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Saudi to curb powers of religious police: Reports

The Hy'ah will never be demolished. Unless they want the Arab spring to happen in Saudi arabia. The goverment knows that more than anyone, you can see that from the statments made by Naif & Salman. On the other hand, people were asking to rerform the Hy'ah a long time ago, its good to see it finally happen. The only thing left is to give them permission to search private compunds, where they have their own set of rules that don't apply to society. But As I said, the goverment isn't that stupid to remove Hy'ah or cripple them.

I really wish they dont...i went to Jeddah during Ramadan it is alot different thn Riyadh...no hayya in malls nothing..but Riyadh is too different from other big cities of KSA...and it will be better If they keep the Hayya for 10 years more..ppl in PDF think hayya is roaming everywhere in Saudi Arabia..its only strict in Riyadh and tht too if one have long hair and wearing shorts...hayya is already changed alot...i remember 5 years ago when I was in 11th grade they picked me outside of skool during Zohar prayer and took me to hayya office..I offered salah with them n signed a letter tht i wont do it again..but situation is alot different now..they dont do this anymore..
I bet the Mutawas would be the first to take interest in you for that ! *And for the wrong reasons :P*

Dude I heard that in the past even the royals were held hostage by the Mutawas & they had to weasel themselves out one way or the other ! Promising to fast for a week or giving a generous donation to the Mosque or something ! Is that true ?

For the most part, Royals, especially royal royals!(King Abdullaziz sons) are untouchable by Hy'ah. Its kind of an unspoken agreement where Hy'ah are given a green light twards the public, but they can't go for the big fish:D

I really wish they dont...i went to Jeddah during Ramadan it is alot different thn Riyadh...no hayya in malls nothing..but Riyadh is too different from other big cities of KSA...and it will be better If they keep the Hayya for 10 years more..ppl in PDF think hayya is roaming everywhere in Saudi Arabia..its only strict in Riyadh and tht too if one have long hair and wearing shorts...hayya is already changed alot...i remember 5 years ago when I was in 11th grade they picked me outside of skool during Zohar prayer and took me to hayya office..I offered salah with them n signed a letter tht i wont do it again..but situation is alot different now..they dont do this anymore..

There is Hy'ah in Jeddah as well, but they are not as big as in Riaydh.
I really wish they dont...i went to Jeddah during Ramadan it is alot different thn Riyadh...no hayya in malls nothing..but Riyadh is too different from other big cities of KSA...and it will be better If they keep the Hayya for 10 years more..ppl in PDF think hayya is roaming everywhere in Saudi Arabia..its only strict in Riyadh and tht too if one have long hair and wearing shorts...hayya is already changed alot...i remember 5 years ago when I was in 11th grade they picked me outside of skool during Zohar prayer and took me to hayya office..I offered salah with them n signed a letter tht i wont do it again..but situation is alot different now..they dont do this anymore..

What the...!?:confused:
Day dreaming is not against the law. So go ahead and do it. But keep in mind that al-Saud know where they come from and know how they formed the country. Its by allying with the religious establishment that they gained power, once they lose their support, they are done. The only reason why protests never happened is because the Ulama said its haram, and king Abdullah fully realizes that.

So from Haram to Halal depending on the condition set by the Ulema? Seems like blackmail to me. But I think it is a little late for that. Hopefully progress will prosper and never look back.
So does this mean that the next time BlackEagle does something funny with the mule in public *if you know what I mean*, he won't be given an arse whooping ? :undecided:

The a$$ will definitely get its arse whopped.... *if you know what I mean*:angel:
What the...!?:confused:

same Hayya guy picked me twice(once with my younger brother and second time when i was with my friend) and threatened to cut my hair but he never did actually...he thought i was a manyook:P and actually i just used to bunk school sometimes
same Hayya guy picked me twice(once with my younger brother and second time when i was with my friend) and threatened to cut my hair but he never did actually...he thought i was a manyook:P and actually i just used to bunk school sometimes

Whats wrong with keeping Hayya?! you all will see open dates in parks and malls after they will be gone...last year hayya stopped me in a mall coz i had long hair n wearing shorts..He talked to me in great respect.. he told me to wear a cap and wear pants next time and thts it...he was right..It is the boys who dont listen...whts wrong with following the laws?..I admit tht there are bad apples in hayya too but shud they shutdown the police department coz of the few bad policemen?...people here dont know what Saudi youth is like..if they knew they wud be supporting Hayya like i do...boys strictly shud not enter the mall without their families....and if anyone got problem with Saudi laws they can go to Bahrain or Dubai...leave Saudi Arabia alone...this is the only country I want to raise my children in

