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Saudi website editor could face death for apostasy-

lol, thats okay I'm Pakistani. However since you put up a "Turkish flag" on below your avatar, you can stay in your beloved, liberal and corrupt Turkey. :lol:

Where there are bars next to Masjids.

Ummm... I don't want to be Saudi or Arab, you crazy kid, when I want to be Pakistani.

Why go somewhere else? I'm proud of my Pakistani culture. I have property, family, and connections in Pakistan.

But why keep the Turkish flag below your avatar? :azn:

Badawi's website included articles that were critical of senior religious figures, the monitoring group said.

Can anybody tell me which religious figures this guy criticized? And to what extent?


Quran:2:256: “Let there be no compulsion in religion...”
Q:18:25: Say "The Truth is from your Lord": let him who will, believe, and let him who will, reject (it):...

Killing-of-Apostates is all based on false interpretation of Hadees.
A grave & wide-spread misunderstanding.

Khalid Zaheer: (his speech still has a hint of defective understanding but I'm still sharing)

Those who advocate killing of Apostate(Renegade) mis-interpret Ahadees & don't under stand the context.

Prophet Muhammad NEVER killed Apostate because of his leaving-Islam BUT because after leaving Islam he was involved in KILLing or Faught wars against muslims.

If an Apostate didn't kill muslims or faught against muslims then Prophet Muhammad NEVER ordered to kill such. As in following Ahadees Prophet didn't order to kill Apostates:-

There was a Christian who embraced Islam and read Surat-al-Baqara and Al-Imran, and he used to write (the revelations) for the Prophet. Later on he returned to Christianity again and he used to say: "Muhammad knows nothing but what I have written for him." Then Allah caused him to die(So he died his natural death & was not killed for his apostacy), and the people buried him, but in the morning they saw that the earth had thrown his body out.............
...........When the famine was taken off, the people renegade once again as non-believers. .......... "Allah's Apostle prayed for them and it rained heavily for seven days. So the people complained of the excessive rain. The Prophet said, 'O Allah! (Let it rain) around us and not on us.' So the clouds dispersed over his head and it rained over the surroundings."(Here again Prophet didn't order to kill these Apostates)

Now i come to incidences where killing of apostates is mentioned. In all such incidences apostates were involved in killing muslims.

......... and they will renegade from the religion as an arrow goes through the game's body. They will kill the Muslims but will not disturb the idolaters. If I should live up to their time' I will kill them as the people of 'Ad were killed (i.e. I will kill all of them)."


Narated By Anas : Some people from the tribe of 'Ukl came to the Prophet and embraced Islam. The climate of Medina did not suit them, so the Prophet ordered them to go to the (herd of milch) camels of charity and to drink, their milk and urine (as a medicine). They did so, and after they had recovered from their ailment (became healthy) they turned renegades (reverted from Islam) and killed the shepherd of the camels and took the camels away. The Prophet sent (some people) in their pursuit and so they were (caught and) brought, and the Prophets ordered that their hands and legs should be cut off and that their eyes should be branded with heated pieces of iron, and that their cut hands and legs should not be cauterised, till they die.

(same incidence as above)Bukhari:83:37:-

....(Long Hadith).......They deserted Islam, committed murder and theft......

Like today many muslims mis-understand these Ahadees, similarly in past this misunderstanding had occured & few of such incidences have been recorded in books of Ahadees but in all of them Prophet Muhammad is not involved. Like Bukhari:59:630 & 632. It was mis-understanding on behalf of those companions.


Thanks Sir :tup:
Please creat a thread for them.
Maybe I do it later...
Sure,! feel free to use any material from my posts. No copy right :-)
Last edited:


Quran:2:256: “Let there be no compulsion in religion...”
Q:18:25: Say "The Truth is from your Lord": let him who will, believe, and let him who will, reject (it):...

Killing-of-Apostates is all based on false interpretation of Hadees.
A grave & wide-spread misunderstanding.

Khalid Zaheer: (his speech still has a hint of defective understanding but I'm still sharing)

Thanks Sir :tup:
Please creat a thread for them.
Maybe I do it later...
Sure,! feel free to use any material from my posts. No copy right :-)

Actualy my skill is in Shia hadiths.I can tell you many hadiths about wahabis,nasibis,Palestine,Syria and Egypt.
But I am not too skilled in Sunni hadiths.
It seems I need to read Sunni hadith books once.
Many people may think wow how the religious person I am! but not,, reading Quran and hadith is quotidian thing in Iran.and I liked speeches of ahlubait and Quran from my childhood, and read them.
Idiotic, MOI is just Taliban speaking Arabic and having oil.
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