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Saudi tyrans sentence peace activists to death

Vietnamese girls are much more beautiful than east Asian girls,they are also more beautiful than Japanese girls.
I like Korean and Vietnamese girls in beauty.
If he is not dead I hope nothing happen for him.

Well, personal taste. Let us leave the girls alone.

He is not dead. It is hard to get people executed in KSA. Only about 40-50 people are executed each year in KSA and most of them are hardcore criminals and 95% of them are Sunni Muslims. He can appeal to the local court, supreme court and then ask for a petition from the head of state which are granted occasionally.

Anyway this person is a criminal. He is not like the ordinary and peaceful Shia Saudi Arabians that are our brothers and sisters in Islam and fellow Arabs.

Sect should not matter in year 2014. The people of the ME should realize this and there are retards on both sides.
RIP my bro






@al-Hasani would hit it
:crazy:Chinese have never been known for their beauty.

For their movies they are famous

Where did you get this information?:confused:

Yes, some have. I know a very beautiful half Chinese and half Arab lady. And also pure Chinese women. Why do you use the Chinese flag as a Viet and are you looking forward to being invaded by Great China and becoming a Chinese vassal?

JEW Vietnam must be defeated by Great China.

Pretty well-known.

Arab Indonesians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ask any Indonesian user here. They are the first to tell when speaking with an Arab user. All the Indonesian girls posted are Arab-Indonesians. Their look and obviously names give it apart. Thousands of Arab settled in Indonesia continuously since the Arabs discovered Indonesia and converted the locals (peacefully). There were large scale migrations from Yemen not long ago.

Same in Malaysia.

Our resident Chinese expert on such matters and a great, great user @Wholegrain can help you out. He knows a lot about the Arab world and the history of the Arab world and the ME in general. He has written about this on PDF as well.
Yes, some have. I know a very beautiful half Chinese and half Arab lady. And also pure Chinese women. Why do you use the Chinese flag as a Viet and are you looking forward to being invaded by Great China and becoming a Chinese vassal?

Pure Indonesian is also good my friend :D


Raline Rahmat Shah

One of Raline Shah grand father is half Malay and Chinese, so good mix ....:partay:

Her mother is Singaporean and her father is Indonesian. So not really pure Indonesian actually, but still can represent Malay race beauty (Indonesian/Malaysian/Some Singaporean)



Olla Ramlan (Kalimantan girl)



Wulandari Herman (West Sumatra girl)

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Ask any Indonesian user here. They are the first to tell when speaking with an Arab user. All the Indonesian girls posted are Arab-Indonesians. Their look and obviously names give it apart. Thousands of Arab settled in Indonesia continuously since the Arabs discovered Indonesia and converted the locals (peacefully). There were large scale migrations from Yemen not long ago.

Same in Malaysia.

Yemen Arab is darker isnt it friend ? I believe there has been Arab immigration since much more earlier time. The Indonesian-Arab people that we know now is the latest immigration and they still look like Arab like this:


Najwa Shihab (News Anchor/Metro TV)
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I think they are exceptions, not the typicall women of a country
I think they are exceptions, not the typicall women of a country

Yeah...pretty girl is not a majority isn't it ? The ones that not only good physically, but are also smart and has diamond heart is the ones that really difficult to find though.
Yeah...pretty girl is not a majority isn't it ? The ones that not only good physically, but are also smart and has diamond heart is the ones that really difficult to find though.
I mean yemeni women don't usually have blue eyes

Cherry-picking to the extreme. Vietnamese have never been know for their beauty. In East Asia (non-Caucasians) it's the Japanese that are most well-known for their looks. Some Chinese too.

I prefer Indonesians especially the many millions of Indonesian of Arab ancestry or mixed Arab ancestry. They have a very exotic look about them.

Asyifa Latief (also Arab-Indonesian), Miss Indonesia 2010:

:enjoy: Yes, we like that.

Wait a second. He is not dead. And why would anyone feel sorry for criminals just because they belong to their own sect?:crazy:


Read the bold part my friend.

Yes, Arabs have migrated and settled in Indonesia for centuries. Many famous families and ruling dynasties have been of Arab ancestry. Mainly from the Arabian Peninsula (Yemen, Hijaz, Oman).

Most of the recent migration came from Hadhramaut. Well, it's only among the Afro-Arabs and Southern Yemenis (some Hadhramis) otherwise Yemenis are no different.

Vietnamese lunatic:

Nobody from the ME usually have blues eyes. What is so special about blue eyes anyway? Nothing. But it's not uncommon in Yemen nor in the Arab world. Especially hazel and green eyes are not uncommon. Anyway the eyes of Arabs are very well known for being big and beautiful. Especially Arabian eyes.

Yemen Arab is darker isnt it friend ? I believe there has been Arab immigration since much more earlier time. The Indonesian-Arab people that we know now is the latest immigration and they still look like Arab like this:


Najwa Shihab (News Anchor/Metro TV)

She must be of Hadhrami ancestry is she not?

This is her in another photo:

Definetely has an Arab look about her.
I mean yemeni women don't usually have blue eyes

Are you talking our news Anchor Najwa Sihab ? I bet many girls now are using blue contact lens, even my ex girl friend uses it, but I forgot the color. I think most Arab has brown blue eyes. Yaman people many of them are brown, Arent it ? I just watched their U-19 Football team, and mostly has brown skin. But I met with A Yamani a year ago if I am not mistaken, and he is white skin. So I just want to ask @al-Hasani for that. Many local Jakarta has Arab blood, and we can see from their face but they are mostly brown people, so it might be Yaman descent. But I believe many Arabs comes from other Arab location, particularly the ones came long long time ago, before Dutch came.
He was just singing some poems, we know how your regime sentence people to death for enjoying life

You cannot reason with Saudis and the other tyrants and despots in the surrounding kingdoms; they are a lost cause and have been for a long time. Hopefully one day they will become humane, but I doubt that I will live to see it.
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