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Saudi Women Driving issue

The discussion on this thread is more about India Vs Islamic countries. Stick to the topic everyone.

Zarvan! The article you posted is interesting. It is true that human beings, irrespective of their gender want to distribute responsibility. Men obviously want to share their burden and women are hesitant. I think we should leave it to their women to fight for their own rights. If they really want it then they should fight for it.

However i would also ask you to stop portraying Islamic societies as ideal for women because it is these Islamic societies where most violence against women occurs. We are number third in violence against women. Please remember that.
Mehru Muslim society is different from Islamic Society plz understand the difference
Sir Saudi treat women equal but yes the don't treat women as sex objects like your country America

Equal? Are you trying to be funny?

---------- Post added at 12:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:23 PM ----------

Mehru Muslim society is different from Islamic Society plz understand the difference

Can you elaborate?
Equal? Are you trying to be funny?

---------- Post added at 12:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:23 PM ----------

Can you elaborate?
Read Quran most Muslims do not even pray five times a day leave other aside and no where shariah has been implemented in the Muslim world economy of Saudi Arabia is still running on interest sir and being equal and being the same is different well I ask you a simple question if you are a female wrestler will you like to fight John Cena??????????????
By accepting Islam a person becomes a muslim but can only become a momin when he works on himself and building his iman and that is a very difficult job
Read Quran most Muslims do not even pray five times a day leave other aside and no where shariah has been implemented in the Muslim world economy of Saudi Arabia is still running on interest sir and being equal and being the same is different well I ask you a simple question if you are a female wrestler will you like to fight John Cena??????????????

There can never be an ideal world. There can never be an Islamic society where all Muslims are pious, compassionate, pray five times a day. Muslims are bound to be different from each other no matter if they receive the same religious education. Deep down inside we are all humans who have different affiliations. Some are bound to be religious and some are bound to be less religious. Perfect world is not possible but we could create a better world. So if you are looking for ideal shariah then you will never be able to implement it. Look in the real world scenario and analyze the life of Muslims where shariah is present. Are they really better off than the rest of the world?
A couple of things to keep idiotic comments on this topic out.

Saudi Arabia has its own "idea" of Islam that is the root cause for all the evils we face today.
The Wahabi ideology (in case anyone wants to know, Mohammad Wahab's father disowned his sons ideas) is not Islam.

Now, as for the status of women..
In the Quran it says that woman is an inferior creation..
Most will use it to show that women are inferior to men.
Women are an inferior creation in the eyes of god, not inferior as a person.. but as a creation, as a process.. since in Islamic teachings women were created from the rib of the man.. a derivation.. not an entirely new creation. Therefore where the creative process it concerned, it is less of an effort as was man.
This is from gods point of view , and his point of view on his effort. Not his point of view as far as his love, his mercy is concerned.. he loves both man and woman equally.

Now from the point of view for a man??.. It is clearly stated again and again the position of the mother in Islam.
She has been given heaven at her feet..
To all men, even a young girl is a mother in waiting and therefore demands the same respect as you would give to any mother.
A mother holds 3 times preference over the father..
The laws as passed down by Mualim's.. written in books of fiqh and not from the Saudi's .. have given women more protection than ever before in any religion. Sadly only fools end up reading them and come out to enforce them.

1. A woman is asked to cover up herself in a manner that will not show off her curves and entice men .. it does not imply the burka, the abaya.. or ANY dress.. just the conditions. Does it protect her from rapists.. no.. a man in hunger of rape will do it nevertheless.
What it does is protect her from eve-teasing.. and from those that would normally not mentally undress a woman.. to keep their heads clean.

2. A woman can partake in ANY activity that men partake in...AS long as it does not detract her(when she is a wife and a mother) from her primary responsibly from raising the children.. it is not however.. farz.. a women with a jobless husband is permitted to work. but in her absence her husband must take over some of her responsibility.. and not just sit around.
Women are not preferred in combat, mainly to protect them from being abused as POW's.

Please do not take the Islam the Wahabi's.. and their semi-followers promote all over the world as genuine.
Use multiple sources.. preferably NOT the internet to gain your knowledge on Islam.
some sources will offend you.. but others will show you the marvel that Islam really is..
Not what you see on TV.. or the exploding ones(literally and metaphorically).

And to mention one more matter..
Islam has not permitted interference in Any place of worship.. no worshiper of any religion is to be ridiculed, or tormented..
It is NOT permissible to break any places of worship or idols.. UNLESS the idol is brought INSIDE A MOSQUE..
If there is a statue of Buddha 50m from a mosque it will stay there and worshipers at that place will not be harassed or bothered..
The destruction of the bamiyan Buddha's in Afghanistan was a result of this "sick" ideology that is being propagated by those that must not be named.
it is not Islam.. rather in my view .. part of the enemies of Islam which they falsely claim to protect us from.

