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Saudi teen granted asylum in Canada enjoys bacon as she continues to enjoy her freedoms

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you realise people don't tend to choose their name right?

blame her parents for giving her a religious name without knowing if she will want to be in that religion maybe
You realize you can change your name right? Just like you cam jump religions
The rest of your post shows how much actually you understand of Islam and how little knowledge you have on what truly is freedom for women and what are the modern values, and how much those modern values are being respected by the people who wish to bring those modern values to everyone.
I don't have to understand Islam. We have no punishment or law opposing anybody who want to convert to other religion in Hinduism because there is freedom for the followers. They are free to leave & there are lot of Hindus who leave the faith, but they don't go & sham Hinduism like Islam. So I think there may be something wrong or you have to teach & make these women understand Islam, not me as I don't want to.

Now considering that ....... your above claim holds zero and below value. In any case your statement is quite childish in itself, ending with "Mark my words" is enough to make your claim hilarious and stupid.

I have deleted those lines you can go check, tell me how does it look now. Does it look meaningful & mature.
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I don't have to understand Islam.

You don't have to understand Islam ......... but you have to make claims about Islam. I understand your religious duty.

We have no punishment or law opposing anybody who want to convert to other religion in Hinduism because there is freedom for the followers. They are free to leave & there are lot of Hindus who leave the faith, but they don't go & sham Hinduism like Islam. So I think there may be something wrong or you have to teach & make these women understand Islam, not me as I don't want to.

There is no punishment in Islam for leaving Islam ......... let me say it again with authority there is no punishment in Islam for leaving Islam, there is no stoning of adulterers in Islam, there is no restriction on a widow or a divorcee to marry again, there is clear instruction that you don't own your women. Please stop comparing Islam with anything I don't want to go into details of that other to make a claim of who is superior and who is inferior. The modern values you keep repeating ........ what exactly are they?

The statements you are making now show how insecure you are ....... you should have refrained from commenting on Islam, Muslim women and men ....if... you don't understand nor you want to understand Islam.

I have deleted those lines you can go check, so now how does it look. Does it look mature.

You should have stood by your claim ........ if you were so sure about it in the first place.
I say everyone is an individual and we can't police peoples opinions. However, there will be a backlash in Canada when they realise alot of people are claiming asylum there due to nation being perceived as soft touch. People will take advantage of the system.
Duhr duhr lanti penchod sanu thay koi whiskey vi nahi puchda ah tha phir mari gal hegi
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Bacon... Lol

Is she a Muslim?

I don't think she was being oppressed and discriminated in Saudi Arabia.

She is simply rebellious.

All the troubles and problems she had, was because of herself.

How about we make a bet? She will lose her virginity before marriage.
This is consequence for all the countries who impose Shariah law in today's world. This is what will happen with most Islamic countries if they don't give freedom to women, when men want to enjoy oppression. The more & more men come to justify Shariah, the more & more women will escape Islam to prove them wrong. And western countries just will pounce on such opportunity to humiliate the Mullah ideologies.

If Muslim men don't vote for change & bring women in to the main stream, they are going to face more & more frustration & embarrassment. The Muslim women will be the main contender against Shariah & will eventually prove to men, it is a useless law which won't work in today's world finally making the men surrender & accept defeat from their own women for modern values.

HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA :rofl::lol::rofl::lol:

Poll after poll reveals that Muslim women are actually more conservative when it comes to Islam, Shariah, and Islamic practice than Muslim men.

Yet in your wet dream, Muslim women will rise up and renounce Islam? Oh sureeeee....just like it has happened in past 1400 years. Oh wait, never mind :sarcastic:

You think one dumb b!tch posting about “freedoms” and eating bacon will make 30 million Saudis, and almost 2 billion Muslims, leave their religion, their values, and centuries old culture/societal norms??

You do realize that such stunts and “women uprising” have been happening for centuries. Guess what? Means nothing. Islam continues to dominate the Muslim world and remains THE most influential/powerful global faith on the face of the Earth by light years (MA).

But please, write another drivel for entertainment :yay:

Bacon... Lol

Is she a Muslim?

I don't think she was being oppressed and discriminated in Saudi Arabia.

She is simply rebellious.

All the troubles and problems she had, was because of herself.

How about we make a bet? She will lose her virginity before marriage.

The girl’s disturbed and mentally challenged. Anyone can see that from her behavior.

Who would do something like this otherwise??
Wine, cigarettes, and bacon...well she's got some mixed-up priorities..

I guess it could be worse..going to see a MMA fight, playing craps at a casino, and checking out the sex clubs in Montreal.
She is doing this for attention mainly. I agree with @I.R.A's post. If a country is rich and wants to invite in less fortunate then shouldn't the priority be those that are starving to death or facing endless civil wars in their country...where their whole life has been an endless suffering
...as opposed to inviting someone in bcuz they couldn't drink wine and have bacon.
Attention seeking rebellious teenager but its her choice nonetheless, I don't understand why people are getting triggered. Isn't it better that she is no longer Muslim? Mainstream Muslim clerics have turned Islam into a cult instead of a spiritual religion that actually talks more about improving your relationship with Allah, nowadays its all about Islam mixed with politics and showing off your religion to others. Whatever happened to humility?
Well done UN refugee agency.
Her plight has drawn attention to Saudi Arabia's strict social rules, including a requirement that women have the permission of a male 'guardian' to travel.

So how did she travel out of Saudi Arabia in the first place?
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