us, just assume you know what's in peoples' hearts. The majority or at least a large minority of people in the country I was born in, ie Pakistan, doubt the existence of God. But you still trace their crimes partly to their supposed Muslim-hood! You could've put it to their immigrant status, and the relative social difficulty it put them in to be able to land themselves a girl, but no you had to lump things up and see causation where there weren't possibly any. No problem though, the human mind works like that, and this is why superstition exists in the first place, but we can all work to be intellectually stronger, beginning any day.
if SA wants that other religion people follow their rules and france can also ask other religion people to follow there rule.

i.e IN SA you can't wear swim suite and in France you can't war burkha.... simple..
I want to enter Saudi Arabia with a suit case full of bibles and whiskey. You all gonna bark for my rights too?

You will soon get your whisky's sip once Bahrain joins Saudi Federation...
The women should just wear this and see what the French reaction is...

She would be asked to remove it, genius.

It was the exact same thing with the Minaret ban in Switzerland.

They are specifically targeting one religion, despite their great claims of secularism.

They specifically banned Minarets on Mosques. This law did not apply to Buddhist shrines or Christian monasteries, only to Minarets on Mosques.
It is a Christian country. When you can buils a church in Saudi Arabia, talk then.
LMAO df, you surely can't be serious. Ninjas existed in ancient Japan. You don't actually believe that ninjas who cover up their face and jump around still exist right? You've been watching too many cartoons and playing video games.

Face covering burqas need to be banned. We already know in the past terrorists wearing burqas have blown themselves up. Especially in sensitive areas like airports, wearing a burqa is a no no. I would be pretty freaked out if I saw someone wearing a bed sheet over their head.
True ninjas did not wear that ridiculous garb, like modern assasins, or spies, you try to blend, not stick out. What you think of as ninja outfit was for Japanese plays, where prop-men would wear all black and be ignored. When one of of the prop men jumped up and killed, it seemed to the audience that he appeared from nowhere. (in other words, that costume was only in plays)
Well, it's France's law. A French can't come to Arabia the way she dresses in France, and a Saudi woman shouldn't expect to enter France if they want to dress the way they do in Saudi Arabia.
I think women should be free to wear whatever they want whether it's Hijab or Burga. But, I think Burga is too much and exaggeration in implemeing Islam. Islam is not only about what you wear or eat, but rather and more importantly about how do treat yourself and other people. Personally, I know people who performed Haj several times, perfom prayers on time, read Quraan, but talk about people behind their backs, make seditions, lie and steal...etc. I would prefer an open minded woman rather than a covered woman with no real values. Non-Muslims think Muslim women are oppressed, but this is not true at all. Most wives in our society embrace Islam, nevertheless, they scold their husbands when they upset them. Our men wouldn't dare come home late or refuse any of their wives requests.

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