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Saudi website editor could face death for apostasy-

This isn't a case of apostasy in the first place ... None on earth can judge anyone's faith so as long as a person proclaims the Shahada , he will be considered a Muslim ... If a person could criticize a Caliph back then , then who the hell are these members of Al Saud family !

sorry this is internal issue keep your nose. wether you brag or not doesn't change anything.

Sadly for you , I am not in the Kingdom and this is an International forum where everybody is free to express his opinion , leave it if you dont like it ... I am not going to change my statements for you , kid ...

P.S I see the superiority complex and arrogance in your post , which is very same to what I hear from Pakistanis working in the country :azn:
Sadly for you , I am not in the Kingdom and this is an International forum where everybody is free to express his opinion , leave it if you dont like it ... I am not going to change my statements for you , kid ...

P.S I see the superiority complex and arrogance in your post , which is very same to what I hear from Pakistanis working in the country :azn:

meh! the least I care big mouth all you want :coffee:
scums ?.. I'm sorry, but isn't the man you claim to follow (PBUH) said that non should call others with insults, and isn't he the same person who used to preach moral values and speaking in peace ?

Nah, this is human matter, you are still living in the dark ages only with a 3D connection. You deserve to be dragged out to the 21st century. You deserve to know the truth !!

This is exactly what the extremist do chanting death to anyone opposing them or their ideology in the name of " religion of peace " ...

Thank you for the wise words ! Appreciated ...
scums ?.. I'm sorry, but isn't the man you claim to follow (PBUH) said that non should call others with insults, and isn't he the same person who used to preach moral values and speaking in peace ?

You are not proving any thing Islamic in the way you speak. الم تتعلم بان المؤمن ليس بالطعان ولا اللعان ؟

and by crossing a line that you speak of, tell me which line did he crossed ?
give an article from him or a tweet at least. I don't consider anything written on that forum to be line crossing at all, but living in this country draws many stupid lines. Can please specify one so that I would not cross it as well ? :)

You claim that this way of thinking (religion) is God given, why are afraid by simple little words ?
The fanatics are never afraid by guns or death, they are afraid of words that speaks to them and touch the depth of their minds. They are afraid to lose their status they had by exploiting God's true message. The words speaks to the simple people to those who are the true society, not you nor any one who claims to have the only permission of God.

Nah, this is human matter, you are still living in the dark ages only with a 3D connection. You deserve to be dragged out to the 21st century. You deserve to know the truth !!

Peace :)
i think they are not afraid of words they are afraid of thinking in any extremest country all they fear is a man or a woman who dont let others think for him some one who understand and judge matters
but i have to say i am surprised to see this post from a saudi every saudi i see on the internet is wahabii
scums ?.. I'm sorry, but isn't the man you claim to follow (PBUH) said that non should call others with insults, and isn't he the same person who used to preach moral values and speaking in peace ?

You are not proving any thing Islamic in the way you speak. الم تتعلم بان المؤمن ليس بالطعان ولا اللعان ؟

lol a liberal speak of islamic morals and ethics when in reality against it. let us see what the guy you are defending is saying in what God say in the Quran or what prophet Mohammed PBUH whom you quoted above brought... do not think we are not aware or try to fool us?

and by crossing a line that you speak of, tell me which line did he crossed ?
give an article from him or a tweet at least. I don't consider anything written on that forum to be line crossing at all, but living in this country draws many stupid lines. Can please specify one so that I would not cross it as well ? :)

you are just embarrassing yourself giving me an opportunity to expose this guy called Raif badwai whom you are defending.

