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Saudi website editor could face death for apostasy-


Syria belong to us Arabs Muslims not for Alawiti Assad.

Why not kill him in the name of " religion of peace " ? :azn: After all , he has criticized the members of Al Saud family who are some sort of a God in the Kingdom because even the initial four caliphs could be criticized , but the Saudi royal family remains immune to it , right ? :azn: ... You talk of hypocrisy ? I will tell you exactly what is H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-S-Y

He has criticized God, The Quran And Hadith of prophet Mohammed PBUH.

Ḥashshāshīn;3730957 said:
Then why the F are you getting involved in Syrian internal issue?

Saudi is the most hypocritical country on earth, even more so than Israel.

because we have the power to do so. Now take a hike.
lol. beware unfortunately this Pakistani forum is full of traitors and ignorant idiots.

What you are saying is right, the retard deserves what he gets.

Liberals in saudi arabia are stupid. They put themselves in competition with the society. Their definition of being liberals is F twisted. They think by insulting Islam or islamic ethics and values are parts of being liberals. I don't Have a problem with being liberal but know your limit esp in a religious society like Saudi Arabia.
"Most of the Saudis I spoke to seemed pretty religious"... LOL...... you need to speak to more of them. :P

I think you are the one who needs to visit your beloved Sauds. Do us a favor, stay there and don't come back. One less foreign progeny on our beloved land. :D

lol, thats okay I'm Pakistani. However since you put up a "Turkish flag" on below your avatar, you can stay in your beloved, liberal and corrupt Turkey. :lol:

Where there are bars next to Masjids.

Ummm... I don't want to be Saudi or Arab, you crazy kid, when I want to be Pakistani.

Why go somewhere else? I'm proud of my Pakistani culture. I have property, family, and connections in Pakistan.

But why keep the Turkish flag below your avatar? :azn:
Because, in addition to being a proud Pakistani, I'm a Turkish citizen as well.

I love the justice and equality people enjoy in my beloved Turkiye! :D

lol, thats okay I'm Pakistani. However since you put up a "Turkish flag" on below your avatar, you can stay in your beloved, liberal and corrupt Turkey. :lol:

Where there are bars next to Masjids.

Ummm... I don't want to be Saudi, you crazy kid, when there is already a country for me -->Pakistan.

Why go somewhere else? I have property, family, and connections in Pakistan.

But why keep the Turkish flag below your avatar? :azn:
This isn't a case of apostasy in the first place ... None on earth can judge anyone's faith so as long as a person proclaims the Shahada , he will be considered a Muslim ... If a person could criticize a Caliph back then , then who the hell are these members of Al Saud family !

Sadly for you , I am not in the Kingdom and this is an International forum where everybody is free to express his opinion , leave it if you dont like it ... I am not going to change my statements for you , kid ...

P.S I see the superiority complex and arrogance in your post , which is very same to what I hear from Pakistanis working in the country :azn:

look who's talking ! a man was killed by a mob few days ago for having being accused of apostasy in Pakistan, the rimsha masee case is still fresh, a church was burned down recently,, heck the qadri guy who killed salman taseer is showered by rose petals & has been made into a hero & you have the gall to talk you should be the last person criticizing Saudis you have just embarrassed yourself & other Pakistanis with your comments the Saudis i repeat are much more tolerant then Pakistan so you should be the last one to talk .

to your unnecessary comments

Saudia is a oil rich begger.
They begged usa and pak to save them from saddam!
look who's talking ! a man was killed by a mob few days ago for having being accused of apostasy in Pakistan, the rimsha masee case is still fresh, a church was burned down recently,, heck the qadri guy who killed salman taseer is showered by rose petals & has been made into a hero & you have the gall to talk you should be the last person criticizing Saudis you have just embarrassed yourself & other Pakistanis with your comments the Saudis i repeat are much more tolerant then Pakistan so you should be the last one to talk .

to your unnecessary comments


paudies were created in pakistan with Saudi money they follow Saudi Ideology and are known to kill any body and every body they don't like they don't consider them self's Pakistanis and go as far as wearing Arabic cloths and are trying to incorporate Arabic insults in their every day lives.

Please explain to us all what is that you are trying to say in your rant that we 98% of Pakistanis who these extremist wanna kill or convert to appease their Saudi masters shouldn't expose the hypocrisy of the same Saudi masters to the world and Them.

Hate to tell you but we the 98% of Pakistanis have paid the biggest price for this Saudi Hypocrisy and continue to suffer but majority of the Pakistanis have refused to give in to these infected minds . you want the rest of population to accept their will and just shut and don't talk about it and don't expose them for what they are.
Tell that to the Hindu mobs of the RSS and the like.

A true God would not be so insecure that he would need fanatics forcing people to reconvert to Hinduism.
Intolerant bigots.

Exactly, Hindu extremists have targeted every minority in India be it Muslims, Sikhs or Christians. In most cases Govt, Opposition and courts have been complicit in these activities. Indians never talk about their sorry record of religious harmony but can't wait to criticize Islam.