I wish I could find a few examples of Arabic words so i can illustrate what word , used with what letter of arabic means what in this context..
Mehru Muslim society is different from Islamic Society plz understand the difference

You are right..
Muslims are different from you false "Islamists".. therefore our society is different from what you wish to impose.
I agree with your statements about how certain Islamic countries twist the words of the Quran. If I'm not mistaken, the Bible says woman is made from the rib of man as well in the Old Testament. This is one of the similarities Islam shares with Christianity and Judaism since they are all Abrahamic faiths.

In the past, Christian countries in Europe used to use these scriptures as an excuse to see women as inferior as well and thus not treat them as equals to men within society. Since then, they have progressed quite a bit but there is still subtle discrimination toward females even today in western countries. On the other hand, many rigid leaders in certain Islamic countries refuse to progress and still see women as inferior to men. Thus laws like "women not being allowed to drive" are accepted within those countries.
In the past, Christian countries in Europe used to use these scriptures as an excuse to see women as inferior as well and thus not treat them as equals to men within society. Since then, they have progressed quite a bit

How have they managed to "progess" - do you mean they are no longer Christian? Or do you mean they "understand", they infuse a different value in their understanding?? Is so called "gender equality" a moral position, that is to say, is it arising out of a sense of morality?
How have they managed to "progess" - do you mean they are no longer Christian? Or do you mean they "understand", they infuse a different value in their understanding?? Is so called "gender equality" a moral position, that is to say, is it arising out of a sense of morality?

I definitely don't mean they are no longer Christian. I suppose you could also view it as them "infusing a different value of understanding" like you mentioned. That is another way to interpret it.

What I meant was they have progressed in terms of their cultural and religious views. For many Christians, their views on religion (scripture, traditions, etc.) are quite different today than say 150-300 years ago. The actual religion itself hasn't changed but how many people perceive it and think about it has.

My views on "gender equality" are that it is a moral position to an extent because it stems from the belief in the injustice of various forms of gender inequality.
A couple of things to keep idiotic comments on this topic out.

Saudi Arabia has its own "idea" of Islam that is the root cause for all the evils we face today.
The Wahabi ideology (in case anyone wants to know, Mohammad Wahab's father disowned his sons ideas) is not Islam.

Now, as for the status of women..
In the Quran it says that woman is an inferior creation..
Most will use it to show that women are inferior to men.
Women are an inferior creation in the eyes of god, not inferior as a person.. but as a creation, as a process.. since in Islamic teachings women were created from the rib of the man.. a derivation.. not an entirely new creation. Therefore where the creative process it concerned, it is less of an effort as was man.
This is from gods point of view , and his point of view on his effort. Not his point of view as far as his love, his mercy is concerned.. he loves both man and woman equally.

Now from the point of view for a man??.. It is clearly stated again and again the position of the mother in Islam.
She has been given heaven at her feet..
To all men, even a young girl is a mother in waiting and therefore demands the same respect as you would give to any mother.
A mother holds 3 times preference over the father..
The laws as passed down by Mualim's.. written in books of fiqh and not from the Saudi's .. have given women more protection than ever before in any religion. Sadly only fools end up reading them and come out to enforce them.

1. A woman is asked to cover up herself in a manner that will not show off her curves and entice men .. it does not imply the burka, the abaya.. or ANY dress.. just the conditions. Does it protect her from rapists.. no.. a man in hunger of rape will do it nevertheless.
What it does is protect her from eve-teasing.. and from those that would normally not mentally undress a woman.. to keep their heads clean.

2. A woman can partake in ANY activity that men partake in...AS long as it does not detract her(when she is a wife and a mother) from her primary responsibly from raising the children.. it is not however.. farz.. a women with a jobless husband is permitted to work. but in her absence her husband must take over some of her responsibility.. and not just sit around.
Women are not preferred in combat, mainly to protect them from being abused as POW's.

Please do not take the Islam the Wahabi's.. and their semi-followers promote all over the world as genuine.
Use multiple sources.. preferably NOT the internet to gain your knowledge on Islam.
some sources will offend you.. but others will show you the marvel that Islam really is..
Not what you see on TV.. or the exploding ones(literally and metaphorically).

And to mention one more matter..
Islam has not permitted interference in Any place of worship.. no worshiper of any religion is to be ridiculed, or tormented..
It is NOT permissible to break any places of worship or idols.. UNLESS the idol is brought INSIDE A MOSQUE..
If there is a statue of Buddha 50m from a mosque it will stay there and worshipers at that place will not be harassed or bothered..
The destruction of the bamiyan Buddha's in Afghanistan was a result of this "sick" ideology that is being propagated by those that must not be named.
it is not Islam.. rather in my view .. part of the enemies of Islam which they falsely claim to protect us from.

I wish I could find a few examples of Arabic words so i can illustrate what word , used with what letter of arabic means what in this context..

................... Zipped !
kingship has no space in Islam, what else do we need to know about Saudies ?
For many Christians, their views on religion (scripture, traditions, etc.) are quite different today than say 150-300 years ago.

Obviously - but why? What is this "progessed"?? How and why does that come about?
There is no restriction on women on Islam for driving .. .. Saudi Draconian laws has nothing to do with Islam ...
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