1- زعمه أن المسلم واليهودي والنصراني والملحد كلهم سواء، لا يستطيع أحد منهم أن يثبت المذهب الذي يرتضيه، وفي هذا تسوية للإسلام بالمذاهب الكفرية الباطلة، وهذا في حد ذاته كفر في حكم الله، ومن يعتقده كافر بالإسلام، كافر بالله وبرسوله وباليوم الآخر.
2- استخفافه بالملكين الموكلين بحفظ أعمال العبد، استخفافاً لا يصدر إلاّ عن جاحد لهما، مكذب بقوله تعالى: (إِذْ يَتَلَقَّى الْمُتَلَقِّيَانِ عَنِ الْيَمِينِ وَعَنِ الشِّمَالِ قَعِيدٌ * مَا يَلْفِظُ مِن قَوْلٍ إِلاَّ لَدَيْهِ رَقِيبٌ عَتِيدٌ) [ق: 17-18]، وهذا وحده كفر.
3- إظهاره التضايق من دخول شهر رمضان، لاعتباره إقبال المسلمين على الصلوات والتلاوات إزعاج، ورميه المسلمين في صيامهم وقيامهم بالنفاق، حتى تمنى أنه لم يدركه رمضان وهو في المملكة، ومثل هذا لا يصدر ممن يؤمن بفضل الشهر وفرض صيامه وفضل قيامه، ومن لا يؤمن بوجوب صيام رمضان، وفضل قيامه، وتلاوة القرآن فيه فهو كافر.
4- اعتباره معصية الله مصدراً للحضارة، واسم المعصية شامل لكل ما يخالف أمر الله تعالى، من الكفر فما دونه، وهي مصدر كل شر، فجعلها الكاتب مصدر خير البشرية، وعبارته تشعر بأن سر تخلف المسلمين عنده طاعتهم الله بإسلامهم وإيمانهم، بينما الإسلام والإيمان سبب لسعادة الدنيا والآخرة، وعبارة الكاتب على اختصارها تنطوي على ما هو كفر، ومن يعتقد ما تنطوي عليه من مدح المعصية، وذم الطاعة فهو كافر.
5- زعمه أن البشرية لم تجد تفسيراً صحيحاً لما تصير إليه بعد الموت، يدل على أنه لا يؤمن بوجود حياة أخرى بعد الموت، وكذلك زعمه أن عدم التفسير الصحيح أوجب التمسك -الذي هو التدين- والإيمان بالأساطير والخرافات، يتضمن الكفر باليوم الآخر، وما يكون فيه، والبعث بعد الموت. وأمر البشرية بعد الموت مفسر في الكتب السماوية والرسالات، فإنكاره جحد لجميعها وكفر بها كلها.
فكاتب هذا الكلام، وهو يعيش بين المسلمين، ويسمع القرآن، هو كافر، وبما أنه ينتسب إلى الإسلام يصير بهذه الأقوال مرتداً، فيجب أن يحاكم ويحكم عليه بما تقتضيه أقواله.

ولاتنسى مقولة بيت ليس فيه خمر اهله فقراء وين ياحبيبي عايشين وش رايك نفتح لك بار انت وياه ونجيب لكم قحاب بعد ناس متخلفة

As I said be liberal all you want but dont try to spread your *****'y Ideology in my society. Saudi Arabia is an islamic country not for liberals esp with this kind of mentality
You claim that this way of thinking (religion) is God given, why are afraid by simple little words ?
The fanatics are never afraid by guns or death, they are afraid of words that speaks to them and touch the depth of their minds. They are afraid to lose their status they had by exploiting God's true message. The words speaks to the simple people to those who are the true society, not you nor any one who claims to have the only permission of God.
I gave you his words above and down here is the video of his father exposing him further more.

Nah, this is human matter, you are still living in the dark ages only with a 3D connection. You deserve to be dragged out to the 21st century. You deserve to know the truth !!

Peace :)

No man you are رويبضه just like him. stupid people trying to hide your hypocrisy. if what he has said above is not leading to the destruction of Islamic values and law then what would be according to your definition.:disagree:
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When are you going to stop pretending to know what you are talking about?
I am familiar with the website(forum) and it is very anti-Islamic in its tone. Its illegal to operate such a website in KSA by law.
BTW I read that Bashar was hiding in a sewer somewhere in Latakia. Is it true?
Yeah when the devil lives in heaven that will be true.. ignorant
Lol he deserve what he gets. Liberals who adopted western values rather than Islamic values have no place in the country. look at the liberals in pakistan to get a batter image of Rai'f Badwi. The term liberalism is being misused lately mmm I guess don't you think. Give that running cat in your avatar sometime to rest ... been running for a while.........

lol. beware unfortunately this Pakistani forum is full of traitors and ignorant idiots.

What you are saying is right, the retard deserves what he gets.

LOL Bashar Al-Assad is a maniac, and the Syrian people are fighting for their freedom.
A true god is never insecure.Intolerant fanatics.

Tell that to the Hindu mobs of the RSS and the like.

A true God would not be so insecure that he would need fanatics forcing people to reconvert to Hinduism.
Intolerant bigots.
Tell that to the Hindu mobs of the RSS and the like.

A true God would not be so insecure that he would need fanatics forcing people to reconvert to Hinduism.
Intolerant bigots.

Its politics,nothing to do with GOD.RSS is a political organization.
Its politics,nothing to do with GOD.RSS is a political organization.

so when your bigots act like bigots it's "politics"
But when Muslims do it, it's the fault of the religion.

gotta love Indian duplicity.
Wikileaks shows Saudi wild party with Alcohol, drugs, sex and prostitutes - English pravda.ru

In yet another flurry of secret documents of U.S. diplomacy, the site WikiLeaks showed, in great detail, a Halloween party organized by a wealthy Saudi prince in the city of Jeddah (Jeddah in Arabic), with the highest quality drink, drugs and sex with prostitutes.

One of the secret documents, dated 18/11/2009, reported: "Behind the facade of Wahhabi conservatism on the streets, the nightlife for the young elite of Jeddah is thriving and throbbing. The full range of worldly temptations and vices are available - alcohol, drugs, sex - but strictly behind closed doors. "

Off the list of heirs to the throne, the host is one of the thousands of princes who enjoy the millionaire life of the royalty to protect their mansions and succeed, with 24 hour security at the gate, and to escape the strict morality imposed on citizens in the streets.