If you don't like to see open dates, close your eyes.
Whats wrong with keeping Hayya?! you all will see open dates in parks and malls after they will be gone...last year hayya stopped me in a mall coz i had long hair n wearing shorts..He talked to me in great respect.. he told me to wear a cap and wear pants next time and thts it...he was right..It is the boys who dont listen...whts wrong with following the laws?..I admit tht there are bad apples in hayya too but shud they shutdown the police department coz of the few bad policemen?...people here dont know what Saudi youth is like..if they knew they wud be supporting Hayya like i do...boys strictly shud not enter the mall without their families....and if anyone got problem with Saudi laws they can go to Bahrain or Dubai...leave Saudi Arabia alone...this is the only country I want to raise my children in

Is this the upgraded version of Talibanism?
What's the problem with boys and girls dating in parks?

tell tht to Ayatollas they dont like it either

Have a visit to Iran,you would be surprised to see the number of boys and girls dating,holding each other's hands,walking with each other,in parks,restaurants,shopping malls and etc.Mullahs may like it or not,but it's actually happening.
Day dreaming is not against the law. So go ahead and do it. But keep in mind that al-Saud know where they come from and know how they formed the country. Its by allying with the religious establishment that they gained power, once they lose their support, they are done. The only reason why protests never happened is because the Ulama said its haram, and king Abdullah fully realizes that.

Remember one thing my friend. It is a triangle of force. One is the royals, other is the clergy and the base is the people.

It is not a straight line nor it is a cylinder of power where one is on top of the other as you would believe. The people (Uneducated, dumb and repulsive ones) listen to the clergy like it was the word of God himself. That population is dwindling at the power of Education, whereby people are becoming educated to decide for themselves what they see right.

Thereby there will come a point where the clergy will become too short a line that will endanger the breaking of the triangle, Royals realize that more than anyone. You would know that if you were reading the reports of "دينية الشعب 1433" and "أفكار العامه ألرئيسيه" made by a certain government orgnization tasked for this certain duty.
We do, even Saudis do:

The current generation of Saudi women will raise children that are completely incompatible with the clergy. This generation of Saudi women in particular are highly educated, Multi-lingual, professional and extremelly smart that will render the next generation way too advanced for the current social mix up of Saudi Arabia.

Government reforms and news like these are but prelude to the eventual progression to a more compatible society with the next generation. All for the very reason of safeguarding the monarchy from rebellion and dethroning. And remember regime sustenance is the first priority here, NOT religion.
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Remember one thing my friend. It is a triangle of force. One is the royals, other is the clergy and the base is the people.

It is not a straight line nor it is a cylinder of power where one is on top of the other as you would believe. The people (Uneducated, dumb and repulsive ones) listen to the clergy like it was the word of God himself. That population is dwindling at the power of Education, whereby people are becoming educated to decide for themselves what they see right.

Thereby there will come a point where the clergy will become too short a line that will endanger the breaking of the triangle, Royals realize that more than anyone. You would know that if you were reading the reports of "دينية الشعب 1433" and "أفكار العامه ألرئيسيه" made by a certain government orgnization tasked for this certain duty.

I disagree that education and religiosity have an inverse relation.
You can bet that these people have the same feelings of repulsion towards western-wannabe, culturally defeated people.
If you want to argue about how religious our society is, look at the Baladya elections that happened a few years ago. The winners were virtually all religious. Our government uses that as an excuse to not allow democracy in the country, like saying" look America what happens if we make elections, do you prefer the Taliban or us?".
Finally, we don't have to listen to Hy'ah to know that their job is nessesary:
{ 104 } { وَلْتَكُنْ مِنْكُمْ أُمَّةٌ يَدْعُونَ إِلَى الْخَيْرِ وَيَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَيَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ وَأُولَئِكَ هُمُ الْمُفْلِحُونَ }
Like people, there are good Hayaa and bad hayaa.

I have some friends, who are absolute gentlemen, and some who need to be gentle.

However promotion of virtue and stopping vice is every muslim's duty, in house, at work, and in society as general.

If some one in their heart of heart is not praying, it does not matter weather or not he is dragged to the mosque or not.
I know enough guys who have "relations" right and left.
It does not matter if "Ubayya" is enforced or not, those that have to will use blue tooth to best impact.

Every reaction has equal and opposite reaction.

This may be applied to the fact, that haiyya have gone into over drive becuase lack of initiative from individuals in house / work and society in general.
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