When Muslims indulge into violence they blame Islam, when Hindus indulge in violence then its politics or innocent Hindus inflamed by opposition. Double standards.
He has criticized God, The Quran And Hadith of prophet Mohammed PBUH.

Where ? :azn: ... The news source mentions nothing of that sort ... Unless of course he is accused of blasphemy ( even that wont come under apostasy ! ) , there's no reason to sentence him to death by the Saudi Law even and criticizing the members of Al Saud doesn't come under one ...

look who's talking ! a man was killed by a mob few days ago for having being accused of apostasy in Pakistan, the rimsha masee case is still fresh, a church was burned down recently

Mate , I know about those and I admit that my society has become intolerant and radicalized too post Soviet war ... But that things you mentioned weren't done by the state in the case of Pakistan whereas in Kingdom they are being persecuted by the state and the law of that very state for mere difference in opinion and criticism of Govt officials or royal family and this isn't the first time ... See a difference now between both ? ... I am man enough to accept the shortcomings of my highly radicalized nation , are others the same too ? Or will they continue to defend it whilst chanting death to anyone who doesn't agree with them :azn:

P.S You know very well who those people you mentioned are and who were they created by ... So kindly post a little about it , we didn't use to be like that from the beginning , the poison only came with the " imported Islam " for the Afghan Jihad ...

I don't Have a problem with being liberal but know your limit esp in a religious society like Saudi Arabia.

Hypocrite ! Hours before you were chanting death to " all liberals " :D
Possibly , what you are trying to say is that KSA is fast becoming if not already a police state which cant tolerate a difference in opinion ... May I know what is wrong with criticizing senior Saudi officials or members of the Royal family ? Are they not human beings and infallible ? Or they have been given a status like God in the Kingdom ? :azn:

There is nothing wrong IMO about critiquing the ruling family. Mocking Islam, Quran and the prophet is a redline however for many people. As I said before, I think freedom of speech has its limits. France, Germany and UK jail people for denying the holocaust and we jail people for insulting our prophet and religion. Having said that, I've never seen Ra'if himself do that, but he does allow, if not encourage, that in his forum. Which is, regardless of your own opinion on the matter, a very foolish thing to do in KSA. Some people will get themselves in jail happily for 15 minutes of fame and a headline in the back of a local newspaper.
There is nothing wrong IMO about critiquing the ruling family. Mocking Islam, Quran and the prophet is a redline however for many people. As I said before, I think freedom of speech has its limits. France, Germany and UK jail people for denying the holocaust and we jail people for insulting our prophet and religion. Having said that, I've never seen Ra'if himself do that, but he does allow, if not encourage, that in his forum. Which is, regardless of your own opinion on the matter, a very foolish thing to do in KSA. Some people will get themselves in jail happily for 15 minutes of fame and a headline in the back of a local newspaper.
Sure...And those limits are locally set, meaning each country have (and should have) the right to set those limits according to local interests and sensitivity. That said...You should have no problems at all if Christian countries, including those that considers themselves 'secular', set limits based upon their local interests and sensitivities. Right?

How about no mosque or anything related to Islam in NYC?
There is nothing wrong IMO about critiquing the ruling family. Mocking Islam, Quran and the prophet is a redline however for many people. As I said before, I think freedom of speech has its limits.

Now there's a person talking sense ! :)

Of course if you claim to follow Islam , no person is immune to criticism nor he cant he prosecuted regardless of his wealth , color , creed or race ... However I am talking as an idealist , not a realist ... From the news coming out of your country , it so appears that House of Saud enjoys immunity to criticism and prosecution whilst indulging in everything unislamic ... Mate , there's no mention of any sort of him mocking the religion or Prophet but if he has done that , I would agree with you that he crossed a red line living in a conservative society but even then until he engaged in blasphemy , you cant sentence him to death by even your own country's law ...

Yes , freedom of speech has limits and you cant simply mock the messengers of God , being critical of the message he brought and asking questions about it is another thing etc ... I am well aware of the West's double standards on the freedom of speech and have repeatedly spoke against it in this forum too ... Well as far as your second argument is concerned , this is like saying that the country's law can prosecute me for first or second degree murder just because I sold a knife or gun to a person who then killed a person :) ...
Sure...And those limits are locally set, meaning each country have (and should have) the right to set those limits according to local interests and sensitivity. That said...You should have no problems at all if Christian countries, including those that considers themselves 'secular', set limits based upon their local interests and sensitivities. Right?
Right. Just like I have no say on what cartoon Danish newspapers decide to publish, USA has no say on what rights are given to or taken from women or minorities in KSA. Everyone should mind his own business.
How about no mosque or anything related to Islam in NYC?
Why not? If Muslims don't like it they should move out. Something Christian Egyptians and Syrians have a problem understanding, as well as many Muslims living in the west.
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