Parties in Saudi Arabia came to the world’s attention in 1979 when a British nurse, Helen Smith, was found dead after having fallen from a sixth-floor balcony at a party in Jeddah. The cable notes that the country’s religious police keep their distance at parties when they are attended or patronised by a Saudi royal and his attendants. One example is of a Halloween party which was attended by consulate officials and described in the cable.

Where are your laws , conservatism , religious police , Islam and strict adherence to the Islamic principles then ? :azn: So , Saudi citizens cant tolerate criticism on the Royal family or a mere difference in opinion yet their lavish and not so Islamic life is very acceptable to them ! BRAVO ...

Really, do you honestly believe wikileaks? lol? Have you been ti Saudi Arabia? Have you talked to the Saudis?

Most of the Saudis I spoke to seemed pretty religious. You should go there yourself. Ever been to Hajj or Umrah? Go see for yourself.

Wikileaks shows Saudi wild party with Alcohol, drugs, sex and prostitutes - English pravda.ru

In yet another flurry of secret documents of U.S. diplomacy, the site WikiLeaks showed, in great detail, a Halloween party organized by a wealthy Saudi prince in the city of Jeddah (Jeddah in Arabic), with the highest quality drink, drugs and sex with prostitutes.

One of the secret documents, dated 18/11/2009, reported: "Behind the facade of Wahhabi conservatism on the streets, the nightlife for the young elite of Jeddah is thriving and throbbing. The full range of worldly temptations and vices are available - alcohol, drugs, sex - but strictly behind closed doors. "

Off the list of heirs to the throne, the host is one of the thousands of princes who enjoy the millionaire life of the royalty to protect their mansions and succeed, with 24 hour security at the gate, and to escape the strict morality imposed on citizens in the streets.

Parties in Saudi Arabia came to the world’s attention in 1979 when a British nurse, Helen Smith, was found dead after having fallen from a sixth-floor balcony at a party in Jeddah. The cable notes that the country’s religious police keep their distance at parties when they are attended or patronised by a Saudi royal and his attendants. One example is of a Halloween party which was attended by consulate officials and described in the cable.

Where are your laws , conservatism , religious police , Islam and strict adherence to the Islamic principles then ? :azn: So , Saudi citizens cant tolerate criticism on the Royal family or a mere difference in opinion yet their lavish and not so Islamic life is very acceptable to them ! BRAVO ...

Really, do you honestly believe wikileaks? lol? Have you been ti Saudi Arabia? Have you talked to the Saudis?

Most of the Saudis I spoke to seemed pretty religious. You should go there yourself. Ever been to Hajj or Umrah? Go see for yourself.
As I said be liberal all you want but dont try to spread your *****'y Ideology in my society. Saudi Arabia is an islamic country not for liberals esp with this kind of mentality

Why not kill him in the name of " religion of peace " ? :azn: After all , he has criticized the members of Al Saud family who are some sort of a God in the Kingdom because even the initial four caliphs could be criticized , but the Saudi royal family remains immune to it , right ? :azn: ... You talk of hypocrisy ? I will tell you exactly what is H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-S-Y


A Saudi prince beat his man*servant lover to death in a ‘ferocious’ sexually motivated attack at an exclusive London hotel, the Old *Bailey heard yesterday.
Saud Abdulaziz Bin Nasir Al Saud, the grandson of the billionaire king of Saudi Arabia, murdered Bandar Abdulaziz after subjecting him to weeks of physical and sexual abuse, the jury was told.
The royal allegedly downed champagne and six Sex on the Beach cocktails before repeatedly punching his 32-year-old aide in the head, knocking out teeth and leaving him with severe brain injuries in the suite they shared at the five-star Landmark Hotel in Marylebone.He also strangled Mr Abdulaziz with such force that he fractured bones in the *servant’s neck and bit him on both cheeks in way that clearly had a ‘sexual connotation’, the court heard.Al Saud, 34, allegedly tried to ‘cover his tracks’ by cleaning up blood from the attack before raising the alarm. He was said to have at first told police Mr Abdulaziz had suffered the injuries in a robbery


Really, do you honestly believe wikileaks? lol? Have you been ti Saudi Arabia? Have you talked to the Saudis?

Most of the Saudis I spoke to seemed pretty religious. You should go there yourself. Ever been to Hajj or Umrah? Go see for yourself.

Mate , what do they say about the teeth of the elephant ? :azn: ... I know the condition of Arab states pretty well ...

Go visit the rest of the GCC countries and you will see booze , drugs , prostitutes and other pleasures of the world openly served ... :D I have friends in Amman , Dubai , Beirut and Doha they all tell the same story ... Only in KSA , they are somehow underground and hidden but they still happen for the elite Royal members ... This " more religious than thou " attitude is nothing new for the humans ...
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