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'Saudi threatened to send back Pakistanis, reemploy Bangladeshis instead' Turkish President Erdogan

However, OIC remains an Arab Club where delegates come, sit, sip tea/coffee, and gossip without addressing major problems that the Muslim countries have been facing. OIC remains inactive on the issue of Rohingya.

BD should have joined this meeting to help resolve the Rohingya issue. Erdogan & Mahatir are as the only leaders who have ever mentioned the Rohingya. Gambia of all places had the guts that Egypt/UAE didn’t to bring case to ICJ.

The OIC can’t even deal with a minnow like Myanmar, we need new institutions. The Gulf Arabs can then be left alone to throw more money at Israel & wine and dine with Western countries.
Those who think these people are bringing in remittance, and are vital to our economy, and state in return not doing anything to change this equation and create more jobs at home, it is such a short sighted strategy. These people are at best liability to Pakistan and this has now been proven , and this what I said many times on this forum.

This whole pathetic mind set about "remittance" must change.
okay bong, thanks for clarifying!

I just realised that bongland has no shortage of fighter pilots hence it follows that you'd have an engineering corps too.

send em some of these too:

View attachment 594879

Bangladesh has bigger GDP than Pakistan. So if required can spend more than Pakistan and this gap will only widen over time. Quality of Bangladeshi forces is well regarded all across the world. Recently Saudi has signed a military cooperation deal with Bangladesh as well.

First stop begging all around the world and after that come here to talk about economy or defense.

A country which has only 1400 USD per capita gdp compared to 2000 USD per capita gdp of Bamgkadesh, growing at a much slower rate better stop talking about the later country if it has any shame.
I respect MR Erdogan to report this to all Muslims, Because knowing Imran Khan he has some Moral obligations because of which he could not tell this to Pakistaniz. God Damn this saudi King / Prince he deserves Hell fire right now in this life and here after.

Saudi Arabia is a very very foolish friend.... a foolish friend is very dangerous.

That Saudi Mother fucker ruler knows Imran khan has a soft spot for pakistani citizens all over the world and he exploited and blackmailed him. May Allah Guide him or destroy him very soon.
I respect MR Erdogan to report this to all Muslims, Because knowing Imran Khan he has some Moral obligations because of which he could not tell this to Pakistaniz. God Damn this saudi King / Prince he deserves Hell fire right now in this life and here after.

Saudi Arabia is a very very foolish friend.... a foolish friend is very dangerous.

That Saudi Mother fucker ruler knows Imran khan has a soft spot for pakistani citizens all over the world and he exploited and blackmailed him. May Allah Guide him or destroy him very soon.

This Saudi Saud family is doing more damage to the Muslim all over the world and caused more fitnah and unnecessary wars. Recently blackmailed Palestine Authority to give up East Jerusalem and accept whatever Israel gives else will block all aid, created civil war in Syria, remained quiet on Rohingya and Kashmir issue, responsible for creating insurgency in Iraq as well. This does not include what this Salman guy has done to Yemen. The list can go on and on.

This Salman guy is pretending he is above all. Killed his critics which includes Khosagi but west is turning a blind eye. Just utilizing oil, money and appeasing west he is getting away from all his crime.
Those who think these people are bringing in remittance, and are vital to our economy, and state in return not doing anything to change this equation and create more jobs at home, it is such a short sighted strategy. These people are at best liability to Pakistan and this has now been proven , and this what I said many times on this forum.

This whole pathetic mind set about "remittance" must change.
You cannot suddenly change the remittance mindset unless you build industries on your own where people can be employed without going to SA.
if i was unmarried and had no family attachments in saudi arabia and heard this news of blackmail to imran khan because of me as a pakistani citizen by some arab dumb **** i would pack by bags and come back to pakistan. if it was not Prophet's holy Land i would spit on my way back too.
This Saudi Saud family is doing more damage to the Muslim all over the world and caused more fitnah and unnecessary wars. Recently blackmailed Palestine Authority to give up East Jerusalem and accept whatever Israel gives else will block all aid, created civil war in Syria, remained quiet on Rohingya and Kashmir issue, responsible for creating insurgency in Iraq as well. This does not include what this Salman guy has done to Yemen. The list can go on and on.

This Salman guy is pretending he is above all. Killed his critics which includes Khosagi but west is turning a blind eye. Just utilizing oil, money and appeasing west he is getting away from all his crime.

Not just Salman but with UAE together are doing great damage. Just look at how UAE handed Modi a gold necklace & their highest award barely 2 weeks after he locked up Kashmir. They are burning their old alliances in the hope that they will now hold hands with Israel and sail off into a bright new world...94 yr old Mahatir has more guts to speak out on Islamophobia, Rohingya, Kashmir etc
That is the only card the Despotic gulfies have against BD, Pakistan and other poorer Muslim countries. I hope we develop rapidly so we don't have to even send our people there to work under slave like conditions. The Arab baboons don't have any influence in the Islamic world other than this blackmailing tool.

The ordinary people of Pakistan DO NOT want to leave their families and go to work in Middle East or some other countries. But due the Corrupt Ruling Establishment of Pakistan, there are minimum job opportunities in Pakistan. Due to this, these ordinary people are left with no choice but to move and work overseas. If there were good opportunities in Pakistan, then people would not be in such a shameful situation that Pakistan'e people have to beg for jobs from these fat, incompetent Arabs.

I keep on saying this again and again, that it is the corrupt Ruling Junta in Pakistan which has destroyed Pakistan and its people, they have enslaved people and given them to the Arabs as slave Labour. And till these blood sucking basta.rds are not hang via their balls, this country will never prosper and will always remain in the state of war and destruction.

By ruling junta you mean the military that rules from behind?
The ordinary people of Pakistan DO NOT want to leave their families and go to work in Middle East or some other countries. But due the Corrupt Ruling Establishment of Pakistan, there are minimum job opportunities in Pakistan. Due to this, these ordinary people are left with no choice but to move and work overseas. If there were good opportunities in Pakistan, then people would not be in such a shameful situation that Pakistan'e people have to beg for jobs from these fat, incompetent Arabs.

I keep on saying this again and again, that it is the corrupt Ruling Junta in Pakistan which has destroyed Pakistan and its people, they have enslaved people and given them to the Arabs as slave Labour. And till these blood sucking basta.rds are not hang via their balls, this country will never prosper and will always remain in the state of war and destruction.

This is indeed the reality for 90% of the Pakistani expats, but our corrupt criminal establishment never acknowledges it and keep enjoying golf and other luxuries that are ultimately financed by dollars, riyals and euros sent by pakistani expats which they earn with their blood and sweat.
BD should have joined this meeting to help resolve the Rohingya issue.

Nowadays most popular thing is begging money and developin foreign policies with unprincipled pragmatism. Who cares Rohingya Muslims, nah forget it. If all countries only interested in their own problems, and buried heads in the sand when others looking to , we can spend the 21st century with peace of mind and sleep well. The Rohingyans are dying because they deserve to die. (Official view of the OIC.)
By ruling junta you mean the military that rules from behind?

A handful of Powerful families in Bureaucracy, Judiciary, Civilians, Military, Intelligence Agencies of the Military, and so on. They have inter-married, and hence are one big family. Just like cattle farms, ordinary people are like cattle to them. They are involved in A to Z in everything, including the most disgusting stuff you can imagine.
That is the only card the Despotic gulfies have against BD, Pakistan and other poorer Muslim countries. I hope we develop rapidly so we don't have to even send our people there to work under slave like conditions. The Arab baboons don't have any influence in the Islamic world other than this blackmailing tool.

By ruling junta you mean the military that rules from behind?
saudis love partying, women and fun. when i was undergrad at UBC that's what i noticed. Most of them are horrible at academic studies careless zero resposibility. I got screwed up by them casue they were in same group as mine to do the assignment. good thing they still have oil left. i remember back then neither asian, brown or white students want them in there groups casue of this.
You never know. One should always keep the hopes alive and keep trying.

I hope India send some diplomats to GCC to present a compelling offers to provide more work force to replace Pakistanis in the gulf.

Yeah except the Saudis live in fear and insecurity. Without the Pakistani troopers stationed there, they might just die of heart attacks.
So your dreams are gonna be dreams for a very long time.
As for sending your workers to gulf. Worry about having them all coming home soon the way you are dealing with Muslims at home.
Erdogan should first convince Mahatir.

End of discussion
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